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From: Michael David

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we now speak their are litterally millions of us now encamped around the earth in our lightbodies accompanied by untold Hosts of Heavenly Angels and Seraphim and the Ascended Host. Every single one of you is now represented in the largest convergence seen since 1987 during the harmonic convergence. It is the general consensus amoung our ranks, that our victory of Light is nigh, and the liberation of planet Earth. The physical Forces of Light now have the upper hand, the White Knights and forces of freedom now give mate to the Illuminati and forces of bondage.

I now bring forth this message on behalf of all of you now with me in Heaven, and as Lord Raphael do I proclaim the arrival of the prophecied seventh Golden Age.

We now state that we surround the planet in a field of golden light and the Love of God, and will remain in our positions until the announcement and implementation of the long awaited planetary reformations known to all now as NESARA and the liberation she brings.

Last night there was a grand reunion among us, and tears and love and embraces were shared by all of us. Some of us had not seen

each other in the physical for many years. I heard many an incarnate woman and man say "It's Time." Those of you now reading will know who you are.

The courage you have all demonstrated, the sacrifice you have given for so many years is about to manifest in the untold reward, of nearly 6 billion people and their liberation from bondage and a manifest Age of Love. With mighty Seraphim does Heaven now applaud you for your courage and valor, and as I now speak the applause is deafening to the ear.

You took a stand for Love on these shores, and you have triumphed. The Grand Reunion of Heaven now begins. I accompany all of you now at the very throne. The decree from the Holy Creator echoes my words and proclaims victory to all.

Love took it's stand and love has conquered. God bless all of you dear heroes and heroines for your valor. We have together brought

forth this miracle to all. And soon her love shall sweep the planet. Mother Earth now thanks you for your sacrifice. Withs tears in her celestial eyes, does she feel blessed to have hosted such as you and your children.

I ask that this message is spead to all, and as Lord Rahael do I proclaim the good news you have long awaited. What some have called a "New Age" is now upon us. I also ask that upon reciept of this message, you all gather in your meditations and sleep to gather with us, the incarnate and Ascended Hosts in the field/convergence of Love now represented in the millions now assembling in our atmosphere and the higher dimensions. This is the day you have long awaited, and it is here.

I echo the words said by many of you last night, "It's Time." With this message do I now leave you. Lord Raphael, Lord Michael and Gabriel now trumpet the phrophecied arrival of the Age of Love and her victory.

I AM Lord Raphael, and I am with you so proud.
