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Buddha On Walk-ins

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ginal soul wants to move on, usually after the completion of its lessons or for some reason it is required on other levels for healing or a change of circumstances has occurred that may have been unplanned within the time ZZZframe.

I will explain further. This has occurred in the past – sometimes during an accident for instance where after an accident it appears that the person is very different. On occasions this is because it is a different overriding soul.

Understand that the body is but a vehicle for the overriding soul and when a walk-in occurs it still has the personality of the previous being but within that there are changes that become more obvious after the first 3 months and again after the next 3 months and then again after the next 3 months. After one year there are often significant changes with the thought structure and even the mannerisms and look of the vehicle.

There should be no fear here because this is all agreed to at every level and is for the highest purpose of all concerned.

On occasions a Master will choose to return to a body as to bring about certain events with the lower dimensions. Understand that this is a big choice to do this for when one comes to the lower dimensions one also takes on an Ego (be it not so strong) but it is still an ego and in that it has some risks.

Why you ask would a Master choose to do this when they could return in their light body at any time. It is a simple truth – a Master when in a light body cannot interfere with the choices of humanity he/she can only guide and advice but they cannot directly add their energy to the overall. When one returns to a physical body, one is within the actual vibration rate and therefore can add their energy to the overall. So what I am saying here is that while it is a risk it also can and does effect the overall ability to positively add to the evolutionary process.

Not many Masters return now at this stage, but there are some and in that you will most likely not always recognize them for they, to do what they must do, may remain partially masked. The difference is of course, that they do not have personal lessons and in that they can be a guiding light. They will, have many experiences though as you can imagine for most that have returned, they have not walked the planet for a very long time and in that will gain much experience that can be utilized for teaching and assisting.

In the case of other walk-ns this can be because they desire the experience or that they are here for a particular assistance to the overall. Either way - regardless of their level of energy, they will experience a certain amount of confusion initially and especially for the first three months. Many will be aware that they are walk-ins but some will not.

There will always be a period over this first three months where the energy will seemingly withdraw for short periods as it takes time to align the body with the new frequency rate. There will be changes in behavior and in some cases mannerisms. These changes can include eating styles, personal hygiene, general attitude, tastes in clothing, and often it also includes skills.

The incoming soul can use the memory of the outgoing and in that it is necessary but after a period of time – usually some 6 months, there is a lessening of the previous memory and the new soul begins to express more and more.

For those around the incoming soul (of course this is always an agreement for all) they may notice these changes in the short term but they will definitely notice these changes in the long term. The energy of course is very different and in that for those that are perceptive on these levels, they will feel this change early on and most certainly as the soul expresses more.

There are no definite rules here about soul gender. In some cases the incoming soul is the same as the outgoing but sometimes there is a soul gender swap. In other words the outgoing soul was female (maybe in a male body) while the incoming soul is male and comes into a male body. The opposite can be true – the outgoing soul can be a male and the incoming soul a female (coming into a male body) and vice versa. The incoming soul can be male (coming into a female body) and the outgoing soul female and the incoming soul can be female (coming into a female body) while the outgoing soul is male.

When the incoming soul is different in gender to the outgoing soul the transition can take a little longer for there is more adjustment to be made.

The advantage for the incoming soul is that it does not have to go through the birth trauma and early childhood alignments but can come direct from the other realms.

The advantage for the outgoing soul (especially one who has completed the planned lessons for that lifetime) is that it can move on and does not have to wait for the death process to continue its experience. Understand here that in this case the soul requires different circumstances for the next part of the journey and would be delayed in this process.

To you that feel you could be a walk-in, this information will help you enormously and more will be written on this subject at a later date for there are many in your situation at this present time.

My blessing to you all

