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The Pleiadian High Council


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ess of overcoming is a level of resistance from your global leaders that will ensure the completion of the economic change. In the past there have been widely used monetary transfers for little value exchange. In the future there will be equal exchange of said funds. The amount of value per monetary dollar will be the amount due to each and every consumer and citizen in the United States first, and then globally. This means that the equal transfer of money will eventually balance out the economy worldwide.

Historically there has been corruption in the value system for the purposes of greed and power. Now that the dollar value will have backing there will be no need for inequality in exchange. This means that those who have invested monies on the dollar will in fact be exchanging those monies for precious metals. In your economy this will have detrimental effects for those falsely in power. In the end, the fair distribution of funds is something that will override the current control system that your government and corporations hold over you.

Likewise, there will be put into effect a new system of exchange that will be based upon the true value of money. This new system will allow for each and every individual to have the opportunity to fairly inherit the wealth that they desire. In this system, many will be balancing out much debt accrued from the old and corrupt system of economy. This will curtail the wrongdoings of those who wish to utilize the world economy for domination. This is precisely why the change in economy is such an important venture to embark upon as currently it is in the wrong hands for the purposes of world peace and equality and must be redirected to those of pure heart.

Never before has your country witnessed what is about to transpire. It is such a reconstruction of fundamental and core belief systems that it will in fact cause many people’s foundations to crumble. This crumbling of society is not as it seems. Contrarily it is the rebuilding of a new society that those in the know will have the privilege to realize. Knowing this, those who have the power of truth can begin to disseminate these truths to all who will listen. It will be a time of confusion as one world crashes and a new world emerges. But in the laws of universal energy it is a necessary component to reform. That which can no longer resonate with the higher laws must leave. There is not the possibility for the working of egoistic power to maintain the level of control that man once revered. It is now the time to turn the tables and the meek shall truly inherit the earth.

Once you had a saying that what goes up must come down. We say to you that this is clearly the case. Those who have maintained the upper hand in dominating the ways of the people are now to come crashing down in demise. This will take the form of public reconciliation at best. Those who wish to hold onto the ways of old shall quickly realize that they are fighting a losing battle. It will be the time of uplifting for all who have been held back and a time of dismantling for those who have unerringly maintained power over others.

What we wish for all of you is a transition of ease. We will be doing our part from the interplanetary councils of Light. Our purpose in this joint venture will be to hold and maintain the amount of Light necessary for all those who wish to come aboard. This means that you will all have the advantage of the energy of transmutation for the purposes of the resurrection of your lives. We will be disabling all systems of old and opening doors of opportunity for new. We will be shuttling in and out of your atmospheric density daily for the purposes of assisting mankind in the chaos that may ensue. Though we wish for a most peaceful and gregarious outcome, there are still those who do not. This will not present a problem any longer for those who are due to emerge victoriously. Together we have cleared the way for a new path and that path cannot withstand the lower densities of your current paradigm. To that we would add that those who are ready now for the elevation to their cosmic being in truth will indeed have the opportunity to attain it. This will be a joyous time for those who have studiously and repetitively looked onward and upward in faith of a better world. That world is becoming apparent to you now.

Take with you all the swords of faith to cut through all the extraneous details that will present themselves to you in the name of residual and karmic conflict. Use your swords to cut through the illusion and see to the truth. The truth will always set you free but sometimes the truth is elusive. This will be a time of clear choosing for many. This will be the time of reconciliation for those who choose and a time of continued conflict for those not ready to make the choice. For those in the latter group, there will be ample opportunities for each and every one to turn to the Light when ready. As always, it is the choice and freewill of man that will determine the path to righteousness. For those who are ready to claim their godhood, know that your time has arrived in earnest.

The next few weeks of your time could be chaotic. This chaos could prove to be a necessary evil for the purposes of seeing truth. Those who never thought to question their reality will now be in an advantageous position to do so. For those who have always questioned reality, you will see that the new reality you choose will be more aptly suited to your being.

We are the Pleiadian High Council and our job is to ensure the smoothest possible transition from the outworkings of the old paradigm to the new. We assure you that you are being guided appropriately and that all is in perfect order. We now wish to present you all with your god given inheritance…abundance for all. No longer shall you scrape to make ends meet. No longer shall you endure the drudgeries of life. The new monetary system will ensure this. Take great care to involve yourselves in your dreams for those who dream the biggest shall finally expose the goodwill of man. No longer will man be driven by greed and power but by love and compassion. This is the purpose of changing the energy behind money. Soon you will be lifted to a society where the exchange of money will be superfluous. In the meantime, there is plenty to go round. Farewell from the Councils of Light and may good fortune surround each of you in the coming days. We are as close as ever and will ensure your success.
