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Ela 04.28.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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e of traveling through different areas of space, we can manifest craft that travel in a more conventional manner. The fact is that if we so choose, we can go direct by thought, and no matter how far away we travel we still have a conscious connection with those upon our home planet. Being constantly in the “Now” and traveling backwards and forwards in time, means that we soon have no sense or need of time as you understand it.

You can see therefore why we find it difficult to describe earthly events in your time scale, and give precise dates which you inevitably require. Once you are away from the Earth and linear time, you too will quickly lose your dependence or need for time as such. It is difficult to project to you how it feels to be free of such constraints. It can be likened to one whose consciousness leaves their physical body, and visits the higher realms. They lose all sense of time, yet are still fully aware of their physical body and its functions. Because you can move your consciousness faster than light, you no longer attempt to measure time as it would be a pointless exercise. The other factor for you is that you do not have to remind yourself of needs that are important on Earth. You no longer have to stop for nourishment, sleep or attend to what would be your bodily functions. In the higher levels, in ! a refined body you no longer have such needs.

As you can see, life in the higher dimensions is a lot different to what you are used to now. Some of you have experienced out of the body journeys, and know you have visited planets outside of your solar system. They can vouch for the marked differences I have mentioned. When you have such freedom, you no longer cling together as your groups do now. Yet, there is always a conscious connection with those you consider to be your own. Remember, at these higher levels everyone has returned to their ascended state, and they find their own level quite naturally with like kinds. You could say that life is having fun in one big playground, but there is a more serious side and you never stop your search for further evolution.

You may for example be drawn to my planet Arcturus and wish to join a family there, and so it would be arranged. Your parents would be chosen and you would join them as a fully conscious being. Through their love they would create a suitable body for you, and you would enter it with full knowledge and awareness. Of course, such a body would be etheric in nature and far removed from the earth type body you are used to at present. Your parents would pass on their wisdom and understanding to you, and help you to follow your ordained path. You would have chosen Arcturus for specific reasons, primarily because it best suited your ambitions and gave you opportunities in your particular field of interest.

As with all Beings on Arcturus, you would find an immense energy of love pervading everything. Beauty, balance and harmony of a nature that is presently beyond your understanding. Your experiences would be ones of great joy and you would progress very quickly. With your self assurance and freedom achieved, you would also decide when you have reached a point of change, having learnt all that you required. You can dissolve your body when it is time to move on to your next experience. If you could interpret your presence in earthly time scales, you would live the equivalent of a few thousand years in the Arcturian conditions.

Outside of your Earth, you will find yourself in natural conditions that are more the true reality. Your Earth is so unreal, and lacking the wondrous beauty and peace that is found elsewhere in your Universe. We understand your situation and do not belittle you, indeed you have our utmost admiration for taking on a challenge that many have preferred not to experience. Our joy is that we can contribute to your release, and we know that it is happening now. We feel for you, and wish we could already show you the beauty of the higher realms. If you could just glimpse them, you would not have a second thought about leaving the old Earth behind. Of course you will have your fond memories, as some of your experiences have been quite remarkable and lasting.

We see you as having re-established your identity as Beings of Light, and it is appropriate that you now take your place in the higher levels. Thank Mother Earth for the pain she has suffered on your behalf, she is a conscious Being of great love that is now also preparing to move on. The cycle is completed, and it is like packing your bags ready for the next trip. In truth you take little with you except your experience and knowledge thus gained. However by the time you move into the last period and prepare for Ascension, you will be well on your way to a fully integrated Being and One of full consciousness.

I am Ela of Arcturus and I look forward to making contact with you. You shall be welcomed with open arms and great love, for you are surely becoming the Angels that you are already. Discover your true essence as you are destined to be co-Creators with God.

Thank you Ela

Mike Quinsey
