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Ascended Master Kuthumi: The Ascension Process

Channeled Through Michelle Eloff

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d securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones, as you have come to be present in the light of Spirit, so you come to be present in the light of your Divine Self. Living within the light of truth, especially one's personal truth, allows for the divinity of one's true self to be the personality, the character and the identity that makes up all that you are in the material world of planet Earth. There is much more to you than you could ever imagine, and who you are experiencing at this time is simply a drop in the ocean of the grandness and the immensity of your entire self. Today the teaching that we are bringing specifically is that of the Twelve Golden Principles of Life that Lady Guinevere has already brought through this channel, being taught as a pathway to ascension; not the pathway, but a pathway. One that you can choose to utilize to assist you in your own journey on the path to full ascension.

Lady Guinevere has brought these principles for a very specific purpose and that is to assist each one of you in empowering yourself by getting to fully know yourself. Now the pathway - or any pathway - to ascension is not simply the process of being able to levitate or dematerialise your body at a time when you feel you have had enough of being upon the planet. The ascension process is a very important, very sacred and very necessary process. Without being able to ascend the various lower aspects of self, one cannot come to fully experience or achieve what is known as full ascension. Last year we spoke at length on victim consciousness, poverty consciousness, lust and conditional love consciousness. All of these four types of consciousness embody the twelve golden principles that need to be fully integrated and maintained in order for you as an individual to ascend - to move from lower consciousness to higher consciousness.

The majority of humanity has already felt the impact of the ascension process, and even those who are presently unconscious, so to speak, are feeling the impact of the ascension process. The rate at which light is being filtered into your planet is causing life to move at an accelerated rate for all of you, and what one would generally experience in the space of one year, many are experiencing in the space of one to three months, and some are even experiencing ten years' worth of experience in a matter of two years. Perhaps some of you are nodding to yourselves and thinking, ah, that is why life is so frantic at the moment. It is all necessary because your planet is evolving at a rapid rate. Gaia has already committed to her ascension process, therefore everything and everyone that is a part of her being will have to go through it.

The chakric system of your body is undergoing immense change because of your ascension process. Every chakra holds lower and higher consciousness, and what the twelve golden principles are based upon are also held within the chakras: both the positive and the so-called negative. You are both positive and negative, male and female, light and dark, and your ascension process is teaching you how to transmute dark into light, and how to become a fully balanced person in both your masculine and feminine energy. Your masculine and feminine aspects are the only aspects of self that need to come into balance. Every other aspect of self needs to be transmuted into light. There is no such thing as bringing balance in light and dark. You transmute dark into light, and you bring balance between your masculine and feminine aspects of self.

As your chakras respond to this new light, there are also aspects that are reacting to the intensity of the new vibration. This is also resulting in your body moving from carbon-base to silicon-base. The more crystalline you become in your body, the less dense you become, therefore the more difficult it is for you to associate with any kind of dense vibration - be it an environment, a person, a food substance or any other substance. You will find that these sometimes cause severe distress in your body. The management of stress is also a major part of healing in this particular timeline. Humanity has become so caught up in the rat-race of life that they have forgotten the essential skill of balance, and their bodies have become caught up in the modern illness of stress.

Now let us briefly give to you the twelve golden principles that every single person on this planet will have to work through. There is no hiding from it. The first three principles are known as TLC: TRUTH, LOVE, and COMMUNICATION. Truth is all about being true to yourself: acknowledging truth, speaking truth and living your truth. Love is about practising unconditional love, self-love. It is about breaking out of conditional love consciousness. Unconditional love is an especially important lesson at this time. Your governments are undergoing immense changes in their structures and many of the politicians of the world today are having to look at the true meaning of unconditional love. Far too many conditions have been placed on almost every aspect of life. Unconditional love is about loving yourself and the other person enough to set a boundary that allows many of the other golden principles to fall into place. One of those is respect. By respecting yourself, you have to ensure as well as insist that others respect your boundaries. And for you to practise respect, you need to respect other people's boundaries.

The fourth principle is to do with NON-JUDGEMENT. It is second nature, in general, for humans to judge others, without even thinking about it, simply by observing another person's life path. It is easier to judge another person's journey as opposed to looking truthfully at one's own journey. And if people will insist on judging others' journeys, without having walked in those shoes, the judgement will always reflect back to the self, to show the individual where the judgement is actually reflecting what is either lacking or what is in severe pain in their own life. So your judgement reflects your wound.

Then, CREATIVITY as the fifth principle is a very important process with ascension, because creativity allows one to process what is being suppressed, repressed, as well as depressed. The chakras cannot process if the individual is in major denial regarding certain aspects of their life. Therefore creativity acts as a means of unconscious processing if the person is too deeply wounded. This is why creative process therapy is so important.

The sixth principle of CONSCIOUSNESS and the seventh principle of RESPONSIBILITY are also very important. Living one's life unconsciously is living one's life irresponsibly. Responsibility is simply the ability to respond to life, and when you are living unconsciously you are unable to use your ability to truly and lovingly respond to whatever life presents to you. Many people shirk responsibility because they do not have the tools to deal with the circumstances of life. They are not confident enough in their ability to respond to what life requires of them, in order to solve problems, in order to find soulutions.

And when one is out of touch with Spirit and with one's soul, one cannot find soulutions. So, be conscious of how it is that you judge others and how you overstep their personal boundaries. Be conscious of how it is that you place conditions upon yourself; how you do not respect your own boundaries by allowing other people to abuse you or overstep your personal boundaries. Be conscious of how you use the energy of love. Be conscious of how you use or do not use the powerful healing tool of creativity. And be conscious of what your truth is.

The eighth principle of RESPECT is a most important principle: respecting all of God's creation, from the tiniest ant to the giant whale. All of these creatures are manifestations of Love which have been put into different forms that embody life force. All deserve respect. The new children of the planet, those who have been coming into this world over the last 25 years, especially those over the last three to seven years, bring that very important lesson to humanity, because adult humans have had to learn to respect the smallest child in order to remember how to respect the self. Because your needs and requirements as an infant were not respected and met, and because you felt violated and humiliated, you cannot fully respect your own needs, nor can you fully respect another person's needs.

An example is perhaps you as a little boy or little girl did something that embarrassed you, and your parents shared it with all and sundry because they thought it was very cute or amusing. Your parents may not have done it deliberately to humiliate you, but because you could not fully express your feelings you were unable to communicate to them how embarrassed or angry you felt at their violating your trust or betraying your privacy. Perhaps something at school happened where a peer teased you. Every single one of you experienced a violation of your sacred personal boundaries. Therefore you are not fully able to respect yourselves, because you have not been equipped with the tools necessary to rectify the situation, and to educate the other person in respecting you.

The ninth principle is LOYALTY. Being loyal to yourself goes hand in hand with truth. Being loyal to those who have entrusted you with their deepest vulnerability; who have entrusted you with aspects that they do not want shared with others; people who have come to you for a shoulder to cry on. Now, the dog is on the planet as a teacher of loyalty. Many of you may find at a certain time dogs become quite an active part of your everyday activity. Listen to how nature speaks to you, listen to how Spirit communicates with you through the various creations of God, through music, through poetry, through the written word. So you will learn that Spirit is always loyal to you, always answering your questions at exactly the precise moment that you need the answer. The question is: Are you listening? Are you conscious of what is happening within you and around you?

The tenth principle is that of PASSION. Without a passion for life, one cannot fully experience life. Creativity allows one to experience passion. Passion gives birth to creativity. Without passion there is very little creative force. Creativity is not only drawing, or singing, or dancing. Creativity is the life-giving force that creates and therefore manifests your living experience. So the creative energy that you use in your mind, manifests a creative form, a force which is the life that you live today. All energy is creative. It can either create something positive or it can create something negative. This is why being conscious and living consciously is such an important aspect to master, and which is why it is one of the twelve golden principles on the pathway to ascension. Passion allows you to express your divinity; it allows you to utilise your God-given talents and gifts to assist others in this world. It allows you to make the most of the life that you have chosen.

JUSTICE is the eleventh principle. Without justice nothing can come into balance. Therefore you need to be fair in your relationship with yourself. You need to ensure that all wrongs in your life are made right. This covers forgiveness of self and others. One of the most important healing processes is forgiveness. Where you feel anybody violated your truth in any way or any form, justice needs to be done by your healing of that wound. Every wound that is present in the self absolutely has to be healed in order for one to fully ascend, in order for one to move beyond the various levels that bring one the lessons that allow one to heal. If you are not prepared to face your past and heal the wound, you will find yourself running in circles like a dog chasing its own tail.

Now let us also add here that many times one's body will automatically remember something from the past, when something in the present occurs that triggers the past memory. This may manifest in a sudden feeling of irritation or depression for no identifiable reason. Or you find yourself feeling tearful, sad or depressed to the extent that you do not want to be in the presence of others. This is how the body remembers the past, and that memory is released through the emotional cellular structure of your being. Other times the body remembers it through the physical structure, and affects you physiologically. Many people will manifest, perhaps, a cold or a recurring cough, or incessant headaches which may lead to migraines. Some people may manifest rashes which don't go away, or something as fatal as cancer. All of these are manifestations of what has not been processed. Your psychology determines the strength or the lack of strength of your physiology.

One also needs to utilise the very important tool of FAITH (twelfth principle). Faith allows one to move mountains. Faith allows one to keep one's eye on the light of God's love that is ever-present, even in the darkest tunnel. All of you have been through immensely stressful situations over the last 48 months. All of you have had to look into very deep wounds and all of you present here today are already actively working with your ascension process. You are already processing many of the twelve golden principles that are still encased in negative consciousness.

We would like to give all of you the opportunity today to choose one of the twelve principles that we have mentioned and we will give you an opportunity to verbalise it. Whichever one you choose is the one that your guides and Spirit will help you with over the next twelve weeks, to completely process and to try and bring it into its full light aspect. This is the beginning of working with your ascension process or pathway in a more conscious manner. As I have said, no person on this planet can escape moving through these twelve golden principles, because they are the principles that make up life, period. Many of these principles have been severely abused which has resulted in many of the heinous acts that have been acted out by many. Those who are still trapped in the pain and darkness of their own wounds have taken these golden principles and have broken them down for their own means. Not all of these people have done this out of greed and self-satisfaction. Many of them have done it because they do not know any better. By those of you taking the golden principles and letting that golden light truly live within you, and shine forth, so you allow those who do not know any better to find their light, to find their truth, and above all to find the strength and the courage to face their wound and to move beyond the pain that continues to be fed as long as they live in darkness. Darkness is simply the lack of knowledge, the lack of love. It is ignorance.

Every single one of you present in this room today has a very important question, need or perhaps even want. And sometimes a want is not such a bad thing, because if you want something badly enough, by attaining it you can meet certain needs. It is when a want is motivated by lower ego and selfish gain that it then does not support you and the environment. But a want that is motivated by need or by love will be granted, and can be made manifest. We have observed, on many occasions, people feeling selfish or even dirty, for wanting certain things in life - especially those who have been raised in very conservative religious homes. Not any specific religion, as all religions have very rigid belief systems if taken overboard, as some of you well know. This has given rise to an immense amount of guilt, and when one is guilt ridden one cannot fully give to the self or of the self.

Other times, people who are so guilt-ridden give too much of themselves, and therefore cannot give enough to the self. This often results in poverty consciousness. Because you are "selfish" if you have a lot of money, and you are not "spiritual" if you have a lot of money or you live very comfortably. So what happens is that as soon as you get money, you make sure that you get rid of it very quickly, so that you are not seen as unspiritual or selfish, and your unconscious as well as your subconscious gets rid of your money for you very quickly without you even consciously having to try! All of a sudden the dog may become very ill and you have to fork out a lot of money for that. Or somebody reverses into your car or you accidentally bump somebody else's car, and you have to get rid of your money. These are simply examples, but it happens to many, many people who find themselves with money coming in and before it can even make the bank balance look at all attractive, it is gone.
