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Bashar: Giving up the Struggle

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that anxiety and excitement are the same energy. But when you feel it as anxiety, it is because you are not trusting the excitement, you are not trusting the flow of your energy, you are not trusting that the universe works.

When you put conditions and invalidations on the excitement, it turns into what you call anxiety. It is only the negative pole of the same energy that you often feel as knowingness, or excitement. You follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: Therefore, it is probably, I will say, the fact that you are creating your excitement into anxiety that causes the struggle in your life, rather than the struggle causing the anxiety. Even though once you began the cycle, then you may have reinforced the anxiety with more scenarios of struggle.

It is always a belief first that creates the reality you experience in life, and then you have the emotional reaction to it. Now, the emotional reaction may reinforce the original negative belief, and then that may re-reinforce the negative emotional reaction, which may re-re-reinforce the original negative emotion. And you become caught in a cycle where you don't know what came first.

Always recognize: emotional reactions are always secondary to the primary belief. Any time you find yourself in a situation, and you say, "Well, I feel this way about that," you feel that way because you believe that way. You cannot feel any way about anything until you have a belief about what that situation means to you. So if you find yourself creating anxiety -- if you find yourself, quote/unquote, subjected to anxiety or stress-causing struggle -- then allow yourself to recognize that your belief that you will attract situations in which you will have to struggle is what is causing your anxiety.

Which then, because emotion -- e-motion, energy-motion -- is what puts into action what you believe to be true and then you attract into your life the physical representation of your belief that you will attract struggle, you then place yourself squarely in the middle of that scenario. And placing yourself squarely in the middle of that scenario reflects back to you the total disharmonics of anxiety -- as a reflection to show you that you have a negative belief, and therefore have created this scenario. When you then experience this scenario, you experience the vibratory tone that goes with this scenario based on your belief... hence anxiety. You follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: Are you sure?

Q: No. Well, intellectually.

B: Oh, here it is again! More separation. "Oh, yes, I intellectually understand you, but emotionally."!

Q: And as I embrace the shift from third to fourth density, and as I as I follow my excitement...

B: Yes?

Q: ... I am in a certain situation right now, which I know I am defining as limited.

B: Yes.

Q: But.

B: But. but I will choose to define it that way anyway. Isn't that what you are saying?

Q: Yes. And that's the majority. it seems that third density is made up of this particular limitation.

B: Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh! Watch your definitions! Third density may be defined by certain limiting parameters, yes. In no way, shape or form does that imply that those limiting parameters must inherently create negative manifestation.

Q: Oh, great. Well I'll accept that.

B: All right. So do not just simply say, "Well, as long as I'm going to remain in third density, I'm going to have to struggle out of it. because everyone knows third density is inherently negative and a nasty place to be"... It is not!

Q: Can I discuss a scenario then?

B: Absolutely!

Q: Thank you... I came to Hawaii with funds that have carried me this far, and in following my excitement as a custom builder and designer of houses and saunas and the like.

B: Yes.

Q: .I find that as my funds dwindle, I think that I have to go after what I would define as mundane work. not as a gifted carpenter, but as a mundane carpenter. That does not bring me joy. But I find that because....

B: Then why do you think that way?

Q: Why do I?

B: If that does not bring you joy, why do you create that scenario in your intellect? Why do you say, "Well, if this happens, then there's this weak picture." Why do you create that connection? If it does not bring you joy, why do you say -- and insist - "Well, if this continues to happens, it will lead to... this." Why do you say that, and thus create it in your reality?

Q: I'm more than willing to stop... to cognizantly stop that progression of thought.

B: Then transform it into what you prefer. Recognize first of all once again: abundance is not just what you call monetary funds. Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it. Period! There are many forms of abundance. There are many ways, many situations that could be attracted into your life to allow you to do what excites you the most. Many ways. It does not always have to be just "this way," does it?

Q: No.

B: All right. Then loosen up a little bit; lighten up on yourself a little bit. Relax.

Q: How do I find out more about what excites me and brings me joy?

B: By acting on anything that excites you the most at any given moment that you are capable of acting on at that moment. Then that will always lead to the next thing that will excite you the most at that given moment -- even if it is totally different in outward appearance. Even though it may not seem -- "Well, I did this because it excited me, and now that leads me to this, because this excites me. But these two don't seem connected, and I cannot see how this is going to lead me into what I really like to do, what really excites me in life."

But understand: it does not have to appear on the surface as if it will lead you there. It is the excitement inherent within the situation that lets you know that it is connected. So at any given moment, if you don't find that you have the tools at hand, as you say, to truly act upon a particular idealized idea you would find most exciting, then at that moment act upon whatever situation, whatever opportunity, is the most exciting opportunity you are capable of acting on -- at that moment. It will lead to the other thing, and it will lead it through an experience you have attracted into your life to allow you the ability to fully appreciate the other thing when it comes. You follow me?

Q: The words that keep coming into my mind are: "Making a living."

B: Making a living! All right, may I ask you a question?

Q: Sure, please do.

B: Oh, thank you very much. Has anyone any time ever traded you something for something?

Q: Yes.

B: Is that not making a living? At any time have you ever found someone giving you something, and you were able to give them something back?

Q: Yes.

B: Is that not making a living?

Q: Yes it is.

B: Are you willing to allow that to be just as valid a way to make a living as using the symbolic exchange of money?

Q: Not totally.

B: Why not?

Q: Because Safeway won't take those kind of notes.

B: Who says?

Q: Well, it's a rather common.

B: Who says?!?

Q: Me.

B: Thank you. Very good. Understand, first of all, that one of the reasons you may be creating difficulty in seeing a way out of this is because you believe in the mundane. And therefore you only think that what you perceive to be mundane will act or interact with you in mundane ways, and cannot interact in magical ways. You follow me? Yes, no, maybe?

Q: Maybe.

B: What you are saying is that you are not willing to exercise your imagination enough to believe that there might be at least one way that you could interact with them that would perhaps not require what you call the standard operating procedure. Or can you right now -- let's exercise that imagination of yours right now. Are you willing?

Q: Sure!

B: All right. Right now, using your imagination, giving it free rein -- if it will make it any easier for you, I'll remind you this is only a game. So you don't have to say, "Well there's this... but in real life..." For now just allow yourself to let your imagination float freely and come up with one -- I will accept just one, only one; that's all you have to come up with: one way -- no matter how preposterous your ego says it might be, or your intellect or negative ego says, "That will never work; don't be silly." remind your negative ego and remind your intellect and your analysis: "Right now this is a game. Be quiet; I'm playing." All right?

Come up with one way right now... one -- no matter how magical the scenario can be, one way now that you can imagine -- if you need food, being supplied with food without having to have the symbol of money. Give me one imaginary scenario wherein that might happen between you and this establishment called Safeway... Come on, I know you can do it.

Q: I got it.

B: All right.

Q: I'm standing at the front door with a radiant loving character and smile.

B: Yes. And then what happens?

Q: I get showered with food.

B: Why?

Q: That's what you're saying: there's my fantasy.

B: Yes. Why? Why, why, why do they shower you with food?

Q: Because I'm giving something.

B: Ah! All right. Very good. Now: do you -- if you will slip right back into your pragmatic self for a moment -- do you believe that can happen?

Q: No.

B: All right, very good. Do continue to be just that honest. Now: go back into your imagination game for a moment and come up with another imaginary scenario that would be, in your terms, a little closer to your pragmatic self; that you can still imagine might be a reason, might be a scenario, wherein you would still get the food you require.

Q: All right. Cleaning their front windows.

B: All right. So you are saying that you might do something and they would give you the food in trade because you have explained that you have no money but you are willing to be of service, and they will return in kind the idea of service in the form of food.

Q: Right. Perfectly mundane.

B: Mundane. Many individuals are very excited about cleaning windows, you know.

Q: Well I'm not.

B: Well all right. Then... using that imagination I know you have, pick a way that is both pragmatic and exciting.

Q: You have hit the nail on the head; that's the struggle I'm in.

B: Ah, the struggle! Struggle, struggle, struggle! All right. Then you are simply not allowing yourself to understand one particular thing; the idea at any given moment that you are being only can take its form from the definitional ability you give it. So if you say an idea cannot be pragmatic and exciting at the same time, then you won't allow yourself to attract into your life a situational opportunity that is both pragmatic and exciting -- because you believe them to be mutually exclusive definitions. Why should they be?

You have already said that you enjoy the idea of certain forms of construction; you find that that is both pragmatic and exciting. Why cannot that idea that you already have experience in not be applied to other scenarios? Why can it not be expanded to include every scenario that is necessary to occur in your life to allow you to continue to be the pragmatic and exciting individual you enjoy being? Why can you not, as the pragmatic, exciting individual, attract only scenarios that fit into the groove of a pragmatic exciting individual?

They are out there. There is a situation to go hand in hand with every other situation. Why should you feel so deprived -- "Oh, there's no situations for me out there; I am both a pragmatic and exciting individual, and I do not believe that there can be as many pragmatic and exciting situations as there are for someone who is just willing to be all pragmatic or all exciting." There are just as many opportunities for you, according to the definition you enjoy being, as there are for anyone else.

Here is a pragmatic and exciting way that you might allow to be attracted to your life: you are walking towards your Safeway. You know you are a pragmatic and yet an exciting individual, and as you walk up, you don't know what it is you are going to say. It has not entered your imagination yet but you know you must get the food; you are very hungry.

So you say, "What the heck." And you walk toward the door: "I know I'll think of something. I will trust that if I truly believe in the person I am, a solution to fit the person I am can occur. I can come up with something; something will come into my life."

So you walk up to the door, steel yourself for a moment, remind yourself how pragmatic and exciting you are, and how trusting you are, that being that way is exactly the way you truly, honestly wish to be. Double checking that, you say: "Yes, that's the way I choose to be in this universe. Therefore, I know the universe will support me. I still have not come up with anything to say to the manager of this facility, but I know it will come, I just know it."

"I don't have to worry; the details will take care of themselves, and will occur in a way that represents both a pragmatic and exciting way." You walk through the door. Lights and bells go off. "Congratulations! You are the one millionth customer, and you have just won three years supply of free food from Safeway"!

Now, that is -- as we understand your society -- considered both exciting and pragmatic.

Q: It's very exciting.

B: And it is also very pragmatic, because for them it is part of their promotional advertising; it is a part of your everyday "workaday world." It is nothing beyond your ability to imagine happening to you, is it?

Q: True.

B: All right. Then allow yourself the opportunity to understand one very important point: NOTHING is too good to be true! NOTHING is too simple to be true! NOTHING is too easy to be true! LIFE WORKS WHEN YOU LET IT! ALWAYS! "Any exceptions?"... None... Always.

If you are willing to believe that your life can become what we call an ecstatic explosion of coincidence, then you will understand that life can become what we call an ecstatic explosion of coincidence, then you will understand that life is an ecstatic explosion of coincidence already. Life is synchronicity; there are no accidents! ... "None at all?"... NOT ONE!

In all of the infinite number of events that occur within the multiverse, never has one accident ever occurred!! Never! It is all orchestrated in the way it needs to be -- to allow each and every individual expression within the whole matrix to be supported by the whole matrix. It is self-creative, self perpetuating.

Therefore, if you exist within this matrix of the multiverses, as the unique you you are -- no matter how many countless billions of beings there may be within creation, you are unique -- and if you exist, then that means that you deserve to exist. Obviously the Infinite Creator believes you deserve to exist, or you wouldn't. Therefore obviously somewhere within this whole matrix you have a place; you fit in.

You are not disassociated from this; you work and mesh smoothly with every other gear in the universe. All you need to do, therefore, is allow yourself to trust that you can fully be the gear you know you are. You can fully do what excites you the most, excitement being your indicator of the gear you are. What excites you the most tells you what the basic fundamental purpose of your life is -- tells you what the vibrational frequency of the path you chose to be in this life is.

So if you are willing to believe, truly trust one hundred percent, that you can be what you truly know you are then you will know that you will allow -- not make, not force -- allow the totality of the rest of the universe to work in harmony with you, and for you to work in harmony with it. And therefore you will understand that you are always supported in whatever you believe yourself to be.

When you believe that you can function in the way that you wish to function, and that you will be supported in a manner that will allow you to continue to be the gear you have been created to be, then you will relax and turn smoothly in conjunction and in harmony with every other gear. The tooth that needs to meet the other tooth in the other gear will meet precisely the tooth it needs to meet, and no other.

The only time it does not seem that that occurs is when you prevent yourself from turning in a natural manner. And then you clog up the entire machine and nothing seems to work for you. All you need to do is let yourself turn as is natural for you; and everything in the machine works fine. Also trust that your imagination can come up with scenarios that are indicative of what you know yourself to be. Let life work for you, and let abundance into your life along the path of least resistance.

You can allow yourself to believe that you could attract a scenario that would bring you what you need faster than if you tried to get the money to get it. Wouldn't you let it come? Or would you insist on having to have the money even though that may be the longer path? Let abundance come to you in whatever form represents the path of least resistance. Do not invalidate it as something that is not a representation of abundance just because it isn't green. Just because you can't hold it and fold it and put it in your wallet.

Do not invalidate abundance in the forms it comes naturally -- in the forms that come quickest. Let your life become the ecstatic explosion of coincidence, synchronicity: always in the right place at the right time, interacting with exactly the right individuals to allow you to be whom you know you are. And at the same time you will provide for them automatically the service that they need to allow them to be who they are.

When you always interact only with individuals that will provide exactly the service you need, and coincidentally those individuals that provide you with the service you need turn out to need something that only you can provide them, what do you need money for? You follow?

Q: Oh, yes.

B: Has this assisted you? Take it to heart; relax, enjoy. Love, live; let your reality explode in ecstasy. Ecstasy is your birthright; ecstasy is what you are created of. The Infinite Creator is ecstasy. Float in ecstasy; float, swing, move -- effortlessly. Thank you...
