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A Channeled Message From Mars

Through Valer Donner

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ion. It is no mystery why we are closer now than in thousands of years although we always keep tabs on the Earth for we serve each other well.

In our position we see the potential for upheaval and turmoil. Most of you are aware this will be necessary for the transformation of your planet. We have been through these things many times in our civilization. We stand as what you might call great Gods overseeing our planet and its future. We communicate with the Earth and often advise her while providing support, encouragement and strength for her birthing process.

We do not live on the surface of our planet like you do on Earth. We live beneath the surface of the Mars where it is Light and hollow. Much goes on here and we are highly technical. We are advanced in our civilization and we live a long time. We interact with other planets and are a gathering place for meetings with beings from other galaxies. These beings are also assisting in a concerted effort to uplift the Earth to a higher dimension.

We are no nonsense beings. We like to get to the point and set things straight. For the records, we are absolutely against any type of nuclear detonations on the Earth. These actions affect every ounce of life. We do not understand how some on your planet think they have the right to do such harm to others. We demand respect and also command it. We have not seen anything like what is happening on Earth. The beings that cause this harm are creating an aftermath that cannot be ignored.

Even though their minds do not regard the aftermath of their deeds they will find themselves in the middle of it. This means they will take themselves down with their own efforts. Everything that matters to them will be taken from them and they will not be allowed to incarnate for a long time period. They will have to review and understand the impact of their misdeeds.

The Creator allows free will on your planet but does not condone such destruction. These beings have been given warning after warning but they refuse to abide by these warnings.

Any time we come close to the Earth it forebodes powerful change. It means that our energies combine to restructure life as it presently exists. It takes our powerful explosive energy to combine with the feminine energies of the Earth to bring forth new creation.

We have assisted the Earth through many trials and tribulations. We benefit from her loving essence. When we are close to each other our planet receives love and healing. Our two energies embrace each other so you can expect our influence to be prevailing for about another year in your earthly time. There is a merging occurring. You may have noticed increased sensitivity of your heart and this is part of the focal point for your planet. We are pushing forward in expansion of the human heart. The Masters and many other superlative beings from other places also assist us with this process.

Conscious co-creation is what we are about. We catalyze the conscious thoughts for change and set the wheels in motion.

How do you like the pace at which you have been moving lately? You can thank the Mars energy for this rapid pace of change. Whether you like it or not we do our jobs well. The energies from our planet are serving the Earth to the highest degree.

Please understand that we have been somewhat misunderstood. Many seem to believe that we represent the war energies while in fact we simply provide the impetus for massive change. We do it with powerful energies and we are focused on the planetary goals of movement. We bring out the best as well as the worst. Some beings are challenged by what we represent. These are primarily those who want to remain in control, who resist change and who do not want to rock the boat. As you can see we remain forthright in our energies.

When we feel resistance we stay focused and do not let up. In the long run you will be pleased to see the growth and movement that you have made. You will see how the Earth has benefited and how the old guard is falling by the wayside. This is necessary for too much destruction will occur on your planet if change is not catalyzed for the highest good for all.

We are in a place of what you might call global reasoning. We work with the Earth for a balance of energies. We as the “Gods of Mars” are a part of the Gods/Goddesses of Earth. In this oneness we shall carry forward the divine plan and help deliver the Earth to the heart of the Creator.

I am Hermot. I have enjoyed speaking with you today. Digest what I have to say and see if you can connect with us too. We shall communicate again in right divine timing.
