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Ag-agria 07.05.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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hed a point where it is about to happen. Why now you may ask, and the answer is that when a civilization reaches a particular technological level it has effectively come of age. In your case the coming together is even more important because you have not equally grown in your spiritual understanding, and there is an imbalance.

Unknowingly or otherwise you have proceeded to use methods of producing energy that have had an adverse effect on your environment, and the accumulative affect is that your Earth is slowing dying from poisoning. You who live on the Earth are dependent on it for your very life and existence, and you too are being seriously affected. The warnings have been given by us, and scientists who have had the tenacity to speak the truth. A great degree of "playing down" the risks is however normal, as Industry with its huge investments in dirty energy does not want you to know too much about the risks.

There is also the development and use of dirty weapons that leave large areas of your planet uninhabitable, and poison your seas and your atmosphere. All of these technologies give rise to toxic waste and the truth is that you do not really know how to handle it. Burying it deep in the earth or discharging it into your seas is simply putting the problems out of sight. They continue to be ignored and you are storing them up for future generations, although the signs of change are already clear with the affect of global warming. On a human level you are still experiencing the sickness from radiation, and the cancerous and disabling illnesses that result.

Voices speak out and plead with your representatives to take note of the problems, but it is often met with a deafening silence. Token gestures are made at some meetings of the various countries affected, and even then they do not always carry out their promises. The problems are so serious yet attempts are made to brush them under the carpet. False information is deliberately fed to the public, as though in their faith with the authorities they can be led to believe whatever is fed to them. In the interests of control you are kept from knowing the truth over a whole number of issues.

There is so much unnecessary secrecy, where none would be needed if your world was at peace. You are sovereign citizens and have a right to know what your Governments do in your name. Your Freedom of Information Act is a start, but you will still not have access to information that is considered sensitive. This usually means that covert acts they would prefer you did not know about are still hidden away. It also allows those individuals who are guilty of them to be protected for long enough so that they will eventually pass into history. The citizens of every country are taxed, and in some cases quite heavily and yet you will not find one Government that considers itself accountable to you. This is not Government for the people but against them, and if everything was above board there would be an open Government that invited them to examine and approve their actions.

I paint a grim picture, but that is how it is and yet much of it is accepted as if there is no alternative. Your Governments have failed you and do not answer to your concerns, and press ahead on their road to self destruction. However, there is hope and more people understand that our approach to your Governments and you as individuals is the only way that you will be lifted out of your present demise. There is neither the will nor the money to deal with your world-wide problems, although much of the technical know-how is now available.

We of the Galactic Federation stand back and monitor your Earth, and see the whole picture. It does not look nice as we see deforestation and the spreading pollution on your earth and in your seas, and the result is that it also affecting your food chain. Yet we know that if a determined approach was made so much more could be done to alleviate the problems. Unbeknown to you we already take steps to lessen the affects, but until we are openly accepted we cannot do more. We have offered a number of times to work with you to restore the planet, but unfortunately your Government insists on developing its war programs and ignore the calls for peace. We cannot interfere, but we know that if the people of Earth were presented with our ideas they would by majority welcome us.

We are saddened by what we see, but also full of hope that the turning point will come soon. There is a plan that you know as First Contact and it is ready to go into action at a minutes notice. It would bring the changes that would not only clean up your planet very quickly, but address the problems for all time by introducing new technology that would be clean and remove the sources of your present pollution. Not only that, it would release you from the restrictions of your current laws and you would become free citizens. There would be even more changes that would see an end to poverty, and a fair distribution of wealth. Yes, you are waking up to what is needed to put things right, but your expectations are not great with the leaders you currently have who still promote the old ways.

St. Germain has asked you to put out your welcome mats, and the more of you that do so the more open our First Contact can be made. That we will come there is no doubt, and that action has been decreed by higher forces than those on Earth. You see our craft in your skies more than ever before and we really are getting closer to you. We control certain events on Earth and we will not allow your last cabal the opportunity to exploit the fears that they have created over terrorism. We question who the real terrorists are and in very soon there will be revelations about the power behind them that will shock many people. We are here to promote peace and changes to restore your planet to its original pristine condition.

I am Ag-agria, and I see the great Light and Love growing so quickly, as at last you are recognizing the Oneness of the Human Race. You are each other, and what you do to one you do to yourself. You are rapidly approaching that point where you are about to make a quantum leap in your consciousness, and we are in absolute awe at your progress. We are privileged to be part of your experience and look forward to meeting you all soon, and still seek your welcoming energies.

Thank you Ag-agria

Mike Quinsey
