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The Purpose Of Governments

Telecommunicated by Kara Kincannon

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no need for governments. People do not need to be governed, they need to be loved. There have been many manifestations of this love upon the planet. Many masters have walked this earth, incarnated as the living expression of the divine source. Their love and service created energetic highways (grids) within Mother earth. Sacredness was kept. This has been established throughout many millenniums of earth time.

We are those masters now, who serve the divine blueprint pattern from the Source. We are here to serve you to now build and keep the Christ logos. The planet's purpose has changed. It is the end of the Old World and the beginning of the New World. You are the builders of this new paradigm. You are the world servers to establish the Christ Logos on Mother earth. World Servers are not concerned with self and needs. They are here to serve the whole of humanity. This burns within their 3-fold flame within the heart. This is the Divine Mind of Christ activated within you. This makes you World Servers. World Servers never take a thought of what they will get by giving, never.

Now knowing this within your heart flame, we share with you that no one ever needs to be governed, controlled or manipulated for profit and hidden agendas. Total freedom is to be restored in this building of the Christ logos here on earth. There is no need for leaders. People do not need to be led. People do not need presidents. People need to be loved. This love is the service you came to bring as world servers to humanity. We will also say that freedom is restored, through love and not for profit motive. Money is not the solution. Money is an illusion. The Universe is abundant. In Oneness there is no need. Inner authority is to be re-established within humanity's psyche. If you are waiting on the money or an announcement for your freedom, then you have one foot in the Old World, one in the New World, and you will split your britches. Nothing of the Old World will be held by the old karmic pattern any longer and nothing but the new will be held in motion in the New World. In other....

We bid you Peace

The Council of Light Belonging to the order of Melchizedek Tele-communicated by Kara Starcode2012@m...


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Building the Now Age!!!!!!!!! For Soul Readings, Group Events and Services,Call:Carol Looper

SOL: Coordinator:580-889-8859 Email: Carol raye_of_hope@h... Donations: Send To: Rev: Kara Kincannon email:kara-kincannon@i... P.O.Box: 830 Aguilar, Co.81020 In the Name of ONE , Sandy
