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AA Clarity: Karmic Memories and Water Crystal Grid

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anity moved into Separation from Oneness. These false belief systems are obviously associated with deep emotional wounds.

The Main Collective Karmic Memories

The major discordant aspects or distortions of the Truth in the psyche andheart of humanity are:

. Distrust: distrust in Goddess/God, distrust in each other, and distrust inyourselves.

. Doubt. That is, doubt that humanity can sustain and maintain the state ofGroup Consciousness, or Oneness, while on the Earth plane.

. Anger towards Goddess/God. This anger, in turn, is associated with thefollowing distortions, which are also some of the primary wounds ofhumanity:

. Anger towards Goddess/God for having abandoned humanity;

. Anger towards Goddess/God for having rejected humanity;

. Anger towards Goddess/God for not honouring humanity.

. Fear of Failure. This is based on the feelings and false belief systems that:

. Humanity has failed Goddess/God;

. Humanity has failed as a "group"; and

. Each one of you, as individuals, has failed in maintaining the GroupConsciousness.

. Lack of Self-Love. This is based on the false belief system that you are"unlovable" and "not good enough".

So seen from a higher perspective beloveds, these distortions in the Collective Memories of humanity are basically associated with the following false belief systems: that you are "unlovable" and if you were "good enough" , you wouldn't have "failed" the Oneness, and Goddess/God would not have "abandoned" and "rejected" you.

Impact of Collective Karmic Memories on The Water Crystal Grid

Understand beloveds, that these Collective Memories of humanity are deeply anchored not only in the DNA of each individual on Earth, but also in the planetary "Water Matrix" or "Water Crystal Grid", creating energetic blockages in the Water Pathways of this grid, as well as, blockages in the Water Crystals (also called the "Love Crystals") that form part of this grid. If you will, these primary wounds are the roots of the "tree of discord" in the hearts and minds of humanity. It is from these primary distortions that all other aspects of discord stem from. Therefore, the state of Separation of humanity has at its roots the above primary distortions of the Truth. And these are the main reasons for all discord experienced by humanity, as well as, the very reason for which "battles within yourselves" and "battles between yourselves" take place. Understand beloveds, that humanity cannot achieve peace, cannot live in harmony and cannot return to Group Consciousness and therefore to the state of Oneness, unless these deep wounds and distortions in the psyche and heart of humanity are cleared from your own individual bodies, as well as, from the planetary Water Crystal Grid. It is important that you realize that all these distortions are held primarily in the Water Crystals that are lodged in every single Chakra of your individual bodies. Similarly, the Collective distortions are anchored in the Water Crystals in all the Chakras of Planet Earth. Understand beloveds that in order to have peace, you must anchor Divine Love within yourselves and in the planetary Water Crystal Grid. The main role of the Water Healer Priestesses is to heal the Water Crystal Grid in order to anchor the very Essence, the Divine Love and the Life Force of Goddess/God on Earth, whether at an individual or planetary level. It is with the aim of assisting humanity to understand where the distortions come from, that we provide this information. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that each human individual on planet Earth takes full responsibility not only for clearing the distortions of the Truth that are held within their bodies, but also, that humanity realize that each individual is responsible for the wellbeing of the Collective.

Steps to Restore the Water Crystal Grid

So you may ask: "And how can we take responsibility?" Indeed, many humans on planet Earth at present carry in their hearts the desire and the will to return to the Oneness with All That Is. However, many are at a loss as to how this can be achieved. The first concept that we wish to anchor in the consciousness of humanity is that, each individual must take full responsibility for every thought, every feeling, every word and every action that you create. The second step is that, each of you takes action towards the clearing, transmutation and integration of the discordant aspects within yourselves. Finally, that you meet in groups throughout the planet at an agreed time and that you all focus your intent upon the clearing, transmutation and integration of all the Collective Memories of humanity that are anchored in the Water Crystal Grid of planet Earth. This can be done, and has been done progressively through setting dates for "Global Meditations". We urge all "love and light-workers" to ponder on this information and feel in your hearts the Truth within it. We also urge you to take active measures, not only to clear these distortions and transmute them through Love in the planetary Water Crystal Grid, but also that you become hence forth vigilant of every thought, every feeling, every word and every action that you create on a daily basis. Furthermore, we wish you to understand beloveds that, the person, situation, feeling or belief system where you focus your attention, will affect who you are at that moment.

The Effects of Discord

On the other hand, we wish you to realize beloveds, that every time you open yourselves to discord and enact that discord - whether through your thought forms, feelings and/or your actions - you are triggering the same aspects that form part of the Collective Memories of Humanity that are anchored in your planetary Water Crystal Grid. Not only do you trigger these memories in the Collective of Humanity in general, but also, you increase the power of these distortions. It is vital beloveds that you understand and be fully conscious of the fact that, the instant you open yourself to discord, you tap into all the discord held in the Collective Memories of humanity on Earth.

The Power of Creation of Humanity

It is of radical importance that you realize you are multidimensional beings of Light and Love and phenomenal 'creators'. Understand beloveds that the very life force, the very energy that keeps you alive is no more or no less than the Vital Force, the Essence of Goddess/God. Therefore, the energy that you use to create thought forms, feelings, words and actions is creative in nature, for it carries the Codes of Creation of Goddess/God. Realize too beloveds, that the power of creation of each human individual on Earth carries with it a Divine gift, and that is the gift of "free will". Therefore, each human individual in every instant of his/her life chooses how to use this Divine Vital Creative Energy that comes from Source. Therefore, you may choose to use this Divine Energy to create a reality of the highest vibration of love in your own lives, and thus as a collective, co-create a reality of your highest potential as a group. Alternatively, you may choose as individuals and as a collective to create realities of a low level of vibration based on fear. Understand that all discordant thoughts, feelings, words and actions stem from a basic emotion called "Fear" and all harmonious, productive, caring creations for the benefit of all are based in "Love". Therefore, each human individual on Earth is fully responsible as to which level of vibration he/she chooses to resonate to-whether a low level of vibration based on fear or a high level of vibration based on love-and also each of you chooses from which level of vibration you wish to create your realities. Thus, everything that occurs in the life of each individual on Earth is no more or less than the 'choice of creation' of each individual. Please recognize beloveds, this Truth in your hearts: that you are creators of your reality, and that you are co-creators of your Collective reality on planet Earth. Therefore, you can either choose to create discord and misery and a difficult journey throughout your life, or you may choose to create a journey of grace and ease, powered by the Divine Love within you.

It is vital that humanity realizes too that, there is a definite pattern of behavior deeply ingrained in the psyche and hearts of human beings on Earth, and that is, to "blame others" and to "blame Goddess/God" for anything in your lives that doesn't make you happy. When we speak of each individual taking responsibility for their creations, we also imply the importance of releasing this pattern of blaming others and Goddess/God for your reality. Yet another point that we wish to bring to your awareness beloveds is that while all religions on Earth carry a basis of Divine Truth regarding loving yourselves and loving your neighbour, so too do these religions on Earth at present carry the distortions associated with the primary wounds of Separation. A common denominator of all religions on Earth is that "humanity is separate from Goddess/God" and that "Goddess/God punishes humanity" when you are not "good". Thus, it is from a perspective of Separation beloveds that the concepts of good and evil stem from.

Distortion of the Law of Karma

There are also distortions in the psyche of humanity relating to the Law of Karma, and that is: "that karma is a punishment by Goddess/God". We wish to anchor very clearly in your awareness that the Law of Karma is the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, and as creator beings, you are fully responsible for the level of energy, for the level of vibration of every thought, feeling, word and action that you create in your lives. Thus, when you emit discordant thought forms, feelings, words or actions, by the Law of Karma you have created a cause and you will necessarily live the consequences of what you have created. When you emit discordant thought forms, feelings, words or actions, you are sending this low vibration energy from your bodies into the Grid systems that connect you to the rest of humanity, to the planet, and to All That Is. Therefore, not only do your discordant thought forms have an effect on others, your planet, this galaxy, this universe and All That Is but, by Universal Law, this energy will also affect you and charge your bodies with that low vibration you have emitted, that you have created. It is from this principle of the Law of Karma in which your following saying is based: "What goes around, comes around". Thus, if you emit negative discordant thought forms, you charge your bodies with discord, and if you emit loving creations, you will charge your bodies with the high vibrations of love. The more discord you create through your thoughts, words, feelings and actions, the more the impact of this discord and low vibration in all of your bodies; and the accumulation of these discordant creations not only causes blockages that prevent the flow and anchoring in your bodies of the Divine Energies from Source-of Divine Love, Divine Truths, Divine Insights - but so too, the accumulation of your discordant creations is the very root cause of disease in your physical body, in your mental body, in your emotional body. As a consequence, all physical disease, all emotional imbalance, all mental imbalance or mental illness, as well as, all blockages in your spiritual development, are nothing else than the result of the accumulation of your own discord created throughout lifetimes or existences in the State of Separation.

The Assistance to Humanity by the Hosts of Light

We hear the cries from the hearts of a great majority of human beings on Earth at present, claiming for love, peace and harmony to be reinstated on Earth. Understand beloveds, that there are many creations of Goddess/God, many Beings of the Light, many beings of a high level of consciousness that respond to this call, and we are here now providing you with this information to assist you in re-creating the reality in your lives and on your planet. However, it is vital that humanity understands that while there is much that can be achieved by us holding a high vibration of Love around each of you and around the whole of planet Earth, it is not for the Beings of Light and Love to create this reality for you, beloveds. All we can really do is to hold a high level of vibration to assist you in reclaiming your Love and Power. As you would say, at the end of the day, the full responsibility lies within each of you; each individual is responsible for the reality they create. So if you continue to emit discordant thoughts, feelings, words and actions, no matter how much Love we give you beloveds, you will still have to suffer the consequences of the low vibration of your creative energy. It is not for us, the Hosts of Light, to create miracles or to wave magic crystal wands that will suddenly change the reality in your own lives and in the Collective of humanity, beloveds. For along with the Divine Gift of free will, there are other Universal Laws that apply at a cosmic level. One of those is the "Law of Non-Interference", beloveds. The Hosts of Light live and abide by Universal Law. Therefore, we choose to follow the Law of Non-Interference, by which we must not interfere with the choices of other beings, that means, with the free will of other life forms.


Let us summarize beloveds: The quality of your Individual and Collective lives, is the responsibility of each individual, and each individual will live the consequences of the level of vibration of the energies that he/she chooses to create with. The assistance of the Hosts of Light is to provide humanity with the information to promote your awareness, to hold a high vibration of Love around you - when you call upon us - to assist you in raising your own level of vibration to a higher Quotient of Love, Light and Power so that, you are able to create harmony, love and peace in your lives as individuals and as a Collective. Finally, the choices of each individual directly affect the Collective of humanity and of Earth. Throughout many cycles, humanity has chosen to live in the State of Separation on Earth. The consequences of that choice are very real and palpable at individual and planetary level, with many distortions that create energetic blockages in: the Water Pathways and the Water Crystals of the Chakras in the 'Water Crystal Grids', in your bodies as well as, in the Planetary Water Crystal Grid. To conclude, it is up to each human individual on Earth to create a new reality in his/her own life, as well as, to co-create with others a new reality, a new paradigm for planet Earth. I enfold you in the mantle of my love.

I AM Clarity.


1 Archangel Clarity is at the Head of The Higher Council of Water Beings, together with Poseidon and her polarity Archangel Aquariel.

In the Name of ONE ,

