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Message from SaLuSa

Through Angela

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Be at peace. When the turmoil is over, you will see the White House in ashes (not literally).

I am SaLuSa of Sirius. Yes, indeed I am. I am one of the Observers sent to invisibly watch the goings on. Your messenger is the one who was with the Mormon Ancestors for three months earlier in 2005.

We are ready to give to the world an accounting of what is transpiring and what has transpired.

Not only will the flagship go down, but all mates. The hirelings will run for their lives, but they will be overtaken. We speak the truth.

How will the people of America view this? As a tragedy? As a victory?

Be not afraid. I am SaLuSa, my status on Sirius is one of major general of all protective forces who have reached and are reaching earth, and are setting out to come to earth. We have millions of fleets. We bring not only protection, we bring agricultural aids, and technical aids. We bring some of our people to assist as teachers.

Be not afraid. Our landings will be spectacular. All Light Workers are asked to come forth, hands extended, so that the ordinary people will understand that we come in peace.

I am SaLuSa, and this messenger is true. Believe in her.

We will be some of the front runners.

That is all for now.
