Bashar: Extraterrestrial Contact and Communication
Through Darryl Anka
But while we have discussed and are very willing to discuss with many of you the concept of our eventual ability to interact more physically with each other, we would like to take this time to stress and to suggest that you all remember that the most important interactions are not with us…but with yourselves, first of all… meaning not only with each other of your human species in all the cultures on your planet, but within your individual selves.
Your relationship to your own self is paramount, and must be the first relationship that you allow yourself to clarify, to learn to communicate with, otherwise, you do not create the ability to really truly, clearly and honestly communicate with anyone else.
If you have agendas…if you have definitions, if you have belief systems and emotional patterns, and thought habit patterns that are not representative of your joy, of your love…of your truth… of your ecstasy…of your creativity, enmeshed in your consciousness, that are allowing your life to move in directions not of your desires, then it is very critical and very important that you work on getting in touch with these issues.
By clearing them and transforming them within your self, you create more opportunities for the different kinds of interactions that can take place within yourself, first of all, and then amongst yourselves on your world, since that's where you all have chosen to be born this time.
The idea is to become more cohesive, more integrated within yourself and then to radiate that vibrational energy of cohesiveness and integration through all of your interactions, so that it spreads around your world thus affording each and every one of you an opportunity, by reflecting this joy to everyone else and then allowing them to reflect it back to you… you then create opportunities to expand your consciousness, and to expand the possibilities and the opportunities on your planet far beyond what they are now.
Certain forms of limitation are and can be very constructive and beneficial, for they allow you to focus in certain directions. However, there are still many forms of limiting belief systems in your society that really do not allow you to fully express yourself, as you could be doing…don't allow you to create lives of unconditional joy and love…as you could be doing, and that really don't allow you to know and remember that you are connected to the Infinite, as you could be knowing and remembering.
You are now, as a species, starting to remember these ideas of your inner source of your connection to All That Is, and that is why we are even capable of having this conversation with you this day.
But there are still many different aspects of your society, that need further integration, in order for you to function as a cohesive world, thereby allowing other worlds that are already functioning cohesively, a greater opportunity to be able to interact with your world, as well. Again remember, it is not really the ultimate goal or purpose in your self integration, that you interact with us or any other extraterrestrial species… the most important goal, so to speak, is to really learn to be yourself…to be fully who you are.
We have said many times that, of course, we recognize that you are all reincarnational beings, and that you have many lives…past…present… future, alternate reality lives, whatever you wish to call them, it doesn't matter.
But the you that you are now, the person that you are now, this is the only time you have been this you, this is the only time that you will ever be this you, you will never be this you again, therefore, the you you are now does in fact only have one life to live, therefore, the fundamental…the foundational purpose of this life is to be this you as best as you can… that's the purpose of your life.
How you go about it 'tis really up to you. How you determine that you are in alignment with your joy, with your truth…with your highest vibrational purpose is up to you to determine, and for you to apply in the actions in your life.
To be harmonized and synchronized with your highest truth is simply the act of following your joy…following your passion, feeling that vibration that you know is more you than anyone else, and it is getting in touch with the belief systems that you begin to recognize as having come from other people, that you have incorporated into your consciousness, but now recognize no longer serve you, are no longer what define the you you prefer to be.
This act of commitment…this act of conviction, to be fully the you you are in this life, is what will go the farthest in allowing you, not only to be of service to all people on your planet, but will go the farthest in allowing you to be open enough to receive all the things that will, in turn, serve you, to allow you to be supported, to allow you to continue to expand, and to allow you to continue to be creative and unconditionally loving and loved.
It is a self-contained idea,…a holistic, fully integrated kit. For when you are in the vibration of your joy…your truth, what you know is true for you, then you are the complete idea of yourself, and that is what allows you to fit, as best as you can, into the overall picture of which each and every one of you is a single puzzle piece.
By being your fullest self, you allow the entire picture to be created and to function on a holistic level.
Only when you are afraid to be yourself , only when you are trying to be something that you are not…in your heart, do you thus diminish the piece that you are in the whole picture. And diminishing the piece that you are is what does not allow the whole picture to become cohesive. For if each puzzle piece is not the shape that it was designed to be, how can it fit where it belongs?
The idea therefore can be understood in that unity is not the product of becoming just like everyone else, unity stems from being the unique individual that you are, as fully as you can.
Because whatever that unique individual is automatically…by design… by definition, fits with all the other individual pieces in order to form the whole picture. So it is really an issue of not trying so hard, not struggling so hard…but relaxing into the allowance.
Allow yourself…grant yourself the permission to be who you are. Taking advice…listening to suggestions from other beings, including us…is all well and good, but it is you that have to decide what works for you, you that have to decide what harmonizes with your frequency, you that have to be you. No one else is going to live your life for you, you have to be the one to live it.
Therefore, take the choice…take the gift…take the opportunities, to choose only those things that you know are really representative of you…your vibration, knowing that if you do, you will be supported, automatically, for you are always supported automatically. It is just an issue of, "what is the universe supporting you in?"
For the universe can only support the strongest definitional belief that you have of yourself. If you fear that you are "this"…if you believe that you are "that", the universe, in it's unconditional loving support, has no choice but to support you in the limited concept you have of yourself, or the fearful concept you have of yourself.
If you say, "I'm afraid to be 'this' because I believe 'that' will happen", the universe can only say, "Alright, we support and amplify your willingness and ability to choose to be afraid to do 'that'. So everything that happens in your life will show you why you are correct in being afraid to do 'that'."
It will always support the reality you choose to say is the most real for you, but since it has always done so, even when it comes to limiting beliefs, it will still do so when it comes to expanded beliefs.
It is not that the universe will BEGIN to support you when you change your beliefs, it always HAS supported you. It is just that it will now support you in beliefs that you feel work best for you, rather than supporting you in beliefs that you feel…don't. That is the issue.
Where you define yourself…how you define yourself, who you define yourself to be, the universe always simply reflects back to you what you put out, what your frequency is…what your bandwidth is, what your vibration is, what, as you say on your planet…station you are tuned to. That's the program you get. If you don't enjoy the program… change the channel. It's that simple really…fundamentally.
Now we understand that when we say, "It's that simple", we hear many of you say, "It's not that simple… it is very hard…very difficult… because of our habits, because of our patterns…very difficult indeed.
We understand what you mean when you say that, honest…we do. However, when we say, "It's that simple", we are simply pointing out that the fundamental mechanism of how you choose your life, of how you create your experiential reality is basically simple. Any complications come from you, from your idea of what life is supposed to be, because of how you have been taught to believe it must be. It isn't that life itself is complex, it is that you have created yourselves to be complex.
And thus, in allowing yourself to rediscover all those individual details and components that you have fractured yourself into… Yes, it takes time…it takes a little bit of effort, and some challenge and some diligence and some focus…yes, and in that sense you can say "It's difficult".
But the idea really, is that what you're doing is gathering back together all the pieces of yourself that you have shattered yourself into.
And as you do…as you collect more and more and more of those pieces, you will expand and expand and expand finally to a point, as you are all very close to now, where you will have enough of the pieces, that you will have crossed a threshold of yourself and reached what you call "critical mass", so that all the remaining pieces will be clearer in your mind, and easier for you to integrate because you will know that they can be integrated based on the fact that you have integrated all the other pieces up to that point.
It is accelerating on your planet…things are progressing. Many times many of you may not think things are progressing because of what appears to be the increase in negativity and violence on your world, however, this is actually a symptom that you are now arriving at the critical mass point…the threshold. You are bringing all the issues up all at once, getting them all out on the table all at once, doingeverything it is possible to do all at once, so that you can decide, "Are these the things we prefer to retain in the world we want to create from this point forward…yes or no?"
The sign of the increase in all the violence and all the negativity, is an indicator that you are finding out that there isn't much time left for you to experience these things…the time is now in hand, for you to decide…truly decide, what kind of a world you want to experience.
And when we say, "decide", we mean that your decision must be exemplified by the actions that you do. Your behavior shows what you believe, your behavior…your actions…your deeds, show what beliefs you have…what you really prefer in life.
You can spend all day…all month…all year…all century, all millennium…. all eternity…saying you believe in something, but if you do not, as you say on your planet, "walk the talk", if you do not act the part… if you do not do the actions, belief is nothing but a concept…a dream.
Action is belief. Without the action…without the follow through, it is really only a probable reality, an esoteric concept…an ethereal dream.
It takes the grounding of the belief through your physicality, through your daily actions, to be the person…to be the state of the reality itself, that you prefer to be. This is what makes all the changes happen, that you say you prefer to have happen on your planet.
The fundamental mechanism, as we have said, is simply this: These dialogs on an individual basis are for the purpose of examining and exploring with each and every one of you, as time on your planet allows, how this fundamental basic simple mechanism can be applied in your physical reality…your day-to-day life.
It is so that you can know that you have access to the tools that you need, so that you can know that you're not really "cut off" from the Source, and never have been. You've just forgotten the key… forgotten the combination, or perhaps, now and then, even though you may know it…you get distracted or you simply decide that this game or that game is worth playing.
And that is all well and good. Never would we invalidate any of your choices. We're only here to reflect to each and every one of you, that you can choose what you wish, no matter what it is…that's up to you.
You have free will…you are an aspect of the Infinite, you are made with the ability to be a Co-creator. The things you choose are yours to choose.
That we can interact with you, that we can reflect to you different perspectives, is an indication that you may be now ready and willing to look at your life in different ways, maybe ready and willing to make certain kinds of changes.
Again, not that you have to…but I will tell you, that we are more than overjoyed to be able to act as a mirror for you, to simply remind you of what we know, you already know…but may have just misplaced.
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