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Ela 06.27.05.

Through Mike Quinsey

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rong willpower into the arena of politics, it is not surprising that you can effect changes for good. We have long forgotten the fights and tussles that duality brings, and generally have a census of opinion that comes from the oneness of our collective consciousness. We do not have dissension such as you experience, but instead a putting forward of positive ideas from which a decision can be made.

You operate on a similar basis, but in government institutions there is usually a bias that is connected with the policies of the party in power. There is not that absolute freedom of __expression for fear of losing your place, and you feel forced to toe the party line. In a totally free society, the various views and opinions are valued as a contribution to the whole, and a reflection of where they are in their understanding and enlightenment. In the higher levels, we have learnt to trust those who are appointed to the various councils and very much value their opinions. There is a point reached where you acknowledge the greater wisdom and understanding of those souls who are of the Love and Light. Mere words do not really express what a wonderful feeling it is to be able to totally put your trust into another's hands.

In the not too distant future you too will have reached that understanding, and unlike on Earth where you cannot "see" a person for what they really are, you will see and understand the Light signature of that soul. At present, very few of you can fully see auras and know the meaning of the auric colors. That would presently be your only way of seeing the inclinations and the level of spiritual development of that person. The nearest you come to this, is with your ability to feel the collective impression of their energies. It works in a way that you feel at ease with one who has similar vibrations to your own, and actually repelled by those that are your opposites. Someone with a great spiritual presence will however make everyone feel at ease, and are lifted up into a higher vibration. You use this way of deciding how you feel about people without realizing it.

When we visit Earth and walk unseen amongst you, we see you for what you really are and as you might say, can you read you like a book. We see the Lightworkers and those who are spiritually enlightened with developed auras that reach out far into the ether, and yet others who are so lacking in the Light. Where there is a grouping of people, the auras flow together, and there are moments such as occur during meditation when you almost become as One in a single consciousness. A similar occurrence takes place during healing sessions, and these are beautiful sights to see and a source of delight to us.

So few of you truly understand your full potential, but that is a sign of the Age that you are coming out of when a lot of the spiritual skills and understanding were suppressed. With the change in direction that is now taking place, many souls are coming into their own having incarnated with the higher knowledge that is now needed. This encompasses many facets, including teaching and healing and memories surface from days gone by when these practices were more openly carried out. In the next few years of change you will actually surpass your previous understanding, and it will be a time of great revelations and preparation for a grand upliftment into the new vibrations. You will have much to learn and there will be every assistance from us, so that your evolution can quickly proceed. Unlike some eras of the past, you will also understand how science and the spiritual understanding can be drawn together, and how they compliment each other.

You have gone through eons of time in many guises as you have traveled your journeys. None will have quite given you the freedom and truth of your being such as you are about to find out. You will gradually understand why you have been informed that you earthly life is an illusion, and see it for what it really has been. For all that, your experiences which have been self made have given you a tremendous strength of Will and purpose. You have been honed by your many lives, and have overcome the challenges of duality so that you can now leave them behind and move to new pastures. You are greatly honored throughout the Universe for what you have undertaken on behalf of others who will follow.

It is soon to be your time to move through the chaos that inevitably accompanies such vast changes that you are experiencing. You are like a new born chick breaking out of its shell of confinement, and you find it hard going until those first cracks let the light come flooding in. You may not have considered the Earth as a means of confinement, but you have been shut off from the Truth for eons of time. Now your arrival is announced through the Heavens and many are waiting to welcome you back to the Light of reason and understanding. Many friends who consider themselves to be your real family from the stars are excited at the prospect of meeting you again.

I am Ela from Arcturus and privileged to be associated with your release from the cycle of duality. I will be present along with many others to guide you through then next exciting phase of your life, and together we will ready ourselves for your Ascension. This is a loving act that is accorded to all who have taken that decision to lift themselves up. Those who have decided otherwise will also have their helpers, and no one is preferred against another as we appreciate your choice of freewill to determine your own future. May the Love and Light pour onto Earth and everyone upon it as you move along your chosen path.

Thank you Ela,

Mike Quinsey
