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Time Walkers - The Ancient Ones of ORR

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

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d for eons of time.

As Time Walkers we escort you into what is iron ore, what is magnetic ore, what is golden ore, and what is light ore. A time of lifting is what you have initiated yourself into, a place and a response time of quickening is what escorts you there. Everything coincides with all the markings of the heavens in alignment with the markings of earth. The doorways open within every cell structure, within every thought, within every inkling and desire, awakening every aspect of you –future, past, and present. The time has come to shift the outcomes of who you thought you were, of who you were thought destined to be, and to do.

The time of shifting is upon you as you are no longer sequestered in a four-dimensional playing field, but now bring your selves to the holographic deck of all possibilities. It is here that you will sit in your dreamtime. It is here that you will view the circumstances of your life from a platform of knowing, and a point of healing that surpasses and circumnavigates all previous layers of your light.

You have allowed yourself to play the role of human for far too long. You have allowed yourself to get lost in the wrappings of humanness and limitations that serve you well as their master. You sit at a crossroads a dimensional flux. In this place of all time / space and possibilities, you will view what has been consuming your time and energy on earth. You will see entire sections of worries, fears, hates and unforgiveness'. You will see arenas of love and gratitude. You will see all of your sins shuffled and categorized throughout all time. You will sup upon them and dance with them for one last time. Then they will leave not to set foot upon the porch of your light, or the landscape of your future from that point forward. In this intersection of timespace and light there is a relinquishing a releasement.

When you are birthed from the original light, you have a certain number of quantum photon particles, bio-luminary essences that describe who you are. As these energies of the New Year line up you will find that you are cleansed and purified, as one at their Holy Communion. You are baptized into a higher light that does not exist on earth. You hold the encoding for that light within the encoded solar structures of the cells of your heart. As these time frequencies are set free from the heart you will find a great pitter and a patter in your heart. You may experience a pain, a palpitation as these bio-luminary cells are set free and allowed to move forward into a place of undivided freedom. Landing in a place that surpasses emancipation and proclamation, past freedoms of earth, past freedom of even what you know to be heaven.

Everything that you have worshipped now looks at you eye to I knowing that one day it is destined to look up to you. Everything that you have placed on a pedestal now replaces itself with you. It is your turn to be become God, to become Savior, to become the Enlightened One. As you move that awareness into a higher understanding of what it is you really seek in this physical incarnation, you will be relieved, for all the pressures of doing, observing, coming, acting out, acting like, acting as if, will now be released. You will be allowed to draw yourself exactly as you see yourself in these higher octaves of light. When others look upon you allow them to see the shine of your heart. No longer can you hide behind the mountain of Commandments. It is a time for you to come out and be seen beyond Biblical proportion, beyond Ancient Knowledge.

Earth vibrates in every cell of your body. Every new discovery that is made on earth is a discovery that is made within your own being, within your own thinking. It is a time of not questioning your motives but a time of knowing. Walk onto this platform of light as a Presidential Candidate with all eyes of the world upon you. Hold the place of honor. Hold the place of integrity. Hold the place of worthiness and respectability. Support yourself in all of your choices.

The vastness of your presence now makes itself known. No longer can you be a victim. No longer can you have an excuse. No longer can you punish yourself for all the deeds that are done and undone through all space and time. Come forth in all of your glory to be seen, to be felt, to be known. There is no escaping your light. There is no escaping your heart. There is no escaping what you are destined to do by every thought and every action. It is time to believe in yourself, to vote for yourself, and to know that you are the right person for this next level of light.

Mary Magdalene speaks

"The Gift of the Year 2005"

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

What was once was and all that has been now resurrects itself to the light of a new day, a new eye, and a new future. The Stargate that was once closed now opens to be seen. Influxes from beyond time now make their way home to be seen in a fullness of a circle in the form of a golden ring. A sacred wedding announcement is commanded and heard as clarion vibrations skip throughout time. You have wed what is holy within your self, you have married what is holy within life. The sacredness that has so longed for itself, for its bride and its groom now looks heart to heart touching hand to hand. A doorway that was not seen opens within the cellular vibration of your Christ DNA and the wedding is announced to your circuitry.

In time before, What was once deemed holy was sequestered, swept under a rug lost in a shuffle of papers, erased and eradicated. The time portals of 2005 now open as a century plant allowing this new information to be resurrected and reentered. The Year of the Magdalene (2005) births itself into the House of the Seven. Bringing forth the healing of the sacred selves of the Temples within women and men.

Aligning with the vibration of what you once knew to be you will assist you in making your choices in the upcoming time of Spring as the vibration of the ancient Goddess of Easter and all she represents in resurrection will make herself known to many. The vibrations of these portals of time past now escort you into doorways of no-time that will allow you to access the Halls of Records. This is not Karma that seeks to be released. This is the equation of Completion on the outskirts of Karma. All that was left undone, you will weave together into a tapestry of healing. All that was secreted away now comes to the surface as the sands shift and the waters lessen, as the tide lines change, and the Teutonic plates move. The long lost scrolls that announce to the world what you know in your heart will be seen by eyes that doubt and held by hands that fist.

Vibrations of healing can be heard throughout the earth as each one of you announces what brings you love. Make a list dear ones of what you love about your life, about yourself, and about others. This will be your map, your compass, and your guiding wire in the year 2005. No doorways of escapism will be allotted to you as you are all drawn to the center, the center of all that is woman, the center of all that is man, and the center of all that is holy. You will be open as a temple for all to enter and all to see. Your holiness will be seen in a way that cannot be describe by the neophyte, but sensed and felt on a cellular basis.

You shift the outcome of everything by seeing yourself as a sacred place, as a sacred temple and as a sacred being honoring that temple. Walk through your life as if you were a holy man or woman walking through a town. Stay as connected as you can to that holy vibration and do not place it asunder by default of thought. Hold higher expectations of your world, of the people in your world, and of those that you love, and especially those that bring discord to your life.

In 2005 a divine union and a sacred marriage happens between every person that you meet and every person you are yet to meet. Open up the pathways of your heart in vein, in capillary, in aorta. Open up the four chambers of your heart release biological division, and separation. The gift you give to others is your ability to be sure footed in your knowing. Now it is time to take what is sacred within your own union and bless yourself with it. Anoint your actions. Anoint your yearnings. Anoint your dreams as a holy sacrament. Allow yourself in 2005 to ignite your passion, to live life not fool heartedly, but full heartedly.

Do not doubt or question who has been touched by your heart Light. Do not doubt or question if they finally understand for it is not your script to read. Busy yourself about clearing and becoming all that you can. It is not your life experience to busy yourself with another’s evolution. If they come to your temple and ask to be taken in, then so shall it be. But do not drag them kicking to your holy space to hear your holy words.

There were days when my beloved did not want to hear what I said. There were days when he looked at me with fire in his eyes even though I knew how much he loved me. There were times I did not agree with what he did and nor he with me, but we honored the experienced and exchange and so it shall be with you. You are the most beloved of the universe’s creations and yet you see it not. When you learn to love all that you are then doorways upon doorways will open up for you and upon you. Then you will see in the fullness of time that you have not been able to see through your human eyes. All my Love Mary Magdalene



Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

I am the She-ness of All that is, I am Sophia. I am the breath of that which you have spoken. I am the breath that is and that is yet to be birthed. I bring within my words and energies a fulfillment that comes not from the substance of earth, nor from the substance of self. I ask you to taste the sweetness that you are as you kiss the lips of God. I ask you to taste the sweetness that was destined to be your life before you chose the conflict. Come forth into the fullness of your power in this hour of light. Do not wait a fortnight; do not wait another day until the timing is correct in your perceptions. For in the scheme of universal knowledge and the schematics of universal light, there is but this moment. In this moment you need to fill yourself with all that you want to be. Do not talk of what you shall accomplish one day, but fulfill that accomplishment within your mind, within the pictures of your heart and the pictures of your word in this moment this thought.

In the upcoming time, you will find that many words that you speak will change in enunciation, in meaning, and change in vibration. You will find that as you speak, a gentle hum is heard in your heart as it begins to vibrate with truth so fast that music is created. These are not heart palpitations but the sound of love that hums through the caverns of your being.

I am She that was whispered into existence by the mouth of God. I am sometimes seen as Shekinah the holy breath, the Holy Spirit. I am feminine of nature, but not always depicted as such. I come forth with the vibration and the teachings of the ancient Magdalenes. You birth a New World on this day by believing. You birth a great white hope that lives so deeply in your cell memory that you have not yet seen it in your world. You birth on this day a completion as you spiral and dance around all layers and faces of your soul and of yourself finally landing in climax within the oceans of your being. I am that which is yet to be found within you. I am the sacred feminine that you seek but do not always see reflected in the mirror of your life. I am the sacred face of the feminine light of God and I come to heal you as I come to birth myself.

The essence of Sophia (Ma-RI) has lived by many names and each one of them you have donned as a costume in the masquerade of life. You came in this time holding an encoding that will be released in these upcoming times. It is that sacred number, that sacred sound, that sacred geometry and color of the Wild Woman untamed Goddess within you that you allowed to be birthed in fullness for me and through me.

It is time for you to celebrate everything about you for every one of you is a strand in the tapestry of my cloak of light. The doorway opens for you to see and to celebrate. Some days the celebration will be in a place of loneliness and other days it will be in a large beautiful group, but it matters not. Your life needs to be a celebration of who you want to be and who you know you are. Strip off the weather coatings that you wear as protection and allow your glorious beautiful self to be seen in the fullness of time. Do not be afraid of your emotions or your angers or your passions. Do not be afraid of your wild hair days.

If you would sound my sound in your heart, it will help you to heal for it comes as an elixir, as an amendment to all the rules of order that you were forced to follow from time beginning. Say my name softly to yourself – Sophia—Sophia – Sophia. Does it not soothe the thorns of your being? For in that sound is a memory and in that memory you are very close to home.

I thank you for being who you are. You have never allowed others to break your spirit even though there were times when you teetered very close to that. Do not allow anyone to take of your heart. You can give it all that you want, but do not let others take your dreams or your desires. Give and give and give. That is the doorway to the greatest healing of all. Invite me into your day, into the morn, into the night. I will escort you into passageways that you have forgotten. Run bare-footed in the temples of your past. Allow me to escort you into all that you are for it is a place of completion that you come home to. I am Sophia as are you.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Doorways of new thought open upon you and about you as you stand in the mist and amidst change. Doorways that present themselves as a gift you have so sought to receive. Doorways that open and close dimensionally allowing you to see through them from time immortal.

Your life in this season of shift will explain and exclaim itself to all levels of you as you finally unwrap the gift of you. For too long you have allowed others to determine your value, to determine your self worth, to determine whether you have a good thought or a bad thought, a good day or a bad day. For too long now you have allowed others to evaluate and re-evaluate who you are and why you are here. You have been designed by your deeds, and you have been re-defined by the way others receive said deeds. As you come to a point of explosion in a plane of expansion, it is time to let go of the rope that you have been holding onto. The rope that you think you are, the life that you think you have and allow yourself to free-fall into all that you destined to be.

The doorways of expansion past all previous limitations are there if you allow yourself to see them. Do not be afraid of the future. Do not be afraid of your beauty, of your sexuality, of your dreams, or of your thoughts. Do not be afraid of your world or the darkness in your world. Do not define yourself or the world by the news

The magic of you awaits you. Do not be known by who you were 5 minutes ago, but allow yourself to be designed in a new logistical way, past perimeters, past expectations, past the very past that haunts you. You are a voyager in this life. You are a cell in the body of the Universe. And just like a blood cell in your body, you move all through the body of God and the body of life and light in your life. The journey begins and ends with you. The magic begins and ends with you. No matter how much you read and how much you do, how much you pray ultimately it falls upon how you see yourself as. Do you see yourself as a beautiful magical creature that you are? Do you see yourself as someone who is stretched beyond time and space? Or do you see yourself as a mere mortal? If this is all that there is to your life, how are you spending it? Are you spending it being angry or negative or sad? Or are you spending these golden nuggets of light in loving every minute of you, every inch of you?

In 2005 you enter a new chapter of your life, one that does not have a name or a title, it awaits your description of it. If today were your last day on earth, how would you define who you have been up until now? What would you publish in your eulogy and your obituary? How would those that viewed you see you? Would they remember you in all of your glorious being? What would they remember about you? This new chapter of you that asks to be re-written in the next year is written specifically by you and for you.

Re-define who you see yourself as and give that new definition to the dictionary of your cell membranes and cell intelligence. By re-defining this new chapter of light that you are writing, you change the outcome of the world. If you could re-define yourself, how would you want your world to see you? How would you want the people to remember you? If you were to have a vision that contained every person that you have ever crossed paths with, what percentage of that vision would be beautiful, what percentage would be dark, what percentage would be sad, what have you given that you have not received? The universe opens its arms to you and takes you upon its lap. Granting all of your wishes as a kindly rich old uncle. This year is about becoming you.

You speak about the Star Children and the Indigo Children, but you are of the same genetics and the same light. Many of you have worked to remember some have just done it naturally. You have worked to become more light, to become more heart, to become more giving and loving. You have worked to love the darkness that resides deep within the light.

You hold the flame of hope for those that do not have the eye to see. You hold the light in the darkened room of their life choices and karmic debris. You hold the diamond that glitters in your heart wanting so much for everyone to see it. You want the people to see the good about you, the beauty about you, the God about you, the Goddess about you. And so it shall be. Ask and so it shall be. Ask that every person that you meet, mirror your beauty, mirror your good, mirror your heart, and mirror your love. Ask that every person feel the spirit of love in you. Ask for these gifts that you still do not feel worthy of receiving and they shall be deemed yours for the asking. Know you are precious and you have worked so hard to become this beautiful light that you already are.

This time of peace is yours if you so desire it. The universe cannot force you to become love, to become peace, to become beauty. It can only allow it to be partaken by you. Open up to receive this. You have asked. You have prayed. You have begged. You have meditated for peace, for love, for beauty, for abundance and here it stands. What shall you do with all of your granted prayers and your granted wishes? What shall you do when everything is fulfilled? Are you tried of asking for it yet? It has accrued as a cornucopia of light. It is now time for you to sup upon it and break bread with all of it that you have prayed for. We leave you with this thought.

