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Quado Christmas Message for 2004

By Carrie Hart

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you as you expand as a spiritual person.

Today, realize that you are giving birth to a new version of yourself. You are giving birth to a version of yourself which is full of peace and forgiveness, compassion and love.

The darkness of fear and doubt are fading, and you are ready to create your own life made entirely out of love. Allow yourself to do this. Allow yourself to give birth to this new you.

And so today, on Christmas, make this a day of preparation. Allow the old to drop away. Use this time between now and the New Year to let the old habits and ways drop away. Allow yourself to let fear and doubt go. Allow yourself to drop them like old clothing which no longer fits. The old habits and ways of being and thinking no longer serve you well. You need to drop them and make room for yourself to emerge new and clean, naked and shining from the bath, coming out into your own to create a new and glorious life.

Let this time between Christmas and the New Year be a time to gracefully say goodbye to old ways of being. To say goodbye to the way you have allowed your mind and your ego to rule your life. Say goodbye to the way you have tried to control your life, striving and trying instead of surrendering deeply to the power all around you, instead of visioning. Say goodbye to that controlling way, that working and worrying, that striving and trying too hard. Let this go.

And instead, replace it with a new attitude toward life. Replace it with a new way of seeing life, of sensing life. Fill yourself with courage and prepare yourself to live on faith and love.

Right now, if you could see the spirits who are gathered around you, all showering you with love, all working on your behalf, if you could truly see the power which you have around you and within you, you would cease worrying. You would cease the foolish attempts to do it all yourself, for you would see the awesome power which you command all around you.

Today, just spend a moment getting to know the world of spirit which surrounds you. Spend a quiet moment and ask for the angels and guides to reveal themselves to you in some way. Ask them to make themselves known, perhaps through a feeling of love within your heart, perhaps through a sparkling of light now and again, perhaps through a few words which pop into your mind, perhaps a playful coincidence or two. Ask them to show themselves, just so that you might get to know them better.

And then, from now until the New Year, get to know the powers of spirit better while you also let go the old ways. Do both of these things. Feel yourself transferring your power from your mind and ego to the partnership which you have with a greater world, a world which goes far beyond the meager powers of this physical and mental realm.

Spend this week in preparation. And then, when the New Year dawns, be born anew. Birth yourself forth in energy and love, ready to fully create your own life as you would like it to be, as it is meant to be, full of your great shining light, full of you as you truly are.

You do not need to know how you will be. You do not need to know what path you will walk. You need only be a full and complete expression of yourself, shining forth, taking the next step forward, deeply in touch with your true self. Learn to grow comfortable with not knowing. Learn to walk in faith. And so let today be the first day in a week of true transition, a week of commitment to letting go the old ways, clearing the old energies and habits, fears and restrictions, letting all that go and washing yourself clean and clear with love. Every day, for the next week, take a bath of love. Let the angels of love and compassion, forgiveness and mercy, pour over you the endless waters of love. Let them wash you clean and clear and then let them fill you, fill you so full you overflow. And in that overflowing of love, let it wash away all of the old and leave you a clear vessel, ready to be filled with a new life, a new way of being, a spirit which glows with love and peace, a willingness to surrender your will to the will of your higher self. Prepare yourself this week, and then, with the New Year, give birth to a new and sparkling version of yourself who is faith, who is love, who is peace. Then step out and shine and let your own shine, your own glow, show you the way.

*** The Quado Meditations Meditation is a vitally important component of your spiritual growth. Go to _ ( to learn about the highly effective Quado meditations.


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