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The Galactic Federation of Planets 11.06.04.

Through Mike Quinsey

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f NESARA, will show you what you should have rightly had many years ago. You have been denied progress that would have greatly enhanced your quality of life. And instead you have been held back and slowly pulled down, and suffered as a result. The progress you should have made has to manifest sooner or later. It is a normal development that we have seen in other civilisations, but because of what has happened on Earth it has become out of balance. Your technological advancement has far exceeded your spiritual progress, and you now rush headlong into chaos. It is however a matter that is not allowed to run totally out of control, but your lesson is to understand what happens when such imbalances arise.

We of the Galactic Federation of Planets have the responsibility to monitor and contain your exploits, which have taken you into Space. Many times we have averted potential travesties that threatened the very Earth itself. Although warned of the consequences, you have repeatedly tried to take your weapons into Space, and out into the Solar System. You play with your experiments not knowing what will happen, and appear to disregard the sanctity of other life-forms. It is not as though the knowledge gained is for peaceful purposes, in fact there is very little that you learn that is of benefit to Humanity. You now start to point your lethal weapons into Space, and often try to destroy our craft, which at no time have ever posed a threat to you. Fortunately we are more than a match for your elementary weapons, and we prefer to simply evade your attentions. You have imposed yourself upon the Moon, and although we allow you to have bases there, you try to ignore our warning not to encroach upon the territories of other Beings, who shelter away from Earth, on the other side. Man has proven to be intrusive, and have no regard or understanding of Universal Law, and will certainly not be allowed to go outside of the Solar System. In fact Man has been kept away from the secrets of inter-stellar travel for these reasons. You will take an active place within the Federation of which you are now a member, and this will happen sooner than you imagine. But not until your cycle of duality has been brought to a close. It is your destiny to become great travellers in Space and you will take your knowledge far afield, even into new Universes. You will have become fully fledged spiritual Cosmic Beings, and moved much further in your evolution. This will happen quickly, as will all events planned for your immediate future.

We wait patiently for that moment that we are told that the time is right for us to land on Earth. It will be preceded by a number of announcements from us and our allies, and these shall beam out to you from your radio and television receivers. You have been aware of our presence for many years now, and we know that we will be peacefully received by the majority of the people. The biggest threat against us comes from your Governments, but we shall contain that quite easily.

People of Earth, we greet you and extend a hand in great friendship. Know that we have so much to offer you, and we will quickly come together and overcome the problems that threaten your very existence. Selamat Gajun - We Are One

Thank you Mike Quinsey
