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It Is You Dear Ones That Procreate, Recreate, Un-create, And Create For Yourself

Un-create, And Create For Yourself

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Within the realm of all possibilities is where you sit, where you weave, where you sculpt, where you pre-design, and re-design. Within the realm of all probabilities is where you breathe, where you think, where you believe.

You hold the key to every doorway within all existences. You hold the key to all the gifts that the Gods yearn to bring to you. You hold the key to all the distress that you yearn to receive. You hold the keys to the hard learning's, the easy learning's, the ups, the downs, and the in-betweens of the staircase of self. It is you dear ones that procreate, recreate, un-create, and create for yourself on all levels of time, of thought, and of experience.

You are the grand design that you yearn for, you are the prosperity that you seek, and you are the love in your life that you pray for. Only then will you come into the fulfillment of a promise to all levels of self, probable, dimensional, past, present, and future.

Underlining all of the design that you have sculpted for yourself are reasons. Reasons that you create chaotic relationships. Reasons that you limit your receiving, and your spending. Reasons that serve you as you create the offering of being healthfully challenged. Until you understand the reasons that you do to yourself what you do, you will continue in the cycles of destruction and disruption.

Understand that your design is holy and hope-fully created. You are not designed on the whim of a Creator that knows not what they are sketching weaving or sewing together as a Raggedy Ann or a Raggedy Andy. You are designed creatively and create-fully on purpose, with purpose, in purpose. There is nothing about you that is haphazard. You sat with the Creator of All That Is and you designed this life, this body, this hair color, this face, these organs, this illness, this desire, this love, and this sadness.

As you stepped into the physicalness of your body, birthed through the tunnel of Love within your Mother, you stood wide-eyed at this conjunction of time and space looking at everything with delight, not censoring your experience until you were told "NO" over and over again. Believing in the magic of life until you were told that you could not fly, you could not swim as a dolphin. Until you were told you were not invisible, that you could be seen. Until you were told love hurts, life disappoints. Then you looked at this beautiful world with tears in your eyes and you cried. Your soul cried, your higher self-cried and every cell in your body cried. You proclaimed, " why am I here if I cannot do any of these things that I think I can do?" Then you turned away from the world and sculpted it in silence. You sculpted it in your imagination; you sculpted in and out of time, in and out of daydreams, in and out of thoughts. You told no one about the visions, the visitations, the fairies, the angels, the aliens, or the giants. Some of you gave in to the world and lost hope, telling your little brother or sister, "Santa does not exist. Christmas is a lie. Fairies are imaginary." Popping the bubble of everyone that still believed. As you spoke these things you felt a pain in your heart that went deep into your soul, because you remembered when your bubble of believing was popped.

As an adult you allow the corporations and the conglomerations of your world to pop your bubbles. You allow declarations of government and people that are supposedly in charge to pop your bubbles. Deep inside your heart you still believe in the magic of life. Do not believe in what is external for it is fleeting, and momentarily will be gone. One day your news announces this and the next day it becomes invisible to be found no where in paper or print. Where has it gone? Did it un-create itself in the night?

You are a being of such vast power beyond your ability to remember. Each thought that you have represents a nuclear explosion of self. Sixteen (16) seconds of that thought gives to you a new creation that you are designing specifically for yourself. Do not worry if no one chooses to create a place of harmony and love and opulence. They will when their eyes are opened from the long sleep of denial. They will when they are ready to change their world of hate into a world of love.

Keep designing and sculpting a world that you believe in, a world that is full of love, a world that is full of medical miracles, a world where all people tell the truth even if it is not comfortable. A world that is filled with possibilities and probabilities that goes beyond your imagination. That world begins with your thoughts and your belief. When you believe there is a cure for cancer, there is. When you believe there is world peace, there is. It does not matter if you see it broadcast on your televisions.

A camera is but a focal point. It can take one picture per moment. But is what is happening in the background of the other 59 seconds in that one-minute of time? There are 359 degrees of happenings around that camera/camera man that is not being looked at. Is someone helping someone away from danger, is a solider feeding a starving child behind that cameraman? Is someone falling in love for the first time? All cameras point to a single event and capture that moment, but what about all the rest of that minute, all the good that is happening that is not caught on tape or film? Is it captured? No, it is not. Is it seen? No, it is not. It is up to you to believe that each time you see a dramatic event on your media that something wonderful is happening around the corner around the bend behind the cameraman. For human nature is inherently good and kind do not let anything take that thought away from you.

You need to keep believing that peace comes one person at a time, that light is birthed one thought at a time, that the heart heals one love at a time. LOVE just because you can. Dissolve all the chaotic patterns and violence of what has been shown to you by every picture on every TV screen as world upheaval. You have the ability to shift the future and focus on the good in the world instead of the media captured darkness.

Release all that does not serve Love. Release all that does not fit into the future that you seek from the bottom, the top, and the center of your heart for you must believe for it to be birthed. Start this belief within yourself and your patterns of thinking and then as an ocean that knows no beach, it will loose it boundaries, it will loose its shores and it will become more.

We are a Council of Light that lives deep within the spaciousness of the Milky Way Galaxy. We live on the other side of the super galactic center within a Black Hole. We move through these black holes and use them as megaphones of sorts to amplify what we know to be truth, to broadcast this truth throughout your Milky Way vibration inching its way through your Day Star, your Sun -- into the cells and the solar sun that lives within each one of you. Names do not describe what our event is for we are an event that believes in itself as you are destined to be an event that believes in yourself. We leave you at this point and intersection of time and space and thought.


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