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Healing Yourself By Using The Circle Of Grace

From The Brotherhood of Light

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must occur on three levels:

physical (medical), mental (psychiatric), and spiritual (auric).

When Science and Spirituality finally meet and merge, healing will become a simple process.

Humans get sick in one of two ways - either a disease establishes itself in the region of the non-functional chakra, or too much stress overloads the system, which breaks down at the site of your genetic predisposition to illness. By this we mean inherited diseases such as cancer, diabetes, etc.. Very often, the best way to treat acute disease is to have it cut out as in the case of cancerous tumors), or attack the infection with antibiotics (like in pneumonia or ulcers), or set the broken bone with osteopathic knowledge and then cast the area. We are all in favor of using the modern technology that is available today; doctors perform an invaluable service to humanity.

But what if you were to go to the doctor and say, Dear Sir, I have pain in this region of my body, which is invisible to you. Please help me! That is the situation faced by most modern healers, scientific or holistic. The scientific mind-set ignores what it cannot see or measure. The holistic mind-set works on wherever the pain may be, and tracks it back to its true source - damage in the auric field. Yet, the hands-on healers among you work mostly blind, for your 3D sense cannot yet register information from the EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field) that vibrates in the higher dimensions. Many of you get «diagnostic impressions» in your hands and can feel your way through to righting the damage that has been done.

The biggest obstacle to healing that humans face is realizing that your physical body is only 50% of your total being; it is the physical core into which your other 50% - your auric self, or energetic self - is wired into.

Modern medicine does not honor the other 50% of each patient that is invisible, because it is invisible. But it is invisible only to your senses, which are anchored in the 3rd dimension. Think of the concept of a dog whistle, which is an octave above man's range of hearing. Blow on that whistle, and you hear nothing. Yet your dog comes running, because he has heard your call. In the same way, your etheric (auric or energetic) self is beyond the range of your 3D senses, but that does not mean that it does not exist - it only means that you cannot see, feel, hear, or interact with your aura, or energetic self.

When medicine understands and accepts that it only focuses on half of a human being, people will begin (and have begun) to create instruments capable of tuning into the inter-dimensional levels of a person - measuring the aura, and the level of health or disease carried in that aura or electromagnetic field. Electroencephalograms, or EEGs, measure brain waves or energetic brain activity. Your electrocardiograms, or EKG tests, measure the energetic pulse of your hearts. Kirlian photographic equipment shows the energetic field, or aura, of any subject. Once you develop Kirlian movie cameras, you will be able to track the movement of etheric energy, and truly show the impact of energetic light workers on the human system.

Most important, you will be able to see the energetic blockages in the body that has not yet manifested as illness. The Circle Of Grace is thus a wonderful diagnostic tool to locate and pinpoint damage or blockages in a person's aura. If you can clear these energetic blockages, or «stress pockets» that are magnetized to your EMF, then the spiritual dis-ease will be released before it manifests as a disease of the body.

Many doctors will agree that all illness is a result of stress in your lives. By the time they are presented with an illness, they can only track it back to where it appeared in the body and then label it according to which area, system or organ has been affected. Without alleviating the circumstances in your life that caused the stress in the first place, you will have either a failed or incomplete healing, or a temporary remission. Release that stress pocket and the situation that caused it, and the physical symptoms will withdraw from the body.

Many hands-on modalities are being developed and fine-tuned to release stress from the aura before it causes a physical illness. Reiki is the best known as a foundational modality that uses Universal Energy to clear and heal the aura. There are many other energetic modalities such as Cranio Sacral, Therapeutic Touch, Seichem, Integrated Energy Therapy, plus older modalities, like acupuncture, acupressure and foot reflexology, which also help to clear blockages in the auric layers before they reach the physical core. Once an illness has manifested in the body, it is more difficult to clear.

Your bodies are incredible conglomerations of organs and systems that form a symphony of life essence known as humanity. Once you have a clearer understanding of how the aura interacts with its physical core, you will soon realize that the aura is as complex and as miraculous as the body that supports it. How could it not be?

The biggest challenge to human healing is the fact that you cannot see or interact with your energetic selves. Since it is not part of your awareness, you cannot feel it, much less heal it. Your left- brain is connected to and directs your physical body. The right-brain connects and directs the etheric layers that comprise your aura. The right-brain is where your slumbering connection to Spirit exists. This connection is affected by the Veil Of Forgetfulness, a universal mechanism that blocks you from knowledge of other dimensions, and blocks the higher levels of your awareness to keep you focused on your present life and thus insure karmic reincarnation.

Due to the Veil, you have no conscious knowledge of anything other than the third dimension. That is why you are in constant, concrete communication with your physical body, yet cannot exchange a word or thought with your aura. Even if you managed to influence or touch your aura, you cannot hear the answer in clear words - the communication you receive is a flow of emotions, feeling good, bad, or indifferent to every situation. Learn to use this «intuition», as you call it, to assess and weigh every emotion that arises as an answer to your current situation. Realize that your aura, by virtue of being in layers of higher dimensions, sees and knows more than you, in the 3rd.

You already know that, while the body needs a certain amount of sleep each day, your mind never rests. In dreams, the mind continues to function. For those of you doing astral work, the mind/spirit aspect of your being continues its work during dream time, letting the body rest while the mind continues on. Why does the body need rest? To clear itself of the trauma and emotional baggage that you pick up daily, most of it inherent in your fast-paced, complex society.

How does your body accomplish this clearing? By the activation of the Circle of Grace. Forgive the long introduction, but the framework of reference is much more intricate than the actual work. Once you understand, in your mind and body, how this clearing takes place, you will be able to activate it at any time to regain and maintain health.



To heighten understanding, know that the energy meridians traced by the Chinese over 3,000 years ago for acupuncture are in reality an overlay of your nervous system. That is why acupuncture works so well in accelerating healing and reducing swelling - it clears the energy meridians appropriate to the damage, which aids the body to heal itself. For many, acu-pressure works just as well as acupuncture; do not let a fear of needles block you from attaining aid in healing.

The aura sustains the total body's life flow by circulating Universal Energy through its physical core. The nervous system is to the aura what the (blood) circulatory system is to the body. While blood only flows in one direction, the nervous system is much more versatile. The nervous system also has a flow - a constant intake of Universal Energy - that can go in any direction it needs to clear itself. Imagine this flow as an influx of golden light, or a flow of clean, golden energy. This intake flow begins in your dominant foot, circles up through your body, over the head and back down to exit from your non-dominant hand and foot. The purpose of this energy is to collect stress and pain in your total being, both physical and etheric and release it. This process also energizes the body as it is clearing. How? Universal energy is food to your aura. The aura is a self- maintaining system, thanks to its clearing and energizing mechanism embedded into all layers of the body - the Circle of Grace - that clears all levels of your total being.

The golden energy that runs through your nervous system absorbs your pain in a magnetic way: the pain literally melts into the flow, which becomes dark and tainted as it progresses through your body. Imagine this flow akin to oil in your cars - the oil keeps everything running smoothly, but gets dirty with the byproducts of released energy. You have determined how long your cars can run efficiently before the oil gets so dirty that it needs to be changed. We say to you here: your bodies require «oil changes» much more frequently than your automobiles!

Here is a concept important to assimilate: pain and stress have physical properties of mass and density that exist in the higher dimensions of your body. Though pain and stress truly exist inside you and your body must deal with them, your senses cannot track what is happening to you from your 3rd dimension. You cannot see this «pain energy», just as you do not see your own auras, so you discount its existence. Even though you cannot see pain, did you ever wonder why you feel it so clearly? Because it is as real and concrete as your body is, and its presence causes painful pressure inside you. Once you realize that pain and stress are as real as your skin, muscles and bones, you will reach a new perspective on how to stay clear and balanced. In regards to explaining the phenomenon of pain, your language is limited - you have only one word for pain! It must be qualified in many different ways to express what type of pain you are feeling.

For example, stress is actually low-level pain. You have begun to understand this connection, for your medical community now realizes that all illness is caused by stress. Stress is pain, and the accumulation of too much pain in your nervous system results in blockage of the cleansing flow of energy that is meant to circulate to keep your total being healthy.

We shall, in this work, use your language to help explain the Circle Of Grace. Think about the statement, «You're getting on my last nerve!» What does it mean in energetic terms? That your clearing mechanism, your nervous system, is so clogged with old, tainted energy that there is no room left in it to absorb any more stress. What happens when the system gets overloaded? Again, pain is a physical object in your body; it has to go somewhere. Where does it go?

Where do you stuff your pain away? What are the chronic weak spots in your body that rear up and hurt when you get «stressed out»? Those are the areas in which your energetic meridians are blocked, and the overflow of pain settles in your tissues, muscles and bones. Since it does not belong there, it causes physical pressure which you recognize as chronic pain. That is how blockages are formed, dear ones, and these blockages bring the Circle Of Grace flow to a complete stop.

You already know that illness strikes in one of two ways: either in the area of the emotional blockage, or through the weak spots in your genetic make-up, i.e. the inherited tendencies of illness that runs through families, like cancer or heart disease. We offer you this exercise in hopes of expanding your awareness of how your bodies work. You do not need to succumb to illness. With the Circle Of Grace, you can heal yourselves, keep your bodies healthy, live longer and have a better quality of life. If you can regularly clear your auric selves of pain, illness will not physically manifest in your bodies. You can carry etheric damage for a long, long time before it invades the physical core of your beings.

Do you follow? We hope you will. The lynch pin to this exercise is - meditation. Through the quieting of the mind and the inward focus of attention, you can feel this miracle of self-clearing happen naturally in your body. If you argue here that you do not meditate and have no intent to do so, please know that you can still use the Circle of Grace to clear yourself as you are falling asleep, or as you are resting in bed. A resting body and an active mind are all you need to call up the Circle Of Grace.

A moment is needed here to explain dominant and non-dominant sides of the body. The dominant side can be seen as which hand you write with. If you are ambidextrous, try to remember which hand you used as a small child, first introduced to writing. If you were left-handed but were forced at school to write with your right hand, your body is still left-side dominant. If you don't remember, watch which hand you use to reach with, to eat with, to hold your toothbrush - all these actions speak to dominance of one side over another. An energetic healer or Reiki practitioner can also determine the polarity of the body. This is very important to ascertain, since the Circle of Grace enters the dominant foot and exits from the non-dominant foot.

This dominance aspect of the body also defines which hand is positive in hands-on healing, and which hand is negative. This relates to the holistic healer: your dominant hand is the positive flow of energy and your non-dominant hand is the negative flow. Together, they form a closed circuit by which energy is channeled through the body of the receiver. For the sake of clarity and brevity, we will refer to the dominant side as being the right side, which is more common amongst you. For left-side dominant people, please understand that your approach is simply the reverse, or mirror image, of what follows:

When using the Circle of Grace for self-healing, know that once you focus on your right foot and call in the energy, you will feel it begin within one or two minutes. Know that all pain is released via the meridians to exit points, which are the joints and chakras of the hands and feet. Many of you think that energy leakage occurs at the joints, and that that is a bad thing. To us, joints are multi- purpose, and for our purpose here it is to use them as little doorways by which to release your pain.

The Circle of Grace begins and ends in the feet. Your aura draws in Universal Energy through the right (dominant) foot chakra and draws it up the right side of the body. Many receivers of Reiki, which provides the «energetic push» for the Circle of Grace, have described this sensation as «champagne bubbles» going up their right leg, while some feel a right-sided «heaviness» as the energy permeates their system. This energy crests at the right shoulder and splits in two: half goes down the right arm, usually causing tingling in the right hand. The other half goes up the neck, over the crown chakra (which starts its own circular pulsing) and down the left side of the neck.

By the time the energy reaches the split down the left shoulder to the left arm, and down the left side towards the left foot, this new, clean energy is pushing before it waves of «pain» to be released through the left hand and left foot chakras. You may feel achy waves of pressure flowing down your left arm/side/leg. You may feel a tiny hot line within your muscles as a blocked meridian is cleared. If the pain gets stuck in a spot, know that Reiki heat applied above the blockage, plus a small massage to the area, will loosen and clear the blockage. Even your mental intent, without any external help, can clear your meridians if you understand that this is possible. Know that you will feel this circuit of energy working. Know that you can tell it to go where you want, when you want it to, by simply lying down and focusing on the process to turn it on.



When studying the Circle of Grace, lie down with spine straight and arms at your sides. (you can progress to sitting, but it is easier to begin practicing flat on your back). Place a pillow beneath your head and another pillow beneath your knees to prevent lower back strain. Do not cross arms or legs, since that short-circuits the meridians and the flow may momentarily cease.

Also, it is important to drop your jaw, or unclench it at least, so that the energy may flow through that double joint. The jaw joint T, or temporal-mandibular joint) is the only joint in the body that works in tandem with another joint. Think on this: Your lower jaw is suspended like a seesaw, so if one side is damaged, the other side is soon damaged by force of misaligned pressure. For TMJ sufferers, use a higher pillow beneath your head so that your jaw naturally points down, then drop your jaw open to let the pain flow through. If you lie too flat and your lower jaw slides back instead of forward, this position will cause more pain rather than relieve what is there.

Being focused on your breathing also helps to keep the process moving. Breathe in, breathe out, pause. This is a nutshell version of yogic breathing, which actively increases the flow of energy. Pausing after the down breath, or the exhalation, presses down on the meridians and speeds up the flow of energy through your system.

Once you are comfortable with the Circle of Grace, you can add this refinement to your meditation: breathe up the right side, feel it circle around your head, then breath down the left side. See each inhalation as a wave of clean, golden energy flowing in and up your right side, and see each exhalation as a gray, cloudy wave flowing down and out your left side. In this way, you will learn to efficiently and effectively use this exercise as part of your routine body maintenance.

Now, how does the Circle of Grace feel? That is as individual as you are, yet the sensations always follow the same pattern: in the dominant foot, up the body and around the head, then down and out the non-dominant hand and foot. Once the Circle is fully activated, most of you will feel as if your right foot is being pressed up and back, while your left foot will feel as if it is being pulled forward and down. You will have this sensation even if both feet are in exactly the same position. What you are feeling is the tug and direction of the energy circling through.

For those lucky people who are relatively healthy and balanced, you will not get the same intensity of sensations as someone who is ill. You may still feel a «flow» circulating, sometimes only sensation in the left leg as the energy leaves your system. Many people report this as feeling a cool liquid sliding down inside the left leg. You might also feel tiny lines etched in your muscles here and there as minor meridians are cleared. Or, you may feel a tingling in your fingers and toes when you do the exercise. Some people will feel nothing at all, yet have much more energy to get through the day.

Know that, in each case, the Circle is working to clear and energize you. Remember that your body naturally clears itself in this way every night, no matter what position you choose to sleep in. If you do wake up with left-side pain, massage it down and out your arm or leg. If you are energetically attuned, work about the blockage, then move it down and out. Often, just being conscious of this process is enough to set it in motion. Know that as fresh energy enters your system, it is naturally pushing ahead of it old, spent energy from the day before that is now laced with pain.

That is why, by the time the Circle crests around your head and comes back down again, you may feel the energy change into a sensation of pressure or an achy feeling, even sometimes a sharp line as it slides down and out.

Know that these sensations are transient, do not be afraid of feeling pain in this process. What you are feeling is the passage of the pain, an echo of its progress that tells you of its path. For those of you who do not pick up any sensations, focus on the energizing aspect of the Circle Of Grace. A half-hour of this exercise in the morning will give you much energy for the day, making you feel younger and stronger. Again, this is a self-correcting system that works with or without your conscious mind in the driver's seat. Once you become aware of this process, you can actively participate in your own self-healing, from clearing meridian blocks to clearing headaches, back pain, or any pain anywhere.



What we have described above is the normal flow of energy in a healthy body. If you are ill or have an injury, know that you can change the direction of this flow to release pain from the nearest «exit», meaning the hands and feet. If pain exists on your dominant side, for example in the right elbow, you can reverse the flow to release pain down your right forearm and out your right hand. That is a much closer exit than running the full Circle Of Grace up over the head and down and out the non-dominant side.

Sometimes the flow gets stuck behind a big joint, and needs to be moved down and out. You may feel energy flowing down your arm, for example, and get stuck above the elbow. Massage the spot with your other hand, connect with your inner guidance and say aloud, «Blockage here, please move it down and out». Massage down from the elbow toward the hand, and you will soon feel the blockage move down and out. If it is a large or chronic blockage that refuses to budge, you may need to seek help from an holistic energetic practitioner.

Remember that the Circle Of Grace can run in any direction that you choose. Most people feel the Circle energy from right to left, or up the dominant side, over the head, and down the non-dominant side. For those of you who are totally blocked, the direction of the Circle changes: it will begin at the top of your head and go down both sides of your neck at once, then down both arms or down the legs. Sometimes, when there is much clearing needed, it may go down both arms and legs at the same time. (This will occur at your direction once you gain familiarity with the Circle Of Grace exercise).

Your body naturally splits the releasing flow to other meridians to decrease the pressure in each individual meridian. Pain from the shoulders up usually exits down the left arm (or both arms at once), and pain from the armpits down usually clears down the left leg and out the left foot (or down both sides at once). If there is too much energy blockage, the body splits it down two paths. It will fork down both arm and torso to release more smoothly, with half as much pressure. The top of the shoulder is where this fork occurs. Sometimes the meridians take turns - you will feel the non-dominant arm release, let's say, then that will cease and your non-dominant leg will begin its release.

An example: To clear headaches, you can run the Circle down both arms at the same time. Open your jaw and tip your head left (a tiny motion will do). This activates the left meridian flow. Then tip your head to the right, to activate that side. Keeping your jaw open, you will feel the headache actually course down your neck on both sides and go down your arms, in light waves of pressure. If it is a very deep headache, you may feel waves flowing down your whole body, with the headache exiting via the arms, and the nausea flowing down the legs. Another way to activate the meridians is by flexing your hand (or foot) back up against the wrist (or ankle) joint,as if making a stopping motion. That will tug on the meridians from the exit point to stimulate release.

Sometimes, the bigger the pain pocket, the bigger the joint needed to clear it. You may feel pain exit sideways through your wrist or ankle joint. Sometimes it will continue to the ends of the meridians and exit through your finger or toe joints. It can also exit in between, at the knuckle portion of the hand or the metatarsal area of the foot.

Again, you don't need to control this process, merely observe how it feels and where it tends to block. Once you become familiar with the Circle Of Grace, you can guide the pressure-pain to release directly through your hand and foot chakras. When you've fully learned how to use it, you'll be able to release pain straight down the front and / or back of your body, and out your feet. For those of you who wake up with pain in your non-dominant leg, know that your meridians were not able to fully clear down and out the left foot during the night. For those of you who are post-operative and have pain in your left side, hip or knee, not near where the surgery occurred, know that too much trauma to the body produced too much pain for the meridians to effectively clear out the non-dominant side.

The doctors will shake their heads and say, «Sorry, we operated on your shoulder, head, torso, etc. and we don't know why your left leg is hurting. Get some rest, take some pain pills, and it will fade». Yes, that is good advice, because the body at rest naturally performs the Circle to clear itself. When physical trauma occurs, there is often too big of a pain pocket to slide down and out the meridians all at once. Your pain can easily be unblocked by acupuncture and / or acupressure. Reiki also helps because the practitioner provides the «energetic push» for the receiver's body to activate the Circle Of Grace process of clearing and healing.

Sometimes the body has healed a trauma as much as it can, but years later, you still have pain trapped in that area - like a ten-year-old whiplash. It will remain fixed in place until it is energetically «lanced» and drained away. Why? These etheric pockets have physical weight and density in your body, but are simply not in your physical dimension. Imagine trying to shove a banana through a straw. Will it fit? No. Will it go through and out the other end? With patience and repeated force, you might get a trickle of banana out the other end, but most of it will remain squished in your hand and stuck in the straw.

Identifying blockage is a big step towards true health, and realizing the natural path of clearing that blockage is another big step. Once you begin to practice this exercise, you will finally be in full charge of your own healing.

The true beauty of the Circle of Grace is that it clears not only thephysical body, but all four layers of the dense body (PEMS): Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. Your chakra system is the «spine» of your etheric layers, which is why proper clearing and balancing of the chakras creates a condition of health at all levels. Know that each chakra controls a region of the body, the organs in that area, and the system (nervous, circulatory, hormonal, immune) that it governs.

Besides being your core clearing system, the Circle of Grace also performs another very important function: it re-energizes your system. The Circle is already there, within you, only you are not aware of it. Once you find it and begin to affect it with your conscious mind, you will become a self-healer at all levels and your evolutionary progress will gain momentum, again, at all levels.

If you are having trouble doing the Circle of Grace by yourself, find an energetic healer experienced in meridian or matrix work to facilitate the process. Even if you are alone, you are not really alone. Guides and angels always surround you. Call upon them to help. Call upon us to help!

If you wish, light a candle or some incense to help focus your senses. Then call upon Mother/Father God, Creator Of All That Is, Was, And Ever Will Be. Call upon us, the Brotherhood of Light, the ancient Order of Melchizedek. Call upon your own Soul, or Higher Self, to guide the healing session. Do it out loud. Say the words, say how you feel, say what you choose and what you release (i.e. I choose total health, I release my illness). The vibration of your voice brings the idea, the sentiment, the desire into fruition of the third dimension, the dimension of material and materialization.

Do you follow? We hope you will. You only need to give verbal intent to do the Circle Of Grace, and call in the higher help as we described. Then lie down, and speak to us aloud. Tell us what you want, what you are tired of, what you wish to heal. Some of you will feel us working, some not. Do not feel bad if you fall asleep during a session. Know that sometimes we work best when the body is asleep. You have not missed the session! You will wake up, much refreshed, an hour later. Or 45 minutes, or 30 minutes. Simply tell us, out loud, how much time you have for the session, and we will keep time for you (chuckle).

You may find yourself weeping (clearing emotional stress), or bathed in waves of tickling energy (energizing the body), or find an arm or a leg filling with pressure seeking to release from your non-dominant hand or foot. The Circle Of Grace clears the meridians of the body via the meridians of the aura. Both come into play when you do the work of clearing your energetic system. Once you get accustomed to doing the Circle of Grace, you will become more efficient at self- healing. You will learn to tap into the Circle whenever you need energy, and learn to release pain as it comes in, so that it does not accumulate and clog your meridians.

Remember that the left brain is connected to and directs the physical body, while the right brain connects to and directs the etheric layers that comprise your aura.

Imagination, creativity, courage, faith and many other wonderful human attributes are all right brain, and therefore, auric functions. Do you see now why these things are difficult to access? They exist in all the layers of your multi-dimensional body, since humans are holographic in design. This holographic concept is reflected all through the Divine Plan, as well. The body of work that we offer here reflects the commitment we have made to the Divine Plan: The Brotherhood Of Light is dedicated to teaching humans how to incorporate all the different aspects of their True Self while still in body. Through this work you will truly, consciously, become a multidimensional Being.

We hope that you now understand why meditation requires you to «still» the chatty left brain, which allows you to be open and receptive to consciously reconnecting to the right brain. So do not keep busy trying to squelch thought, for you are thus blocking all thought. Try instead to suspend thought, like a clear TV screen waiting for its transmission, and allow thoughts to well up unbidden, unscripted. That is where you will find us, and that is when you will hear and feel Spirit.

Some of you are protesting here - I don't meditate. I don't care to. Know that if you are opposed to the very idea of meditation, then don't do it. Call it a visualization, if you prefer. We ask that you lie down anyway, and imagine a golden ball of energy entering the sole of your foot. Track this golden ball up your body, around your head and down again. Activate the Circle Of Grace as you're falling asleep, and that simple act will augment and intensify the work that the body naturally does at night to clear itself. This can be a very active process or not, depending on your views and needs.

If you are still protesting, then we gently ask, do you enjoy getting in your own way? If you are reading this text, you are a seeker of spirituality, of faith, of oneness. We offer this information to you as an aid «up the ladder» to the next level of human evolution. However you assimilate this data into your life is your choice; whether for yourself or others, this process is in each and every one of you. Seek it, find it, and use it. You will soon shine, brighter and brighter, as you discover and explore your inner world, your God- Self, your portion of the I AM All That Is.

Our gift to you is one of natural healing, through the Circle of Grace.

We are, in All Love,

The Brotherhood of Light.
