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Relay Relay Relay - Message From Ghondor of the Pleiades

Spirit Eagle

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ght the Lamp of Freedom in your hearts and you will be a beacon to the world shining the Light into the darkest recesses of the hearts of all on Dear Mother Earth.

Much is afoot (interesting __expression) some of it reported and some of it not reported.! We ask you to use discernment at all times. You will know the Truth when it is presented to you! Reason AND intuition will carry you far. Carry on with the work that you have set for yourselves. Do what you can now and the rest you will implement later when the gifts of heaven flow to all of humankind.

You are the Wayshowers! You are the Pioneers blazing the path to Freedom and prosperity. You are the Lights of this world and you will Light the fires of Love all over this planet, your Dear Mother Earth!

Be patient with yourselves, be gentle and loving with yourselves. There is only One! It is Love! Be at peace and Be Ready, for this is the fulfillment of your destiny! It has been written in the sands of time. You knew your purpose when you first came to this planet. NOW you remember it and you are traveling back to Who! You Are! And Were All Along!

We will have a nice cup of tea together soon! We, of the Galactic Federation of Light look forward to our reunion with all of you just as much as you do! Good Night, The Goddess holds you in Her Loving Arms! We Love You! I am Ghondor.

May the Universe Shower Blessings, Peace and Abundance Upon You! From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom. NESARA NOW WON! WORLD PEACE NOW WON!
