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Ag-agria via Mike Quinsey 04.04.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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er. It reminds us that where there is duality there is a whole range of different energies, intermingling and swirling around. With our higher vibrations, we find that we are very sensitive to your lower vibrations.

You have some areas that have been the scene of battles with a heavy loss of life, and the energies of those souls that have died are heavily impregnated in the earth. Even although these have happened hundreds of years ago, such energies can have a marked affect on you when you enter these areas, and your psychics can pick them up. For others, it can result in a feeling of depression as if being pulled down into the lower astral regions. Yet in some places untouched by man in your more recent periods, there are beautiful vibrations that come from unspoiled peace. This is why, when you get away from your cities and their concrete jungles, and into your country areas you have a distinct impression of the subtle change from one to another.

Your senses are even now becoming more sharper, and you have an increasing awareness of the different energies as they are more refined. It would be like walking into a room of people and not just feeling their auric emanations, but being able to define the qualities of each one of them. You would instinctively know who was closest to your own vibration and be drawn to them. Equally, you would find yourself being repelled by energies that were negatively opposed to your own. Aura’s are a color signature of each and every one of you, and for those who can see them an indication of your character. Earth people tend to exhibit many shades of red which is itself a very earthly color. It is an energetic color, and it is no coincidence that you associate it with the God of War. Yet every color has shades in an octave of different vibrations, and some are more desirable than others.

As a general indication of which ones are most refined, you only have to look at your rainbow. Starting with the red which is the lowest, up to the violet which is a highly vibrating energy. Your own St. Germain is the holder of the violet flame, a powerful transmuting energy. The next one down from it is the indigo, and can you now understand why your Indigo children are so spiritually advanced. Of course there are even higher energies outside of the ones mentioned, and you come to silver, gold and pearl that are associated with Godlike or Angelic Beings. If you were touched by these energies, it would be a most uplifting and unforgettable experience. The tranquillity, peace and love would be overwhelming. Great Beings wishing to visit Earth have to bring down their vibrations, otherwise they would transmute all lesser energies around them. There is no desire to make you feel uncomfortable, as you would not be able to withstand them. Everything around you is a mass of swirling energies, all affecting each other to a greater or lesser degree. All are also dependent on each other, and in accordance with Universal Law gravitate towards their correct levels.

As you make your way along the path to Ascension, you are continually being presented with opportunities to uplift your own energies. These are pouring down upon Earth, coming from points such as your Central Sun. Bear in mind that all Suns are the abode of extremely high Beings that would be Gods to you. The light emanations that you see coming from them are their energies being streamed out into the Cosmos. Think, also, of the brightness of certain stars, and you will understand that it is a measure of the amount of light coming from the wonderful Beings upon them. One that you are familiar with is Arcturus, and you have already had contact with these highly spiritual Beings.

Your body is a reflection of the Cosmos. You are a miniature Universe with your millions of cells, each carrying its individual consciousness. You are so much more than you can imagine, and each cell carries your imprint. There will come a time when you will expand your cells in such a way that they shall become a fully fledged Universe, to which you will return as the Creator. That is way into your future, yet already, you are evolving towards that transition.

You will find that color and sound will take a more prominent place in your life, as you travel onwards and upwards through the different levels of vibration. Indeed, even in the immediate years that will prepare you for Ascension you will learn about their uses and application. Healing is one such important area that will be addressed, and crystals will come very much into your reckoning. Some of you have brought knowledge with you that will hold you in good stead, and you will excel in your chosen methods. Healing is one of the areas that requires immense change, as you move away from a drug dependent society. It is, also, one which will benefit from your contact with your off -world visitors who are soon to be openly among you.

I am Ag-agria a Guide, and I have focussed and awakened your mind to the subject of the energies that pervade your life. In so doing, I hope to have given you the realisation of the inter-connection of all you see around you, through the energies that hold all in its place. There is much to learn, and all knowledge will come to you as you become the Angels that you are destined to be.

Thank you Ag-agria

Mike Quinsey
