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Message From The Guardians: Becoming the Multidimensional You

Through Laura

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portant function, Dear Ones.

It acts as a lens, a transmission devise, if you will, transmuting and focusing Divine energies to your Earth Plane and The Mother herself. It acts as a type of "transformer" some what akin to the ones you use for your electricity. Ah, there is a difference though, your Sun can act both as a "step up" and "step down" transformer as the occasion calls for it. Your Sun also acts as a kind of "governing" devise that modulates the energies flowing to your Earth, releasing them at just the right time and strength to catalyze the evolution of your Earth Plane. At the moment you are in a phase of ever increasing vibration, this was not always so. There was a time when the Sun functioned as a "step down" transformer to decrease the vibration of energies flowing to your Earth Plane.

This decreasing in the vibration of the energies flowing to the Earth allowed for the evolution of what, you would term, solid physical bodies. The inhabitants of the Earth plane were not always in dense physical form as you are now. There was a time when The Mother watched over a group of, what you would call, ethical or no physical beings. These beings comprised the sum total of the population of Earth and came from many parts of your universe and many dimensional planes.

When it was decided to create the "school house" Earth for the habitation of beings in the physical, it was necessary to lower the overall vibration of the Planet .The Sun and The Mother both played their parts in creating this new plane on which you could act out your roles and explore your lesson plans. And so it has been for thousands of your years.

Why is it we bring all this up now?

Well Dear ones, you are now moving in the opposite direction again. The energies of the Earth Plane are now shifting to an ever increasing higher vibration. This will allow for you to take on less and less dense physical structures. Your physical bodies density is actually decreasing as we speak to you now. We see a lot of you saying, "I haven't noticed any difference on the bathroom scale, if anything it's going in an upward direction." [Laughter]

The molecular shifts that are caused by these increased vibrations of energy are going to take some time to be apparent in your physical bodies. Be assured, it is taking place and you will begin to recognize it in some very unusual ways. Some have already done so.

Their are some that have already experience what we will call the "melting" effect. This can perhaps be best described as a feeling of melting through the floor or perhaps even passing all or parts of your body through what you once thought were solid objects. This affect is as a result of vibrating at a higher rate that other objects around you.

Another experience is what we will call the "phantom limb" effect. You have heard stories of someone who has lost an arm or a leg due to an accident and they still feel pain , itching or twinges in that limb even though it is not physically there. This is a similar experience, except it is more like you feel parts of your body, a hand or a leg in a position other than it is when you look down and see it with your eyes. You are not going crazy, Dear ones. It is all part of becoming the multidimensional you. It is simply a result of getting in touch with movement in different dimensions and at speeds your eyes are not used to perceiving.

Dear ones, we know this can be disconcerting at first, try not to go into fear and concentrate on the aspect of "wonder" towards your new abilities. You will begin to be able to validate similar experiences with others, however, if you try to find others to validate a specific personal experience, you will only get frustrated. Only you will directly participate in each experience, from your own unique point, at the time of each dimensional shift. Each individual has a unique address or point in the "dimensional grid", if you will and only one can exist at that precise point at any one moment.

So you see Dear ones, you are going to have lots of fun and many interesting experiences. Enjoy the ride!

We hold you in our heart of hearts and ask you to do the same for each other.

Blessings one and all...

The Guardians

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