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Neutralizing Negative Effects With The Energy Of Acceptance

Channeled By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

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his day. For many eons, you as a human being have tried mechanically hard at creating. You have studied manifestation, asking for the secret words, the secret prayers, and the secret knowing of the universe to create what you want on your world. You wanted to work with the elements of the weather, to work with the elemental chart of your heart’s longings, and to re-construct and re-structure what is on earth.

You each that hear these words have spent hundreds of lifetimes learning to become one with water, learning to become one with suns, learning to become one with earth, to become one with your destiny. As the Merlin’s in training that you are, it is the time to go within the Secret Cave of self to sit on the plateau of tranquility and overlook your life. Allowing the river of life to run in the direction that it so needs to do. Allowing the rain to be or not to be. Allowing the storms to be birthed or to remain unseeded. Allowing your heart’s desires to come to you on the wings of a butterfly, the wings of a dove, or the wings of a raven. To sit and know in the center of yourself in the center of your being that all is at peace. To know that everything that you have sculpted and demonstrated in a form of manifestation and creation will befall you in alignment with the time code of creation. Know that your Creational quantum can pick you out in a crowd, or find you in a mall parking lot. What you have created in thought, in deed, and action from the beginning of time, recognizes you. You will not miss that important phone call, you will not regret not having tri-calling. The creation that seeks you will find you.

It is a time of sitting and being still in a place and structure of knowing. People in general are not comfortable or use to doing that. It is a time of accepting the pace of the creation-all force is on earth as it comes forth in a breach birth and makes its way forth from the womb of ON-TIME. You as the mid-wives of All-ness must allow the Creational child to birth itself. For as a new creation, that creation must be strong enough to survive on its own without any midwifery or tom-foolery on your part. Know that the child of the future will make its way forward no matter how it comes out. Allow what is to be at this time.

The energies drive you forward in sadness and confusion and lethargy as you want to give up, you want to let go, you want to forget about creating at all. For it has not worked out up until now. In order for you not to sabotage what is on its way into the atmosphere and the ethereal presence of earth, you are being asked to just accept, at this point of Creational reference and neutralize your emotions, neutralize your angers, and neutralize your should be’s and should have been’s. Everything in your world is as you decreed it.

There are many on earth that work with ancient energies in a much deeper vibration then you do. There are cultures on earth that still sit amongst their ancient beliefs and their teachings. They spend time in dialogue with ancient scribed beings that do not always want those of earth to succeed. They would rather they succede from the union of light. They energetically call upon the WarLords to come forth. Many curses have been placed upon the United States of America verbally, energetically, spiritually, and religiously. Many people outside of United States wish that United States would fall and fail. They are mostly angry with themselves and there own country, but yet they must point towards another in toxic thoughts. By allowing your being, your light being, your mental being, and your physical being, to accept what is happening at this time on earth and not try to shift it will activate a power that you have not seen nor heard about. You have a power that is stronger then prayer and stronger then intention. For it takes more human light/energy/vibration to create a dialogue with ACCEPTANCE then it does to pray, then it does to send light. Acceptances purges your soul and detoxifies your thoughts and your future creations become lighter.

The universe does not know when you are jesting and when you are serious. Every word is taken as an anthem by the light. Every word is your declaration and your proclamation. Every word constitutes your Bill of Rights. You have noticed in your world as of late that people do not listen to you. When you speak, it falls upon deaf and sometimes dumb ears. When you speak from the heart, you can get a side-ways glance but many responses are still iced up. People do not want to feel any more, they do not want to remember any more. They do not want to see anymore negativity on any level of themselves or their planet.

As most of earth closes down to the words of the masses and the many it is important to speak with the softness of heart. Vibrations of heart always reach the inner ear, even though the outer human ear may not respond to the sound, the inner ear, the ocean of the inner ear always is able to hear the tone of love. All of nature listens for this tone of love. Life is going through a tonal expansion, a shift in the way your words are felt, in the way your words are heard, and in the way your words are experienced. Many people are listening to their internal radio stations and they are not tuned to outer incoming broadcasts. Oft times there will be a response of anger, even though the individual did not hear correctly. When you speak, you are interrupting their internal dialogue and this in itself causes an agitation. It does not matter if the words were of sweetness or love for the humanness is often grouchy as they are interrupted internally by the daily events and the daily interactions with others. Understand this and intently speak with a tonal vibration of love, even if you are angry, come from a point of love in that anger. And then others will open the door to their hearing and your words will not just splash around in the outer ocean of their being.

We are the Pleiadians on this evening. We thank you. We hope that our words have not irritated you and that you have heard them in your heart and are willing to play your heart strings to birth a new well-spring. Sit and be with who you are. Sit and love everything through this shift.

It is the presence of the Buddha that helps you in this awareness that is what was gifted at the time of WESAK. To allow what is to be – to be. To understand without a shadow of a doubt that you are safe in who you are. Trust the universe, trust your heart, and trust yourself. We leave you at this time.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

2320 Bagdad Ave.

Orlando, Florida 32833

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while manifesting what is not!

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