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A Channeled Message

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nto that which is a faster mode of being-ness. It is that you are experiencing many changes in your lives, yourselves. That which was, that which was your reality as you knew it, has begin to change. These changes are propelling you to higher states of being. These changes are stirring fear in many of you as your comfort zones are shaken and you are finding yourselves standing on new ground that seems to be uncharted territory to you. You are facing choices that are stretching the limitations of your experience, opening to you new worlds of opportunities…

Do not fear the changes that you are feeling, Dear Ones, for these changes are that which carry you closer to your true selves. Without these changes, there is no growth, rather stagnancy from within. To become of your own perfection is to release yourselves of that which binds you. To shed that which binds you releases you within the changes that occur. In doing so, you become free to explore new feelings, new being-ness that is quite different than that of the past moments.

You see, Dear Ones, often we are asked how it is that one must prepare for that which you call the shift, that which you call Ascension. It is that you must only be prepared from within. Become the moment. Do not just be in it, but become it.

What we say to you is this. If you have become the moment, then you have become attuned with the inner workings of that which is all things. That which is the Universal process which carries that which is your light and the light of all others, communicating as it is carried, to all other moments in all of the planes, times and places, in all of the fabric of which all things are made and the same. In doing so, you have allowed yourselves to be carried within this process as a willing participant, an integral part of the One.

To become the moment is that which prepares you for that which comes.

To carry the light from within, by virtue of your existence, you are sharing that light, creating growth of all light, which in turn contributes to the raising of the consciousness of the whole toward changing the balance of forces until the moment that the balance of the One Light of the Source outweighs once again that which is the darkness of all time, and that balance shifts all reality to spectacular heights.

Each of you at that time will move into that which you have created of your journeys. Those of you who have completed your journeys will return to the Source as beings of light within the One. Some of you will change dimensions, your physicality seeming much lighter, in fact, more as light to complete your journeys on higher planes of being with higher instruction as to the paths to the One. Others of you will be carried to farther planes as teachers, Masters in your own rights, bringing to others that which is, as we have to you. Others will remain as ones who will lead others as the Universal balance once again returns, and they await the next wave of change, or to continue their own journeys, finishing karmic cycles or shedding that which binds them, choosing the direction of their polarities toward the second coming wave of opportunity.

To be concerned about trivial events or happenings within your third dimensional reality is to become chained to the illusion. Those chains maintaining your placement of certainty in chaos. That which keeps you out of balance from within as the external factors overcome your inner sense of equilibrium. In having do this you have lost your sense of the moment. Your bodies and minds become disturbed. You experience physical symptoms, such as pain and illness. Your minds become trapped in the virtual cycle of attempted rationale as you try to make sense of the chaos. You cannot. It is not that which it truth, only a part of the polarization of those who move toward that which is light, and those who move away from it.

It is all a simple matter of letting go and allowing yourselves to be that which you are, and all things being the same will be that as well. Thus, your opportunities are limitless. Nothing is impossible. You are the reality that you create.

The changes that are coming to you within the near future will change the world as you know it. Time is about to stand still and it will be as if you are living a dream. Much of what you see and experience will shock you. Dear Ones, you must be prepared for these changes. Fear must be alleviated from your being, and replaced with that which is a state of being-ness which is unconditionally love.

That which you deem love as you know it is an emotional experience glazed with the illusion of romanticized ideals. That which is love in Truth is being a part of the One Light which is all things. A perfected state of being which is the moment. It is living within that light with every breath you take and every move you make. Each thought you have and all energy that you expend. Being love is being One.

As we have spoken, about one year from now your earth time, there will be a tremendous opening of the Universe that leads to the infinite. At that time you will have the opportunity to propel your consciousness into the One for the experience of being in and of the light. You will have choices as to your experience. You may enter the star gate, travel at will, and return to your beingness of origin, or you may travel via this star gate infinitely, for within this star gate is the area of no time. That which is a pause in the Universal pulse, a cosmic breath.

In the moment of pause that is created, within the interior of this star gate lie limitless choices of destination and experience to the seasoned traveler. There will be many from other realms who access your cosmic locale at this time. You will also notice an escalation of that which you deem to be unidentified flying objects during the time in which this star gate is open.

This Star Gate is as if it is created as an opposite of what you call a black hole, rather one which draws to the light. This star gate is a gateway to the heavens. It operates with a slingshot effect. First, one is drawn into the gate as if caught by a high powered vacuum. As one enters the gate in this way and is caught in the energetics within, one is then slung at a forty five degree angle to the left. In the moment of this change of direction, whatever destination one chooses consciously, one will arrive to. This is a confluence of the space time continuum where all moments Universal converge. It is an opportunity for conscious Ascension where one may choose to remain in this place as an Ascended being or to move outward to other destinations. To return is to follow the elliptic of the energies within the star gate, returning on the opposite side from that which you entered.

It is that this is an opportunity for becoming that is a rarity on any scale. It is that there will be a configuration of the celestial bodies that will trigger an energetic confluence of the interstellar energies combined with that of the rising consciousness which adds another factor of propulsion to those energies we have spoken of.

You must remember, Dear Ones, that all that you experience, all that you know and remember, is, on a base level, experienced through your consciousness. That which perceives all that your senses bring as well as that of your higher selves, which are the essence of your being.

Do not think of yourselves as physical beings. You are not limited to that which you see yourselves in the mirror. Your consciousness is what came into the world as you currently perceive it. That consciousness is what has existed since the beginning and will for an eternity. That which is your own light source which retains all of your experiences throughout your journeys just as that which is light has retained the memories of all things, inasmuch as what you call the Akashic records. In such a way, your consciousness is your true body. That of your soul. One which is formless, unlimited in what it may do or where it may go. Light form. Reality of the true nature of being.

In such a way, to release your consciousness's current manifestation is to release yourself from the boundaries of the physical presence, is to become that which is a cooperating aspect of the whole, rather than one who flutters about ones existence as a leaf in the wind, experiencing life and living only through the physical senses.

Once one has begun to comprehend that of which we speak, one is able to consciously participate from within the One Consciousness. One learns energetically, through the living symbols, through communication as light, with light, within light. It is in this way that you are a part of all things, all things being you.

As our consciousness comes to you, yours is heard throughout the construct of all that is. We have heard, and we have come to be of assistance toward your Rememberings. Bring that which is peace not only to your hearts, but to the whole of your existence. Allow that peace to extend into and beyond your world. The time is now. The mission is life beyond that which you know in this moment. We return to Light.

