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Messages from The Council of 12 - The Next Evolutionary Stage for Humanity

Transmitted through Selacia

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r. People today have an ever-increasing number of choices about how to live. Just keeping up with all of one's options can seem like an endless task. This cycle of acceleration is not likely to let up anytime soon.

Humanity and the entire planet are being affected by the shift to the next stage in human evolution. The shift involves a giant leap and alteration of paradigms. There has been nothing like it before. The old paradigm involves a species so driven by technology and greed that it could destroy itself. In the new paradigm, humans are being challenged to find a new more enlightened way to relate to one another and to the planet. This new paradigm holds the promise of humans evolving more consciously, choosing to cooperate with one another and to coexist without violence. There's no road map for moving into the new paradigm. The movement from old to new is happening in phases, each one building upon the previous one.

In this next phase, accelerating in 2005 and beyond, humans will be feeling the pressure to remedy a diverse set of potentially dire consequences set in motion by previous human choices. It's impossible to know whether humans can come together in unified ways soon enough to resolve the crises. To be sure, it's challenging to be suffering from a stomachache or emotional turmoil at the same time that a flood threatens to wash away your house. Personal dilemmas sit alongside planetary ones, each inviting your attention. The stress on some days may feel like too much to take. Whether you live in Miami, Montreal or Munich there is a feeling of urgency in the air as more people awaken and begin to discern the true state of the world. There is a mounting pressure to come up with solutions. Some Solutions for These Times In times such as these, individual effort can be seen as futile. This is nonsense. Each person can and does make a difference in the planet's future. Every man, woman and child is a part of the global and personal co-creation process.

Whether you take an active leadership role to bring about positive change, or simply work on yourself to become more loving, you contribute to the shift in paradigms. You don't have to have all the answers to get involved. Get started right where you are, one step at a time. You can be a leader by creating or sitting at the helm of a new institution designed to foster conscious commerce, alternative energy, or nonviolence. As ouoded institutions of the old paradigm crumble, new institutions will be needed. Even if you don't choose to sit on an executive board, you can be a leader in countless other ways. As an example, you can invest your money or time in socially responsible companies. You may choose to work as a volunteer, or in middle management, or administrative roles. Sometimes taking a leadership role means speaking up, giving voice to your views. Consider telling one, 100 or more people what you value and what kind of world you would enjoy inhabiting. As you do this, let go of the need to be right or to choose sides, honoring the views of others who may think differently than you.

Allow your intuitively guided reason to show you what being alive could look like if any or all of the following were cherished human values and more commonplace in the world: Loving-kindness Compassion Inclusiveness Unity Honesty Generosity Open-heartedness Sharing Willingness Flexibility Forgiving Patient Joyful Genuine Equanimity Balanced Grateful Cooperative Optimistic Peaceful Discerning Intuitive

Explore and Heal Ouoded Beliefs in Your DNA

Using this same list as a guide, take an honest personal inventory of values you would like to more fully embody in your personal life. Ask spirit to guide you to the healing needed so that you can manifest these qualities. This could include getting in touch with and healing ouoded belief systems, held within your DNA, that prevent you from being fully loving and compassionate. Remember that your energy on any given day will broadcast what you actually feel and believe, regardless of whether you are consciously in touch with your true state. You will then draw to yourself the circumstances and people that reflect your inner condition. If you're unhappy about a relationship or situation in your life, it's likely you have beliefs in your subconscious that are contributing to your discontent. On the surface, you may not be aware of any limiting thinking that could relate to your troubling circumstances. However, remember that belief systems or viewpoints are held within your DNA on a number of levels, including genetic inherited from your ancestors and past history related to previous lifetimes. Unless these are addressed and healed, you will not have completion of the issue at hand.

Personal healing and evolution during this next phase cannot be accomplished simply by sitting on a mountaintop. An outer involvement with the world is required. A balance must be found between the time you spend alone in quiet internal reflection and the moments when you interface with others in your family and community. As you relate to your external world, you will receive input that can help your own enlightenment process. Feedback from others will indicate where you are off balance and can help bring your own issues to the surface. Your personal transformation also benefits from your participation in the collective cultural dance of change. By taking an active role and including yourself in society, you can become a potent force of reform. A person can't heal the world’s separation by staying separate from the world.

Consider immersing yourself in some activities in which the focus isn’t only on you. Examples include: 1. Helping an elderly stranger across the street 2. Being the listening ear your friend needs in the midst of turmoil 3. Attending a seminar to learn more about solutions for global warming 4. Voting in national or local elections 5. Serving on a committee at your child's school 6. Feeding your neighbor's cat when he or she travels out of town 7. Participating in a support group or other community activity focused on personal growth and development of consciousness 8. Praying for the healing of others and your planet, visualizing a positive outcome of grave situations and disasters 9. Smiling at other people for no reason, brightening their day 10. Being the voice of reason in a group of people who are being run by fear 11. Joining forces with others who share your passion to make the world a more loving place 12. Sharing with others what you have learned about evolving, helping them to benefit from your experience and insights

When You Feel Off Balance

The change in paradigms will naturally throw you off course from time to time. Evolutionary leaps of the human species don't happen in a predictable way. The road can be very rocky. As a human being, you are conditioned to feel uncomfortable when things are unpredictable. It's normal to want to the status quo. When you're sailing in the direction of home on a stormy sea, it's typical to wonder if you’ll reach land. The media and authority figures commonly play upon these human traits when delivering fear-based messages about what you should do to remain safe and secure. Here are a few things you can do to stay sane in the midst of the chaos. First, acknowledge that you are not alone in going through this shift in paradigms. It's a global process. There are others you can share with, lightening the load. Also, others are impacted by where you are in consciousness. Your thoughts, emotions and actions are broadcast to those around you. If you're getting feedback from people that indicates you've gotten off balance, ask spirit for a healing and insights about how you can get back on track.

Second, go gently with yourself, allowing time and space to process your own internal shifting. Remember that you aren't simply changing your lifestyle. Your DNA is being altered. You are becoming more light and shedding density. You are having the opportunity to acknowledge and heal disfunctional patterns from the past that in other cycles of human evolution could have taken lifetimes to clear. As this happens, your body will be detoxifying and adjusting. You may be intuitively guided to alter your diet or physical body care to compensate. Ask for patience, for the shifting taking place is gradual. Allow yourself to be exactly where you are at each given moment. Third, learn methods to begin getting more of your own answers to life's questions. The answers you seek are already within you. There is a comfort in remembering this. To discover these answers, develop your natural intuitive knowing and use it to go direct to Source. Then set your intention to expand upon your intuitive skills and to develop more trust in the nonphysical world.

Fourth, get in the habit of regular inquiry, asking within about optimal courses of action and higher spiritual viewpoints. Allow spirit to respond to your inquiry in the happenstance of life, paying attention to what others say and do and noticing when your path appears blocked or clear. Know that spirit will speak to you in a multitude of ways. If there are obstacles in your path, this means that there's something to pay attention to, and that your present course or timing may need tweeking. When you recognize that your world is responding to your inquiry, ask for clarity about how to discern the messages you're receiving. Always check your own heart barometer to confirm that the answer is optimal for you at this time.

Fifth, when you experience a negative situation, know that your true power is in shifting your view of where you are and what's happened. Oftentimes you can't change a circumstance, but you can find your Middle Path of balance by viewing it from a more enlightened perspective. If you're having difficulty in seeing anything positive in your situation, ask spirit to help you discover the blessings and current sources of gratitude in your life. To find even one thing to be grateful for can help open the door to miracles. As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

Copyright 2004 by Selacia * All Rights Reserved

Selacia: a channel for The Council of 12, is internationally known for her work in the inspirational/transformation field. In her book, The Golden Edge, readers are provided with guideposts and cutting-edge tools for moving out of fear and into joy and wholeness. She provides private sessions (in person and long distance by phone) to clients all around the world: channeling, DNA healing, DNA activation, animal communication, animal healing, astrology. A certified DNA practitioner/teacher, she offers DNA sessions that incorporate the Council of 12's energetics, healing energies and wisdom. Also included in the DNA clearings are rose quartz heart-shaped and obelisk-shaped crystals, energetically infused by The Council of 12 to accelerate and integrate the DNA work. The Council of 12 has selected a number of rose quartz and other crystals for their work through Selacia. Each one of them is infused with the Council's high-vibrational energies and healing. In 2000, she brought the Council of 12's wisdom to the UNSRC's Society for Enlightenment and Transformation at the United Nations. She offers ongoing teachings and workshops in DNA intuitive healing and other modalities. If you would like to facilitate a workshop, order a copy of her book with personal message from

The Council of 12, or to schedule a private session, contact Selacia at: 3111 Fourth Street #219, Santa Monica, CA 90405, USA, Tel: 310.915.2884, Fax: 310.664.6093,

Web site:_www.Selacia.com_
