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Get Ready For The LIGHTning Of Change!

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ure the VCR works! Oh yeah... get out a lot of tapes, because a ton of events should be on TV when this stuff starts happening. I'm not sure when this'll happen. Perhaps December 13, 2002, if is any indication??? from

September 19, 2002:

Liberty here again - very good news.

Dream last night: a dark-haired female spiritual guide sat across a table from me, showing me Akashic Records for America and the world, beginning late 2002. She has the following announcement. These words are taken from her, verbatim, as is: "There has been a shift. Good will prevail. I cannot inform you how President Bush leaves the White House, but his exit is ordained and is now unavoidable. Do not feel lack of compassion for him. On our plane he is a great force who has by his actions galvanized the powers of Good, and thus has engineered the Shift to LIGHT that has been so long prophecied for all you people. Nod to him with grace. He has made the new age possible. Here is what will occur. A new President comes, who has feminine energy. He or she has traveled in Europe and brings back ideas from the Continent to make America strong. Those who are on Good's level will greet the changes with sighs of relief. Those in Darkness will gnash their teeth and find these changes suppressing and suffocating. First, something will make SUVs outlawed. Those vehicles will be removed from the road. It will be hard for most SUV owners to resist. A rebate will be offered by the US Energy Department, giving those owners a sizable stipend if they agree to surrender their vehicles for new electric ones which are coming. The automobile industry is about to go electric. It will happen suddenly, because Light has changed the hearts of men. It will happen overnight, with the suddenness of the fall of the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall. This is America's Berlin Wall, the end of the petroleum automobile industry and the start of electric. It will strike as abruptly - appropriately - as lightning. Electric trains and monorails will dominate the American landscape. Traffic patterns will change. Cities will be altered. The air will become cleaner. Native Americans will take higher positions of visibility in the Government and perform healing rituals on much scarred land." The female spiritual guide thanked all of you for your prayers and your hard work during "this difficult time, this summer of darkness. God has heard your petition and He is about to take ACTION." Expect an astonishing autumn and winter, and especially spring of next year (2003). Expect to see changes you have never imagined and political switches you never expected. There will be no battle on American soil. America is about to undergo a spiritual renaissance. Look into yourself and make changes now; you want to be on the Good side of this when it happens, otherwise these changes will frighten you and make you question your beliefs about God. SPECIAL MESSAGE TO LIGHT SOULS who have undergone much fear, panic, failure, loss of resources and security this year, from the spiritual kingdom: "Now it will be evil's turn to see changes and loss of stability. All that is built on Light will prosper; all that is built upon Darkness will perish. There shall be no hope for the wicked doers as surely as they intended there to be no hope for you. Praise Spirit and work with the Universe. All that you have lost will be returned to your hands.

Read the final chapter of The Book of Job - even if you are not Christian. It has a message for you from He who loves you deeply. Rejoice, for you will soon see victory is yours."
