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Peace Is Being Created In The Himalayas Thanksgiving Day In Canada, Oct. 12, 2004

In Canada, Oct. 12, 2004

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I reach the Himalayas, high up the mountain, where the Spiritual Hierarchy are meeting. This is the same spot where the Buddhist Monk El Morya taught Einstein and myself, when we brother and sister. The rocks have memories. The trees, especially their roots remember. There is a stillness. The Christ enters.

It is time, he says. The silence is so profound that a breath can be heard half a mile away. On the mountain top, earth feels as if it is in heaven. No turmoil, no guns of war, no moaning, no grief. No hatred.

Only love, only compassion. Such compassion that the Christ feels the pain of all humanity that has come upon humans, since the day that he himself died because of the hatred of a few.

Oh God, why have you forsaken us.

And then they come. Ten million angels swoop to the mountain in the Himalayas, bringing with them a blinding light. That light showers over the top of the mountain, floats over the valley. It spreads into river and streams, touching roof tops, causing the animals to shiver with delight.

It moves swiftly to the plains, like a torrent of molten lava.

Wherever there is an impediment to the flow, 10,000 more angels come, with a new supply of light, and it bursts over the territory, bringing a new atmosphere, a new vibration, a new solemnity. Heaven is approaching earth.

Gabriel blows his trumpet. This is the final command. This was predicted along ago. This is the moment. Now all the Sacred Souls come forth, their bodies as light as those of the angels. An angel accompanies each enlightened Master, each enlightened soul, each reincarnated priest and priestess. Never before in the whole history of Creation has there been such an onslaught, such a collection, such a force of human love combined with angelic love and energy, come upon earth.

The negativity is dissolved, as when the light is turned on in a dark room. It is no more. It is gone. Gone. Only light remains. Those who were groveling in the dark look up.

What has happened? Where are we? They are not aware of what process has done this.

Those who have been observing earth's chaos from a distance, see what appears as six suns rising in the east. The glow brightens, becomes a living fire. It rises, fills a quarter of the horizon, then bursts forth in all its glory. It it as if ten thousand suns have risen. This sweep of light and love is all encompassing. Nothing negative remains. Even the rocks are cleansed. There is a ringing of bells, as the heavenly chorus begins to fill the earth with new music.

The children awaken and open their eyes. Their little hearts absorb the new light, the old love returned. They remember. They remember all the lives they have lived before this one. In an instant they are propelled back to the time when they were but a tiny beam of light. They have returned to themselves.

This is what the Masters high up on the Himalayas, are meditating on, at the present time. They are creating peace on earth.

This is a Divinely Inspired Message.

============== I was taken in my Merkaba, to the Himalayas, where the meeting is taking place. I have a memory of that particular spot. Helen "Helen Engel"
