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Vertical Networking

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d that all beings of creation, both inner and outer, work together CONSCIOUSLY for the Highest Good of All Concerned. In the cycles and rhythms of life, it is now time for the web of life to mirror the image of the perfection of heaven.

"On earth as it is in heaven."

Therefore it is of the greatest importance and benefit that each of you become aware of VERTICAL NETWORKING. You are already using HORIZONTAL NETWORKING on the physical plane, such as

in use of the internet, or any form of the spoken or written word.

If you do not call for help from the unseen beings-angels, Christ, your guides, teachers, avatars, spirit healers, masters, saints, elemental beings, and prophets, those realized beings who are truly the extension of your Self-then you greatly limit your power for accomplishing the most good

in this incarnation.

If you do not network vertically, then it is likely that you may experience half of the truth of the following scripture, but never claim your divine inheritance, which is the second half. "I of myself can do nothing, it is the Father within; it is He that doeth the works."

Any sense of helplessness, for example, in longing to contribute your service toward cleaning up environmental pollution stems largely from not drawing on all of the heavenly resources for help. Suppose there is a dangerous brownfield, or harmful toxic waste dump near your house, and you

wish to clean it up. It is your divine right to accomplish this by enlisting the help of nature spirits and angelic beings in the inner worlds even more than by concentrating solely on enlisting the help of physical experts in the material world. The key is to ask. Invoke help, then give specific

instructions as to exactly what must be done.

If there is a war within your soul, or a war in your family, or a war in a neighboring country, and you wish to heal it and bring peace, how much easier and more effective it is for you to enlist the help of both the seenand unseen beings.

There are also times and situations in which there is no available help apparent in the outer world. Remember that the heavenly hosts can accomplish ANYTHING, which is why it was said, "All things are possible to them that believe."

This was one of the reasons the scriptures have said over and over, "Ask, and ye shall receive. Knock, and it shall be opened to you. Seek and ye shall find."

We are very important angels to you, and we perform a very specific function. Ask for our help in learning how to access the unlimited legions of heavenly hosts who also serve the Most High, the Highest Good of All Concerned.

The times are demanding great change and great healing, and with proper help, working miracles through the unseen beings is not only simpler, but ecstatic and blissful to accomplish.

We are entrusted by Divine Providence with teaching the children of God how to connect with the heavenly hosts, whose purpose is to help and bless them.

In the kingdoms of God, there are as many multitudes of nonphysical beings as there are visible beings in the physical worlds. "As above, so below."

Humankind has been given dominion over all creation by divine inheritance as Children of God.

Dominion must be guided by Divine Wisdom, which is the joining of Divine Will and Divine Love, for heaven and earth to mirror each other.

The heavenly hosts embody Wisdom, Love, and Will of Divine Consciousness.

There are heavenly hosts for every conceivable issue or situation, and by calling on them for help, the Children of Light wisely use the Power of Dominion to administer heaven on earth.

Just as there are different ways to connect with physical beings in your world, so are there different ways to connect with beings of the heavenly worlds.

Whenever it becomes important to you to learn how to connect with spiritual beings, we are excellent teachers into the mysteries of this art.

It is through both vertical and horizontal networking that Grace and Mercy manifests in sufficient ways to overcome all that has gone before, bringing forth the splendor and majesty of Divine Consciousness into the wills, minds, feelings, and bodies of all beings in creation.

To those of you who are mature, and who have thoroughly learned the lessons of harmlessness and The Law of One, we entrust words of power. These words of power use the letters and the meditations of the divine virtues that are taught in these messages. These words of power also give dominion over any being of any realm.



[print out and keep for future reference]

In order to call upon the heavenly hosts, clear intent is the first requirement. This requires awareness of the existence of the heavenly hosts and the strong DESIRE OR INTENTION to contact them for a purpose. Make the actual contact inwardly in the same way that you would make a contact in the

outer world. Identify WHO you wish to contact and then send a strong prayer in your inward consciousness to that heavenly being or beings.

For example, in the case of the brownfield or toxic waste site that you wish to restore, you ask to speak to the heavenly hosts that deal with transmutation and nature. If there are political or economical problems involved, also ask to speak to the heavenly hosts that deal with political

and economical situations.

This request goes out telepathically to the unified field of consciousness everpresent in both inward and outward space. If you are psychically sensitive, you will actually feel the appropriate beings focus their attention on you within 90 seconds. Even if you do not have this sensitivity, rest assured that they are there.

Next comes an intellectual grasp of what your purpose or request, is. Hold this CONCEPT, the intellectual picture of what you want, clearly in your mind. The more clear this is the better. Using the Law of One and asking for the Highest Good of All Concerned guarantees success even if you are not sure exactly what to ask for.

Then imagine and FEEL STRONGLY the wonderful feelings that are to result from the answering of this prayer. Feel the happy feelings that you yourself feel and also the healthy vibrant feelings from all those who are affected by it. In the example of the cleaning up of a toxic site, feel the joy of

the restored land and ecosystem itself. Feel the relief and the joy of any local residents as this area is restored to beauty and health.

Finally focus on the SENSATIONS of the outcome of the answered prayer. In this example of the case of the brownfield mentioned above, imagine hearing happy birds singing in the area with the wind rustling through healthy plants and the smell of the clean air and vision of the loveliness of the

restored land.


The key is to imagine at each stage, the DESIRE/INTENT, CONCEPT, FEELING, AND SENSATION, of this prayer so clearly that you get to the point where you are holding all of this concentration together at one time; the INTENT/DESIRE, CONCEPT, FEELING, AND SENSATION all at once.

When this happens, a volt of energy goes out from your brain. The power of this volt is determined by the amount of true PASSION in the intent/DESIRE and the feeling part of the prayer.

This volt is a sine wave of fourfold information. The completeness and effectiveness of this information is determined by the CLARITY AND SCOPE of the concept and sensation part of the prayer.

This sine wave of information piggybacks onto, or nests in sympathetic resonance with, powerful larger sine waves in the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient field of energy that is the Consciousness of Divine Mind and Emotion.

If extremely dramatic changes are asked for, the heavenly hosts desire to make sure that the implications have been carefully considered. In this case, it often requires making the request at least three times over a period of time.


WHO NEEDS THIS HELP. This is called "working in the Akasha". When this is done, according to the highest good of all concerned, there is no karma.

For example, in the illustration given above, a Child of Light asks that ALL toxic waste sites by healed and corrected according to the highest good of all concerned.


Once you do this a few times, it becomes easier and easier until it is second nature. Fine tune the intensity of your desire and the clarity of concept. Practice feeling and sensing. Even a child can do it.

In fact, it takes a similar form of strong passion and clear imagination as that used by little children at play, in trust and innocence.

"Ye must be as little children to enter the kingdom of God."

"With faith all things are possible."

This process uses the whole brain functioning of Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta brainwaves. This process is the mystical fourfold key to manifestation as taught by the ancients.

If you are not sure WHAT to ask for as a solution to a problem, or even if you are not sure WHAT exactly the problem is.perhaps having only a vague feeling that something, somewhere, is not as it should be, then we suggest that your prayer request take the form of surrendering the entire situation

to the Beings of Divine Consciousness who cosmically understand the situation and how to heal it. In this case, you act as the grounding rod for divine intervention.

DESIRE that you connect with these beings. IMAGINE that they analyze and diagnose the situation and come up with the cure. FEEL the wonderful feelings of having the situation resolve itself perfectly. SENSE the beautiful results on the physical world from having this prayer answered.


"All that I do, ye shall do and more."


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM,

and I am one with all,


happen here.

I give thanks that this is done.


The divine virtues of letters of our name, 'Golog', are:

G...Everthing having to do with the mysteries of Divine Grace and Mercy on all planes of existence.


umlaut O, OE..Cognition brought about by Love Divine, everything is subjected to transformation of mental qualities.


L..All of the Divine Virtues and Qualities taken together, the splendor and majesty of God.


O... Divine Justice , the appreciation and recognition of Divine Laws. The absolute legality of harmony, in all four levels of the energy continuum -will, mind, emotion, and form. The attainment of a high power of judgement and the ability to comprehend spiritually any legality, any interference by Divine Providence for the sake of justice.


G..Divine Grace and Mercy



What the Angel messages are all about:

The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah, which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host and the angels who work with him or her. The being and the angels share the same name. This name is a key to their powers and influence.

Each letter of the name represents a particular divine virtue, and each virtue has a meaning, a sound, a musical note, a color, a sensation, a part of the body that is formed by the virtue. SPEAKING THIS LANGUAGE IS DONE INWARDLY in meditation.

Meditate on the virtues of each letter using all of these aspects of meaning, color, sound, tone, feeling, and sensation. This requires wholebrain thinking that uses all four brainwaves at the same time: Delta-pure being, Theta-deep inward thought, Alpha-feeling and emotion, and

Beta-the five senses, logic, and memory.

[Email for a copy of the Tibetan Exercise of Paradox to facilitate skill in doing four things at once.]

According to the law of correspondances, the As above, so below Law, a Child of Light imagines him or herself to be a tiny dot in the solar plexus of their own body temple. He or she imagines that the rest of the body is a vast universe swirling all around. The divine virtue that is being meditated on is located as a tiny sun shining in the region of its element. If it is a fire element, it will be a tiny sun in the head region. Air is the chest region, water is the abdomen seen as a hollow space, and earth is the leg region. This sun is seen in its color filling its region and with the sensation of its element. The fire element has the sensation of warmth and expansion. The air element has the sensation of ease. The water element is coolness and chill. The earth element is weight. With each outbreath, the radiance of the sun passes through the pores of the skin over the part of the body that is formed from the virtue and fills the outer universe, with each inbreath it passes back in to the physical body. The breath is kept natural, its natural rhythm is not disturbed and the light is dissolved at the end of the meditation so that the balance of the body is maintained and no part of the body is overstimulated.

When a human being uses the ancient language in this way, a sine wave is created in consciousness and sound that strikes a sympathetic resonance with the sine waves of the larger universe. The smaller sine wave nests in a larger one and this virtue manifests both in the person doing the meditation and in the outer world.


The final paradigm of heaven on earth comes from the most ancient beginnings of time and is based on the original law from which all other laws come. This law is the Law of One, and when invoked, it activates Omnipresent Divine Mind and overrides all lessor laws.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM,

and I am one with all,


happen here.

I give thanks that this is done.


Note: Here is a miracle of answered prayer: "N.E.S.A.R.A. Elimnates I.R.S, erases credit card and mortage debt, Treasury Banking backed by precious metals, restores Constitutional Law and much more. Go to "

For Dove updates on current events go to Daily updates by Jennifer have been added.

These messages build on each other. The previous angel messages and instructions on the ancient language are found at the following sites: LANGUAGE OF COSMIC LOVE ~~~ A TO Z

This site has the current updated angel messages archived according to Zodiac Groups,

online community and email, and other wonderful features.

This site also has the 28 days Angel Messages.


Click on OTHER ARTISTS., Angel Music and prints are available at this site.


[The angel messages are listed in alphabetical order according to purpose here. This site is due to be upgraded to the edited and expanded version of the angel messages soon.]



It is suggested that each person consider seriously the purchase of the original reference books for this series of angel messages due to the large amount of information available within them that is helpful.

These are the books of Franz Bardon, [The Practice of Magical

Evocation ISBN 3-921338-02-6 and The Key to the True Quaballah, ISBN

3-921338-13-4]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany.

[His first book, Initiation into Hermetics, is a preparatory book for this


Some of these books may be purchased at or or hopefully,

Note: Concerning the recommended site , Polly wrote, " I couldn't discover that Rexresearch is selling Franz Bardon books, although it looks as if he has posted the whole contents of The Key to the True Quabbalah & Initiation Into Hermetics . What a fantastic find. The site is

quite amazing."

*Names, phrases, or sections, in Italics or single quotation marks are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon, [The Practice of Magical Evocation ISBN 3-921338-02-6 and The Key to the True Quaballah, ISBN 3-921338-13-4]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany. These books have detailed information on the meanings of the letters on all four levels of will, mind, feeling, and form, and all of the beings of the zodiac. For serious study of the ancient language and easy reference, you can purchase these books online at :


Franz Bardon's first book, "Frabato the Magician", gives background information to some of today's political and economic situations. Be sure to read the additional material at the very back of the book. It will help explain why it is such a miracle of Divine Providence that we have this

material available now.

For a copy of the TIBETAN EXERCISE OF PARADOX, which stimulates wholebrain functioning, and information on emotional processing, please email Or go to

At you will find "The Twenty Eight Days",



copyright: Cynthia Rose Young Schlosser

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What you do matters. "One good man can save a city of ten thousand, and ten can save the world."

Note: From time to time, Spiritus Sanctus offers emotional healing and realness workshops in Atlanta Ga. Email for information.


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For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it.

For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it.

For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.

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