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A Channeled Message From Mira, The Pleiadian High Council

Through Valerie Donner

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we are responsible for assuring that those who want to remain on the planet during the changes and after will remain.

This is what you might call a tricky process. It is complicated and requires resources from many directions. It requires vigilance and technology, science, communication, dedication, self-correction, and intergalactic cooperation. It necessitates that people on the Earth become open to us and unafraid of those who live on other planets. As you know, this is part of the plan that has yet to be realized. We only can do what is appropriate at the time. Yet the eventuality of our presence as well as that of other extraterrestrials will be made completely known. There will come a time when you will welcome us with open arms. Right now we only ask that those of you who are more aware of your own roots and who carry this evolutionary consciousness open your hearts to us.

As I explain this to you it is almost beyond your abilities to comprehend how such feats would occur. Your brains are not accustomed to this way of thinking for our work is non-linear even though it works out in your concept of time. It is multi-dimensional thinking that will raise your awareness in tandem with the consciousness shift on the Earth. Your own multi-dimensional selves will be restored and renewed along with the Earth. This will be a fun expansion for there are many gifts to be revealed. You will once again find yourselves truly in a state of grace. This remembrance of self will make you excited and happy.

With all that the Earth is going through there is excitement as the process unfolds. I want you to experience the joy of the transformation in which you are participating. It is important to value every piece of the puzzle for indeed it is a puzzle. We have the pieces locked into place and it only remains a matter of moving things around for the best positioning of all of the participants. Change is brought about for the highest good of all.

Think of what it is like when one prepares to give birth. Think of the excitement and the unknown. You might use this as a guidepost to your reaction to the multitudinous changes that currently reside within you and the Earth. Expect the unexpected yet welcome them all as you would with the delight of a newborn child.

You will be participating along with us as the midwives of the process. Your duties will be to attend to the birthing, use the tools that you have, and to be prepared for a glistening new being. This includes your own re-birthing as well as the Earth’s. The process will be worth the efforts.

What tools do you have? You have your inner guidance, intuition, perception, insight, history, connections, prayers, meditations, visions, unique gifts and abilities, all of the assistance from the Light Realms, Intergalactic realms and the Earth herself as well as eons of preparation for this time of advancement. Your Light encodings are being activated as necessary.

We have a big responsibility together to usher in the birthing of the new Earth. There are plans that have been laid yet the Earth herself is the guiding force of change. We know how to adapt and adjust, which is what you must also do. When a mother is having contractions what do you do? You ride the waves and rest in between. This is what you are doing now. Over the next few years there will be the rise and fall of the tides as the energies of consciousness shift in the birthing process.

We are eager to participate in this unfolding. We have long awaited this as you have also been holding the divine plan in your hearts. What has seemed like a long time on Earth is only but a dribble of time in the collective of creation. There is no need to push for the natural flow of events will carry the force of change. The constant is that we, you, all of the waves of Light, must sacredly prepare by carrying the energies within us for this change. The Earth is moving forward in her way while she is being nurtured by all of creation.

Therefore, please understand fully that you are not alone. If only you could see the divine plan in place you would be in awe at the full stature that you maintain in the eyes of all of creation. You are the Light bearers and transducers who have the courage to be in physical bodies on the Earth to anchor and manage the energies of change. This is a job that only you can accomplish. You will achieve it so please believe it.

Outside forces want you to be afraid. Be in peace. Allow the Light to transmute whatever shadow may make its way into your minds and hearts. This is a well-orchestrated plan. It means that you must allow all their part in the process. Be the observers not the criticizers for you do not have the full picture of what is happening. Leave some to the mystery and let each participant play their part in the planetary transformation.

We in the Pleiadian High Council work with many other planets in their evolutionary process. This is the big one, this transformation of the Earth. It affects all of life. We hold the energy that the Earth becomes all that she has chosen and that you do likewise. We are experts at what we do and so are you or you would not be on the Earth right now. Release any doubts and fears and know that everything is well.

I am Mira in loving service to the Earth.
