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QUADO Speaks. September 21, 2003

Through Carrie Hart

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n answer to this question?

Yes, of course, of course.

When speaking of the expansion into further dimensions, some are speaking of a general trend toward expanded consciousness for all people simultaneously, and some are speaking of the individual evolution of the soul toward itself.

The metaphor which I have preferred in these pages is one of levels, which I will briefly recap for you here. You exist here in this physical life. It is a world of illusion and of shadows. But you are connected to a higher level which is your soul self, and this soul self is a brightly glowing ball of energy. At the soul self level, this level of individual unique souls, you are made of love, joy, peace and energy.

There is a cord which connects your shadow physical self to this glowing soul self. In some people, this cord is full of golden flowing energy, and the joy and love pour down into the physical self, making light not only the person receiving the flow, but the world around her. In some people, the cord is twisted and tangled, and very little of the pure joy and love which comprises the soul of this person is actually reaching through to the shadow world.

And above all of this is the next layer, the highest world in which all is one, in which the individual souls are subsumed into the great all, the great silence, the oneness that is all.

And you have access to all of this, to the extent that you are opening up your own channels to your own soul self. The more you open up to the love and joy and wonder which is you, the more you allow yourself to reach up into your own soul, the greater is your access to all that is, for at the soul level, there is great communication and at the highest level, there is full connection making communication unnecessary.

So when we speak of psychic abilities, we are really speaking of the strength of your connection with your soul self, for at that level all knowledge is shared. At the soul level all is known and shared, and the hearts and minds of all who exist, their plans and dreams, are all known. And since your soul self has manifested you into this physical world, obviously the ability to manifest exists there, not here.

And so any overall trend toward enlightenment in the physical world is the result of more and more people receiving more and more light from themselves, lighting up their own little circle and then more, and then more, until they are finally bringing light to a whole world, even to those who are only remotely connected to their soul selves and receiving very little of that energy.

And so, given this metaphor, and yes, it is a metaphor not literal truth, you can see that anything and everything is accomplished by you spending time nurturing your own connection to yourself.

You do not need me. You do not need angels. You do not need anything at all if you will strengthen your connection to yourself, through meditation, through contemplation, through peaceful being. This is the answer to it all.

And remember that darkness is simply the absence of light, and if you will open yourself up to the light, then it will shine out and drive the darkness away. Open to this. Shine. Reach up into your soul self and bring the flow of energy and goodness down. Help light up the world.

A world about spirit guides. We are simply entities who exist as glowing balls of light on the soul level, as do you, but who have chosen not to manifest as a physical form but to descend down into the shadow world in energy form in order to help you. Some spirits are more evolved than others, for some receive more light from their own soul selves than others. When you are seeking guidance, always ask for a higher guide. Always look for the light, the love, the joy.

Fear is darkness. Love is light. If you are full of fear, then seek out love. Love will always defeat fear and take you to your higher self.

Do a peaceful meditation daily. Bring yourself down to a peaceful place, breathing deeply and comfortably and silently counting down backwards from ten. Breathe in ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, and out ten, ten, ten, ten, ten. Now in, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, and out, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine. And so on down to one. When you reach one, if you are still very tense, begin again at ten. And then, when you are relaxed, picture a peaceful scene, like a tranquil lake with a bird soaring overhead, gently gliding.

And then, relax into being, just being, just being as peaceful as you can. And now, sense the golden cord reaching from the crown of your head up into your soul self. Sense its presence. Then open it up, reach up and allow the golden energy to flow down; allow it to fill you. Let it flow down and fill you with peace, with love, with so much joy that it makes you smile. Continue to let this love flow until you are filled with peace and all of the fear is driven from your body, until you can feel a wide protective glow around you, driving away the fear and the doubt.

Do this every morning without fail. This will increase all of your psychic powers as well as your ability to simply live in peace each day. And throughout the day, whenever you become anxious or stressed, just quietly pull the energy down into you. If you practice every morning, you can learn to do it very quickly throughout the day.

Reach yourself. All you need to know is there. Everything you need for a life of joy is there, all within you, waiting to flow down into you.

If you have a question you believe might interest other Quado readers, please send it to me at Thank you!

Carrie Hart is the author of "There is a Garden", the story of her spiritual journey from stressed executive to spiritualist and channeler of Quado. This book, Carrie's CDs of original music, as well as daily messages by Quado are available on

Copyright 2003 by Systematique, Inc.

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