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The Emissaries Of The Light, July 23, 2003

Through Jim Langman

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ery soon will be laid before you.

Upon this visit we will discuss your evolution, that through your coming time of ascension, you all will soon be going through. All will be going through the ascension process one way or another. Some will

choose to go through the ascension process that is known to you as the death cycle. These ones will have their opportunity to join with the rest at some time in their future evolution. For now, the mass

consciousness shows us without doubt that most of you living upon your world have chosen to ascend with the physical form. We will explain briefly how this will occur.

For the first time in all of Creation, physicality will be merging with spirit. You will become one with spirit in the fullness of it's meaning. Imagine, dear ones, all your multi-dimensional selves merging

as one. You would literally become God-like in more ways than one. You already are an aspect of the Creator, making you the Creator in

physical motion. Ascension means reaching full consciousness. Fully conscious beings are their Higher Selves. You become one conscious

mind with All That Is. At the same time you remain a single conscious entity. You are all of these things at the one time. You are able

to understand and know the collective mind while maintaining your own individuality. When fully conscious you will have the ability to transcend time and space. What would this mean for you? It means that if you wanted to be in a particular place, you would achieve this with the speed of thought. You would instantly be there.

On your world there would no longer be any hunger, for a fully conscious being does not need food to survive. You would exist totally on pranic energy. Pranic energy is all around you. Those with the

ability can look through a dimensional window and see the pranic energy that pulsates all around you. It is a life force of its own. This does not mean that you would never eat. For there would be times

when you will desire simply to experience the texture and the flavour of a particular vegetable or fruit. You will desire this for the pleasure that it gives, not for the need to survive.

What else would full consciousness mean to you and the ability that you will have? Let's look at one of these abilities that would be pleasing

to most of you. Spirit is eternally young, and with the merging of physical with spirit to becoming one, this also brings youth. You would be able to appear as a much younger person, if you so desired. You must remember that your conscious minds would not be operating in a way that many presently operate. In the future you would always

operate for the greater good of all. So all of your decisions are based on this principle which is one of the principles we were speaking of earlier in this message.

Secondly, in the coming times, you will be self-governing. You will not have governments having power over you in the way they do now. Yes, you will have a governing body. It will be totally spiritually- based. The selected governing bodies of the time will simply be there making sure that the balance is maintained, and that everyone is

being supported fully in all they do and desire. This will be fully supported by the governing bodies, if it is recognised as being for the greater good of all, not simply for a few. Everyone will be

encouraged and supported in reaching their full potential. Certain governing bodies upon your world are now feeling a tremendous pressure

upon them. They fully realise now that they no longer have a win-win situation. They have always known that if the mass consciousness (the

people) ever started taking back its power, they would be rendered powerless.

This is now what is happening. Your governments have still continued to fight against the odds, and have even gone to greater levels to maintain their hold upon you. They now realise that this was a fatal error. In the coming days, you soon will witness their fall from grace. Dear ones, their days are very limited.

On this visit we have given you another brief look into your future that awaits you, in ways that not all would understand. Your sucess is what you would call a done deal. Your future has already been

created. It is now for you to stand strong and know that the abundance and prosperity is yours for the taking. It is your birth right.

Step forward dear ones, and take back what is yours. You all are most divine beings of the Light. Know your greatness as we already know this to be so. We now leave you with our blessings and we grant you peace.

................WE ARE ALL ONE CREATING A NEW REALITY..................

...This message is with compliments of Phoenix Ascended News Group.....

.......................Hosted by Jim Langman.

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