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The Arcturians - On Space Travel

Sal Rachele

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space travel, one must realize that the quantum flux and holographic nature of the Universe is such that there is really no "here" an! d "there" at all. Everything just IS. And everything exists everywhere at once. We realize this is hard for your 3D minds to grasp, but stay with us.

Keeping the above explanation in mind, there are three main modes of space travel used by those who are and have interacted with your planet. We will call them as follows:

(1) Phase-shifting

(2) Zero-point fields

(3) Thought transference

The method used by the Zetas (greys) and other 3D and

4D races is phase-shifting. Phase-shifting makes use of the natural ley lines and grid lines of planetary bodies, as well as wormholes and warps in the space-time fabric. These wormholes and warps are called portals and stargates by many of your teachers. They are like holes in space that connect one system to another. Your scientists are beginning to explore the possibility that such travel is possible. Some of them have come upon information originally given to Earth from th! e grey races that have formed alliances with certain branches of your governments.

It is obvious that travel across great distances is not practical using conventional propulsion technologies such as those publicly utilized by your NASA and other agencies. However, if you use the channel's favorite analogy of drawing two points on a piece of paper, point A and point B and then asking someone to point out a shorter path from point A to point B than a straight line, you accomplish this by folding the paper over onto itself. This is an example of the principle of phase-shifting.

One of the benefits of phase-shifting is that you create an electromagnetic field around the craft that attunes it to the particular ley line or vortex. This in turn creates a sling-shot effect, moving the craft through the ley line or vortex. While the ship is in this EM-enhanced state, it is invisible to most instruments and the human eye. When t! he ship pops out of the portal or stargate, it becomes visible until it re-enters the portal or stargate.

Closely related to phase-shifting is zero-point propulsion. This is not propulsion the way you normally think of it. This is the ability to create a null electromagnetic zone around the craft, or cause it to enter into a dimensional state whereby there are no electromagnetic polarities. This has the effect of transporting the craft directly into the etheric realms.

[Channel's note: There is a scientific parallel regarding the idea of transcending the polarized, or dualistic realities and entering into Oneness. In the EM null zone, the positive and negative polarities are perfectly balanced and so there is no polarity acting on the null zone. This is the "doorway" into higher dimensions that the Arcturians are speaking about. Scientists are rediscovering that the "ether" or "aether" exists within this null zone. Th! ere are many good articles by zero-point researchers available on the Web.]

When the desired destination is reached, the ship re-polarizes itself and emerges back into 3D or 4D space. There is, then a dimensional shift that occurs to allow the ship to transcend the limitations of 3D time and space. The zero-point field acts as the doorway between the dimensions. Within a zero-point field, energy becomes essentially infinite and matter and energy can be rearranged at will.

This brings us to the third and most advanced form of space travel - thought transference. To keep it simple, this involves the ability to think yourself to any location and time in the Universe. This is not done by using technology in the normal sense, but by learning to realize that everything has a unique energy signature, and if you match that signature, you enter into the domain of that signature. Another way to put this is that in the higher di! mensions, there is no time or space. We are all One and we all exist at a point of singularity. Within a singularity, there is no place to go and no time in which to go there. You are simply there already. The only way to differentiate one "there" from another is through energy signatures. Earth and her people have a unique energy signature. If a soul capable of thought transference desires to go to Earth from a distant Galaxy, that soul simply tunes into the energy signature of Earth and "moves" or attunes his/her consciousness into that signature.

Once a soul evolves beyond ninth density, the concept of space travel itself becomes meaningless. Not only is such a soul aware that he or she is One with Everything, the energy of that soul becomes spread across all of Creation at once, so that there is no place where that soul is not. Therefore, the idea of going somewhere becomes ridiculous. Nevertheless, such a magnificent b! eing can appear to anyone, anywhere, in a form that can be recognized, simply by using the energy signature of the beings receiving the "visitation" and rearranging the molecular structure of the surrounding "field". This is one reason why the thoughts and beliefs of the beings receiving the visitation so greatly influence how the visitation is perceived. This is also how higher density beings are able to communicate in commonly used words and phrases. The etheric field of the channel contains an energy signature and the visiting entity utilizes that etheric field and matches frequencies as closely as possible, accessing the language and thought forms of the entity and using them as appropriate to facilitate communication.

Of course, we are oversimplifying these concepts in order to allow you to grasp them, but these are the primary means of travel throughout this wondrous Universe.

There are a small number of souls on! your world that are actively developing the abilities mentioned in this article; i.e., teleportation, tuning into energy signatures through thought transference, etc. There are those scientists that are aware of the quantum flux and its strange behavior. There are others that have mathematically determined the validity of the zero-point field. Still others have had limited success with teleportation, the ability to transport themselves through time and space. Subatomic particles in the laboratory have been phase-shifted and transferred through time and space from one location to another instantaneously by some of your more "mainstream" scientists.

Beloved ones, there is really only One Reality and that is God. Since we are all here and now, right here in this very space, we can choose to experience anything and everything right now. It is only in linear time that the concept of coming and going is meaningful.

We! hope we have stimulated your thought process and have prompted you to explore these subjects in greater depth. We leave you now by reminding you that we are always with you, guiding you and comforting you during your time on Earth. We are the Arcturians.

Feel free to distribute this as you see fit, giving credit where due. Sal Rachele, P.O. Box 815, Snowflake, AZ 85937 ( (928) 528-7118

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