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Atmos On Animals

By Mike Quinsey

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ive can be easily replicated upon our massive Motherships, or other form of transportation craft that we have. We can carry out genetic engineering if necessary to ensure a species can adapt to the Earth’s environment. This is also applicable to the flowers and fauna that you have in a wonderful range of colours, shapes and sizes. Once these were placed upon your Earth, we monitored their progress for thousands of years and the most glorious Garden of Eden was created. In the first stages of evolution all was in perfect harmony and a fine balance achieved. Then many souls came to Earth from all over your Universe, and they joyfully accepted their new home. They were placed at different points throughout the Earth and as the vibrations were lowered came into bodies not unlike yours of today. The main difference was that in the early stages of that period of evolution their bodies were more etheric and did not have the denseness that you have today. Over a great period of time everything hardened out and a more physical existence started to come into being. As you probably know, this also meant that your consciousness also became denser and you slowly lost your touch with your reality. You forgot your true self and your home in the stars, and your great adventure began. You repeatedly came and went from Earth, gradually accumulating a wealth of experience that would see you touch the depths of material existence, and then rise up again. In this time you worked closely with the animal kingdom and a telepathic communication was quite normal. You learned to love and appreciate the place that they had in your lives, and how you complimented each other.

In more recent times, you lost your ability to ‘speak’ with animals and as the vibrations of Earth became even lower, a separation took place. Although through evolution and our continued interest in developing all species of life, that also included you, we had to accept that there was an energy upon Earth that was causing imbalances. Humans lost their caring and understanding, and chaos started to reign. Animals just became ‘things’ that you took advantage of, as they gradually became part of your food chain. Cruelty was also accepted, as the connection to all life and its interdependence upon one and another was lost, and no longer understood. This really brings us to your present times, but it is fair to say that you have been in this lower vibration for a very long period. I will not dwell on the lack of respect for other life forms, but it is sufficient to say that now you are once again becoming enlightened. You must take a hard look at how in particular, you treat the animal kingdom. Animals have a group soul and evolve just like you do, and because they do not appear to reason like you do, does not mean that they are oblivious to how they are treated. Some people love animals so completely that they help to release them from their negative group soul experiences, and the restoration of balance and harmony within that species, is helped and restored. Animals have served you quite willingly and it is now time to acknowledge their place with you. They are often quite evolved and like many of your domestic varieties have such loyalty and love for you. Cruelty or lack of understanding cannot continue to have a place in your society. It is time to recognise that all life forms should be respected and treated with love and consideration. You were taught that ‘the lion would lay down with the lamb’ and that day fast approaches. There has been a lessening of the affect of the negative energies, that have caused separation in the past.

You are all being drawn up into the Light, and Mother Earth included, and it is time to start creating the new Earth. Live it now, and create it with your actions, mould it with your thoughts, you can work miracles if you try. All must change, it cannot stay the same the old is on the way out, it has served its purpose well.

I am Atmos with one of the craft in the fleet of the inner ring, that waits in readiness for the authority to proceed nearer to Earth. Once positioned in our final places, our scout ships will be allowed to make contact with you. I am Pleiadian and very much like you in appearance, you will feel quite comfortable in my company. This is a most exciting time for us all, because the contact with you has been meticulously planned and about to take place. This will be one of the greatest events that will have happened in this Universe for a long time. We wait with joy and happiness at the thought of being able to come openly amongst you all. We have so much to give you and show you, and so much to tell you about yourselves, and also ourselves.

Keep your eyes on the skies, as we gradually get nearer to you, as you will see us for sure. I serve the One as you do, Namaste until we meet again.

Thank you Atmos,

Mike Quinsey,
