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The Galactic Federation of Light Channeling

From Sandy

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e Idea is to Resist Nothing! If you feel lethargic, and tired and achy this has all to do with the body changing over into the Higher Vibrational Energies. Meaning you all have to work harder to get your Vibrations even higher to accept these incoming Higher Vibrational Frequencies.

Some of you have been hearing voices. Well you just tuned into the Higher Frequency of your Guides. So this is the biggest indicator that you are moving up in your vibrations and the radio station is now coming in much clearer than before. The Voice of the Guide(s) is being heard by many of you at this time. This is called a radio frequency exchange with your Guide. Telepathy does not play a part in this exchange of information with the Guides or Ascended Masters. Dimensionally you are able to penetrate through and send your thoughts via radio frequency waves.

The new Higher Frequencies are also causing changes in the weather patterns; that is to get on the subject of the hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and other things that are about to happen. We are being asked to accept these changes gracefully for they have to take place for the adjustment for Gaia. Mother Earth has to transform her surface layers also to the 5 D Earth- the : New Earth she is to become. The shedding off the old scabs to uncover a new surface, one that vibrates at a Higher Frequency, we call this the Cleansing. The frequency exchange for Gaia which is an organic living thing- Our Star Earth is now in affect. Leave nothing to the imagination but many reports of some unusual weather is to come. This is the natural flow of things. We ask you to remain in composure. Many of you who reside in those areas around the world, those of you that may be affected- you will be protected and or asked to evacuate those areas affected. Please go within and listen to your Higher Aspect and your Guided and be guided. If you are told not to go some particular place please do listen. If you are asked to pack up and get out- Get Out.

The new Higher Frequencies will be doing some other things that will be affecting us also. Our Physical and Emotional bodies will be changing. With these changes to the Higher Frequencies, Western Medicine will no longer be working. 2005 is the year of the transition of out with the old and in with the new. Also I might add that the Lower Frequency Modalities will also be tapering off on their usefulness on the 5 D Earth. The only way I can explain this is that Lower Vibrational Healing modalities will loose their effectiveness to the point that the Higher the Frequency of the Human the less efficient the modality will render itself for healing. Those of you will seek out upgrades of the Higher Vibrational Frequency Modalities or Symbols that will allow you to continue your work as a Healer.

Many Reiki Masters and other Healers of many esoteric Modalities of Healing will be getting the Shamballa 1024 and many other kinds of Atlantean Healing Modalities such as the Melchizedek which is finding its way back to those of you who have had incarnations as Atlantean Healers of the past. Vogel Healing another Atlantean Healing Modality is another that will finds its way into the Healing Realms. Many of you will be proficient in many different forms of Healing. There will be a time very soon when Drugs will no longer work at all. Western Medicine will take a downturn and be replaced by the many esoteric forms of Healing Modalities. We are already seeing a downturn of the affects of Drugs on the Indigo children and the crystalline children. Many adults moving through the Higher /vibrations also cannot be healed with Drugs and other man-made types of medicines and machinery utilizing nuclear energy or electromagnetic energies.

The time has come to focus on your own Healing issues, those comprising of the Emotional and the Physical body. Get your body ready for the changes. Do the Chakra cleanses required to get rid of the old Karma of past life and present life baggage that needs to be released and do the body balancing work that will afford you to move through the dimensional shifts free and easy. There is no reason for suffering through the aches and pains to get through these times.

The Energy Exchange will be very traumatic and erratic. Many of you will see things that you are to accept no matter how awful these things appear in the news. We are asked to watch less of the news and concentrate on sending Positive Love Energy Vibrations to those areas indicated by your guides. Sensationalism of the news is a way to put fear into the minds of the people. Dont get sucked into the fear antics of the news media. Stay focused on what is really happening to Gaia- The Star Earth.

The Energy Exchange simply means that the old Lower Vibrational energies of the 3 D Earth will be Exchanged for Higher Vibrational Energies of the new 5 D Earth. For this to happen there will be disruptions in many areas of the planet. You may not know this but many parts of the Star Earth has been going through quite a bit of cleansing. It is the sensationalism of the News Media in the United States that has capitalized on over exploiting Hurricanes and tornadoes that have been happening all around the world but get less attention. Everywhere there will be Energy Exchanged.

In the Name of ONE, Sandy

Embrace The Journey...