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Relay Relay Relay for Dec. 27, 2006

Spirit Eagle

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resent. Look up! Look Within! And Know!

What YOU ARE DOING is changing the Galaxy! You ARE remembering just WHO YOU ARE! I am Don-a-tel. I am a Communicator, (Telepath, Empath and Transmissions Overseer). Do not doubt your hearts! Do not doubt your intuitions! There is Nothing that is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! You, like us, are children of the Light. Go forth into that Light in the Knowingness of your Being, that you carry forth the End to this game of duality. It is within Your grasp NOW!

Bring your Joy-filled hearts into the next days in confidence of your Worthiness and Intentions. Let your Humanity shine forth! Bring your Compassion for all to FEEL in these next days. Each step on the road of harmony enhances the Plan for Earth to transmute all into The Light!

You have an expression that it is "Darkest before the Dawn". You are in That place: just before the Dawn of a New World. Await the Dawn with gratefulness, love, and compassion for All. We will meet again. We will sing songs of joy and tenderness. We will dance in the streets together and together we will bring the Light of Truth and Joy to all on the Earth Mother! We will be together in comraderie and joy! Blessings to All in Peace and Love.

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle Wednsday December 27, 2006 10:22 pm
