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Message From The Dolphins

Michelle Sachs Of Ocean's Essence

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or hearing our song.

We come forward at this time to bring you a gift; this gift is the gift of an idea, a new idea, concept or way of looking at an age-old idea that many of you currently subscribe to. Take time with this new idea beloved ones, get to know it, and understand it, for it is in the understanding that one truly benefits from the learning of it. We swim the ocean's waterways and we therefore know them from the unique perspective that comes from living within them. You, beloved ones, live on land, and know earth from that perspective, from living on it, and in it. To us, the water is our life force; it is what makes us who we are. We understand it, and we now wish to bring that knowledge and understanding to you.

As you have developed as human beings and grown in ways we could only have imagined, we have watched over the centuries as your bodies have turned and changed and we watch again in awe as you are now developing silicon like bodies in response to the massive cellular changes you are undergoing. You are leaving your denser forms behind and moving more "heaven-ward" in your growth. We are so proud of you and we ask that you not only continue the most excellent work you are doing, but expand on it…with a little help from us.

We ask that when you next meditate, do a process or visualisation, that you incorporate a new step which we will give you to assist with your growth and keep you balanced and grounded at the same time. We have noticed that a good many of you, when meditating or visualising tend to leave your bodies in a burst of spiral energy, heading upwards, out of this dimension and into the next. This is wonderful and we are so proud of you and your abilities. To develop further, beloved ones, we need you to focus your energy into the oceans of our planet, for as the stars shine down upon you from above spreading their bright, comforting light over you, so does every grain of sand on the ocean floor shine up towards you, spreading love and light over you, just from another perspective, or point of view. This light is holding you and supporting you, even now, filling your being with the unconditional love of the ocean realm.

This new step is very easy, and this is all you need to do. In your next meditation or visualisation, simply reach into the ocean with your consciousness, reach into these mysterious places, and go a little deeper each time. You may be surprised by what you see, or feel, and even by what you may hear. Go with it. We know that at this suggestion you may feel a little fear creeping in, and your heart may beat a little faster. Beloved ones, the ocean is not a dark, scary place, there are beautiful, coral forests bathed in sunlight, and turquoise waters ankle deep with bright, rich, green sea grass covering the ocean floor. Sea horses float by lazily on a hot, sunny afternoon and a turtle may come by just to say hello. Remember us, the dolphin beings are always there for you too, and in your visualisation you can ask for a dolphin friend or guide to be with you in this place, to protect you and guide you. We are always there for you, to assist you and help you to grow and develop and find those hidden treasures of the deep that await discovery.

This is a most exciting time and we await your new growth with anticipation and delight. Thank you our most honoured friends. We wish you safe journey to all your new discoveries, and we bless and honour you in the spirit of all dolphins and the ocean realm.


Excerpted from Augusts Lightweaver E Mag
