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Turtle Woman's Automatic Writings Update, January 1, 2003

Oma, Turtle Woman

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ke. She has mostly ceased her shaking worldwide and holds her breath in hopeful anticipation with the rising vibrations. She will be disappointed as the dark ones continue with their agenda of abuse of power. She will respond in like kind, showing the strength of her full power...shaking down the towers of control and the mountains into the sea.

Watch out little power mongers. The One is not with you. Your time of littleness is nearly at its end. Like a child having a tantrum, you will rage and make life miserable for all for awhile. But your time of power is closing fast, dooming yourselves to reaping your own terrible intent many times over. The Truth of darkness is that in the end it swallows itself up.

Light Ones, brace yourself for this end darkness before the dawn. Weep when you must but do not hold it to you. Let it pass quickly. Remember you walk the Beauty Way and you are creating the wondrous new existence. Time is relative as we think it is taking so long, yet in all of Creation it is happening instantaneously. Many struggle. Know that you do make the difference and have diffused and lessened the impact of so much through your dedication and work. Do not, however, revel in denial and obtuseness, for the Elders are not wrong. Prepare yourself emotionally for successive shocks. Then let them pass by as the wind.

Do not see the hard times as failures. You are not in control of other's free will, but know that your very presence here has changed things. Your influence is being realized. You are producing great work. You have done this many times. As you make this passage through the darkness of this time, remember your dawn is rushing to greet you. The sunshine spreads it's Golden rays far. You are each the particles which make up those rays. Shine on. It is the Light that dispenses with the dark. It is the dark that makes the Light even brighter. Shine on you radiant Golden Ones. Your time is about to come.


Stay in the Golden Light,

All My Relations in Love and Light,

Turtle Woman, Oma.
