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Master Adoniesis: Humanities Galactic Cosmology & Transmutation

canalizado por Ramathis-Mam

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al growth.

Some of you do not know who I am and others do, but in order to follow the social human protocol, I will introduce myself so that our interaction can be smoother, more cordial, close and brotherly. I come from the Central Sun of the Universe and I participate in the job of support, reactivation, supervision and follow up of the process of evolution of your planet Earth at this time. I especially collaborate with the members of the Intergalactic Confederation who are your cosmic brothers or extraterrestrials as you call them. Today I am here to contribute a touch of orientation to all our terrestrial collaborators, followers and admirers.

As you can see the theme of this article or message is enticing. Our goal is to make you aware, inform you and guide you through the new vibratory stream that the universe is establishing in your galaxy. The galactic cosmology and transmutation of humanity is a whole process and effect that comes from the whole grid, action and manifestation of the cosmic forces that influence determined points of the universe. This generates great and profound transformations at all levels. When a wave of cosmic energy activation is produced with all its strength, intensity and acceleration proper of this type of cosmic phenomenon, a whole series of alterations and energy-vibratory activation comes with it to finally renovate, restructure, purify, harmonize and renew the existential parameters. This is exactly what has been happening since years ago on your planet, but it is being intensified as you get closer to the neurological center of the Great Cosmic Tide that emerges from the bioplasmic center of your galaxy and that you call the Bond Line or Photonic Belt. This cosmic event happens every 25,000 years and affects the the solar systems and planets of the galaxy for about 40 to 50 years producing great geophysical, electromagnetic and biological changes in them and in all living organisms.

You are not an exception nor are the planets that make up your solar system an exception. The more retarded you are in your evolution, the more you receive the cosmic impact that is being produced in your galaxy. Human galactic cosmology and transmutation is an event that was foreseen for this cyclic process that is produced in the universe to restructure, renovate and reorganize aspects of it. The influence and effects derived from this new vibratory paradigm is crucial and determining. It will transform completely all the levels, irregardless of the level that you find yourselves in. All planets that make up the solar and galactic system are subjected to the Great Law of Mutation and Vibratory Alteration. Some readjustments are inevitable as the program of universal evolution requires them. This is where your contribution, availability, attitude and spirit of collaboration come into play so that the new structures and planetary and galactic order can be produced within the frame of harmony, peace and stability. You as composite elements of the universal tissue have an important job to do and now you are being summoned to participate in this great quantum and process of evolution that is being produced in your galaxy and especially in your solar system. The purpose of all this cosmic turbulence is to shake up a series of vibratory, electronic, magnetic and atomic structures that will allow more cohesion and physical lightness to the planets, stars and the conjunctive galaxy.

From now on and in porportion to the activation on the increase, the social context of your humanity will experiment strong changes and effects that will be produced according to the resistence, immobilism, unharmonious and negative vibration that you all could have. Your biological structure, emotional body and psyche are going to experiment this great impact whose revulsive effect will allow you to free the blocked energy and elevate the vibratory frequency of your lower bodies, expanding and opening your consciousness. Your capsule of light that comes from your Higher Self will transform and fit in the new vibratory demands according to your attitude and willingness towards the change. You cannot continue to be how you have been until now because your quota of evolution has been met and your Higher Self will unevitably impell you to make a decision and amplify your encoded systems of data of evolution. It is of no good to resist or to ignore the circumstances because our program of evolution will force you to choose and absorb in according to your possibility, more radiation, codes and vibratory frequencies in your human consciousness to latter on transform it in galactic consciousness with a cosmological, unifying, fraternal, solidary and practical (in conscious spiritual evolution terms) vision.

All of our extraterrestrial commands as well as other important forces on your planet are activating and accelerating this process of change in the world or stadium of evolution. We are doing this under the petition and sanction of the Logos of the planet and the Great Universal Hierarchy. There is nothing that is not under control and coincidences do not exist in the frame of existence in the expression and mechanics of the universal conscious. What I am trying to say with ths is that what is happening and will happen is like a response to a series of planetary and galactic demands that must be produced. It depends on you for this transformation to be the most conscious and solidary as possible or that your unconsciousness be the source that generates strong turbulences that will make you wake up from the dream of illusion that you find yourselves in. Because even though you could get accostumed to the negative, strict and turbulent circumstances, you will not be allowed to under any circumstances. The time of comfort or passive abnegation of the existential circumstances that you could be involved in have finished. What is in vogue now is conscious and practical activation of the Self, of harmonious and solidary cells working in unison with the conjunctive cosmos of galactic transformation and cosmological vision of life.

The period of tribes, primitiveness, of learning, of stable information and human experience in the parameters of evolution has finished. Now you must enter in the territory of galactic consciousness and cosmological vision of life. You are no longer an isolated tribe within a specific geographical area whose borders have been an object of much discord, belligerence, violence and constant massive destruction. That period has passed and now what you must do is open the spheres of galactic consciousness that will allow you to comprehend a little more the universal and existential spectrum that you must adapt to. In case you decide to perpetuate your anthropoid conduct, you will have to make a great effort to maintain that vibratory and existential frequency that will end up destroying your emotional, biological and psychic bodies. That is to say, your Higher Self will not allow you to continue dragging the same vibratory structures in the frame work of conceptual vibratory transformation. As a consequence, you will be repelled by your own causal field as you will not be in consonance with the new vibratory patterns.

The cosmological vision and galactic transformation of humanity is a process that has been in gestation since thousands of years ago in your whole spiritual genetic structure and obviously, your genes have been mutating and adapting to the new guidelines of evolution. You are not isolated beings in the universe, in your solar system or your galaxy as you have thought until now. You form part of the conjunctive cosmos, extraordinarily magnificent, powerful, unfathomable and profoundly moving. Because the universe as we know it, and we don't know it in its totality, is a whole mutating, recreative, expansive, infinite and renovating event that overwhelms all our investigations, knowledge and capacity of comprehension. There is no doubt that this cosmic event is and has been the object of attention, interest and investigation in many human beings that were among you and have left a mark in your journey of evolution. Today in these crucial moments of a whole planetary and galactic transformation, we, the superior intelligences of the universe, are approaching you to give you a touch of light, information, guidence and encouragement in your life. You are not alone, you have never been, however, the appearances and the demands of evolution made it appear so. We always provided you with our guidence, attention, follow up, orientation and collaboration anonymously. Now, and thanks to the time of change that is being produced, we can openly communicate with you and that is why we are using all types of resources like internet so that our messages and atunement can reach you. The fathers of the universe or gods as you used to call us in the past, have returned to open a new sequence of evolution and show the way back to the stars from where you came from.

This opening or cosmological and galactic transmutation of humanity or of the human in you, is the process through which you will abandon your tribal, separatists, egocentric and belligerent comcepts to transform yourselves in beings with a cosmic resonance without obstructions from the ego. >From now on you should prepare your inferior bodies and integrate and adapt them to the new vibratory frequencies so that no serious and irreversible dysfunctions will be produced in them. How can you acheive this? By centering your attention, consciousness, energy and goal of expansion and capturing the cosmic consciousness and cosmological vision of life deep inside you. All those techniques of meditation, prayer, introspection and silent inner observation that activate and harmonize your centers of energy and mental spheres will help you. You should go deep within and try to tune in to your Higher Self or Inner Guide so that the transition to the new vibratory structures will be as harmonious as possible. These are not the times to continue playing whimsically with your energy and spiritual projection of evolution because your childhood has ended and now you must start acting like a responsible adult.

As you see yourselves on the inside, that is how you will be on the outside. What I can guarantee is that things are not how you see them, but how you feel them from your conscious being and fraternal and spiritually harmonious projection. The new times have come to test your spiritual temperence, to strengthen your inferrior bodies and allow your cosmic consciousness of solidary and fraternal love to rule in each word, thought, feeling, emotion and action or yours. In order to do this you will receive and are receiving all the help available from the Spirtual World because we are not holding back our efforts or resources for this, but whether our help benefits you or not depends on you. Here is where we leave open the equation of probability because we cannot transgress with your mental mechanism of free will. That is why from different points of the universe, a multitude of beings are contacting with you and collaborating so that you as a conjunctive planet and humanity can align with the galactic order that you are a part of. We do not exclude anyone, but you can choose to margin yourself, but the only thing that this will acheive is a detention, abstruction and pollution of your emotional, physical and mental bodies, taking them to planes of evoltuion of rectification. Everything you had to experiment, discover, feel and know you have already done in the last 25,000 years and now the only thing you need to do is look for a more superior, harmonious and satisfying option of evolution. And this is what will be produced in many of you that are almost ready for the new experience in cosmic evolution.

When you develop the cosmological vision of life, this will affect the patterns of conduct and stratus of the human ego modifying its energy and vibratory structure. As a consequence a whole galactic transmutation will be produced in your causal and electronic body that will generate a more neutral, divine and gratifying feeling in your Higher Self. And ultimately, it is your Higher Self that is supervising your whole process of evolution in a coherent and neutral way so that you can integrate all the emotional data that will allow you to get closer to your Divine Essence and to God.

The Great Cosmic Tide is comimg into its most intense phase of activation and from now on you will all be impacted by its accelerating, discompacting and atomizing influence. Even if you insist on being what you have been until now, it will not be possible because once you are touched and sensitized by this galactic phenomenon of evolution, you will stop being what you have been and you will transform yourselves in the new cosmic teachers for the new planet and New Aquarian Humanity. Many of you will leave the electromagnetic jurisdiction of the Earth to latter on return with a new load of evolution that is more conducing and harmonious for the new humanity. Others will leave and integrate in superior planes of existence from where you will be able to participate in the restructuring of the New Earth or collaborate in the development of other humanities. The more evolved will return to their respective places of origin before experimenting the fall of evolution to be able to vibrate and experiment new forms of recreation and cosmic expanson ad infinitum.

Before ending this message, I would like to encourage you to participate in this Cosmic Encounter that is being produced and supervised from the Higher Spheres and that like a petal from an aromatic rose contribute to the elevation of the planet and humanity within the galactic order established for the Third Millennium. You all have much to offer, but the most important thing is to be conscious of this event and nothing bad will happen to you if you accept the proposition that we are offering. Because brothers of the cosmos, the future is wonderful and the only thing that you have to fear, it you want to call it fear, is not being able to recover your mastery, divine capacities and spiritual potential that you have as beings of light that in essence you are.

This is all. A collaborator for the divine cosmic plan for this Third Millennium within the quadrant of your galaxy this is about to start a new experience in evolution,bids farewell. Until we meet again.


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