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Message From The Guardians: 777 Portal

Through Laura

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nergies with open hearts and open minds. These energies beacon a "new beginning" and the end of the old. A transition point if you prefer.

We challenge you to truly open yourselves to these wonderful energies and encompass the fullness of what has been placed before you all. As a total community of souls you have been offered an opportunity to experience that which you have never experienced before. "Seize the day " dear o! nes, allow that which you have not allowed before.

Feel the uniqueness of this "now" moment and soar to the heights that have not been possible until this unique period in your time line. There is nothing that has not existed before. The past is the present and the present the future and the future the past.

All is a circle and circles within circles ... rejoice the time is now and then and will be all within the same moment.

You are the most powerful beings in all creation; no others in the physical have had this opportunity to effect All That Is in such a manner.

Do in the being in the doing ..that which you are has never been ...rejoice ...thou are God and God is within you.

Praise be to the blessed beings of Earth you call Humans. They, you have forever altered All That Is in a most profound way. Do not look upon the terror that the few committed upon the Earth. Look to the whole ,the one, the! spirit of All That Is; it resonates with pure divine love and protection.

You see merrily the remnants of the old energy trying to assert its' self for the last time. The last desperate push to rid the world of the new, the unity, the divine order that is the perfect state of being, your heritage, your divine gift of pure unconditional love.

Take heart blessed Angels of Earth, fear not , the supposed terrorists of the Earth plane, theirs is a last desperate effort for control over and fear of all. You have the power to over come and you will.

Your newspapers and TV feed on the dramatic, the blood, the gore; you however know better, you see the light at the end of the tunnel. The one true light of All That Is. Use that as your beacon . Focus on it. Hold it close and let not fear enter your hearts. Know that you are loved beyond measure and protection is yours for the asking.

Simply choose to stay and be a part! of the luminous future and the ever present light of the now moment and it is done.

Shine on beloved Angels of Earth we are with you always.

Blessings one and all...

The Guardians

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May the Universe Shower Blessings, Peace and Abundance Upon You! From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom. NESARA NOW WON! WORLD PEACE NOW WON!
