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Mother Sekhmet Speaks 8-14-2003

Through Kara Kincannon

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he thanks each one of you for your gifts of "Love". She and I and you and every living thing is receiving my "Love" as the stellar alignments we are assisting the healing now of all humanity as a whole. In alignment with Sananda and St. Germaine and many, many other beings of light that are collected in massive force around and in this planet earth. This collected force of light is orchestrating the events as this earth shifts in consciousness as one collective unified field. This is "The Shift" as the new paradigm is set and in sync. The healing and restoration of heaven’s return has begun. We, you, all are One. In the name of Oneness the "Christ Logos is returned, activated and established in this New Now Age!!!

The nurturing of my "Love" united with Mother Earth is the energy of light in pouring/out pouring in the rainbow colors of the serpents return. My ray is blue and silver . The Violet ray(flame) of St. Germaine is in-pouring/out pouring the transmutation. The Violet flame is burning away all the old collective recorded patterns of the old patterns into their nothingness. The Golden ray of Sananda from the Great Central Sun opened and activated the planet earth as of your 8-8-2003. His radiance is now bathing this earth, with the golden light and the Sun’s new alignment . The silver ray emanating from the Photon Belt in the now alignment The Galactic Day has arrived. The Source Creators Divine Plan is now established as above so below. The Divine Blueprint pattern is activated and established through each of you. You are receiving my gifts now and I only ask you to remain with your heart open to receive the many blessings I have come to give. Your cellular memories are firing now at a rapid pace. This is the process you are all in. You are releasing all old cellular memories into these rays of light here to assist you now. I am here to assist you to gently transform into your authentic being of light you are and have always been. You are aligning back to your Source within you.

The God’s and Goddesses walk again within the Heavenly Garden of Eden again. Harmony and Oneness again. I ask you all to open your hearts to receive the gifts we have come to anoint you with. We have come to "Love You". Allow me and the Mother earth to nuture you back to Oneness. Allow us to bring to you all your hearts desires.

The Doves return to earth.

In the name of Ra

I am the Goddess Sekhmet

Tele-communicated by Kara

Our new web site is almost complete. Pray for no more computer problems. Will send out link as soon as it is up. Peace Kara

Source of Light

"Building the now Age"

Rev: Deborah(Kara) Kincannon or

P.O.Box: 830

Aguilar, Co.81020

Donations Welcomed
