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Message from the Guardians - "No More Secrets"

Through Laura

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ies and dealing with the rapidly shifting mass consciousness. It has been difficult for many to separate "their stuff" from that which is coming from the mass consciousness at large. This differentiation is paramount to your development. It will become increasingly important over the next few months of your time to become keenly aware what is your own energy and what is coming from outside or other people. Your ever increasing sensitivity to energies has made this difficult to process appropriately. Fear not, Dear Ones, you are doing a wonderful job of it, even if it does not feel that way to you.

Many have suddenly become more intensely interested in what is occurring in the world around them. Even if in the past you saw World events as only things passing by your peripheral vision, you may now be finding that you are focusing on them with more intensity. This is an appropriate thing, Angels of Earth. There is much occurring that you should be aware. The only caution we give you is do not allow yourself to fall into fear or become too preoccupied with these events. Stand in your "Center" and be aware of what is happening around you but do not allow yourself to become enveloped or stuck in that energy. It would only serve to stifle your own growth and development.

There are many things "coming to a head", as you would say and this is an appropriate and necessary occurrence. The "Time of Secrets" is at an ending and all will soon know the truth. There is no longer anyplace to hide, for those who would deceive and seek control "over" others. It may seem like this energy of control and misinformation is actually increasing of late, and we tell you that it is. This increase or intensity you feel and see is simply the last throws of those, who wish to maintain the status quo of the old energy. Fear not, Angels of Earth, it can not happen. It is simply not possible to maintain this old energy any longer, as too many have awakened to the light, and their combined energies will make it impossible to continue in the old paradigm of energy that has permeated your Earth for so many centuries.

We tell you the following not to create fear or loathing but to give you an "awareness" to carry you through the next period of your time with ease and grace. Blessed Human Angels, things will get worse before they get better or in your terms that will "appear" to be the case, if you only look at your world from the 3D perspective. Always remember you can not see all that is occurring behind the scenes. There are things happening on many levels and many dimensions that you are not always fully aware. This next period of time will test your belief in yourself and all that you know to be truth. Do not surrender to the fear generated by the mass consciousness. You know better, and you now have the tools to move through this period with ease and grace. You are the standards, the torch bearers, the ones, who carry the light high so others may find their way through these challenging times. Never forget the incredible power and grace that emanates from within you. You are "God also" and have the capabilities to choose and create your own reality in any way you see most appropriate for yourself.

If you start to feel yourself faltering and being drawn into the cycle of fear, stop and breathe into your "Heart of Hearts". Rest and refresh yourself there before you continue on with your journey. Remember you are loved beyond measure and you are Never truly alone! There are literally "Legions" of others on our side of the veil pouring their energies to you and supporting you in these challenging times. You are the Gallant Knights, the Heroes, the blessed and honored souls, who have chosen to lead the Earth into a new and shining creation of "Heaven on Earth"!

We reach out our arms and our hearts to support and comfort you, and we ask you to do the same for each other.

Blessings one and all...

The Guardians