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Message From P'taah - August 2004

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n every way of your own reality. You fashion your own reality from your beliefs and ideas about reality and your beliefs and ideas and judgments about who you are in relationship to that reality.

Now this is the basis of a new wave of consciousness which is to lead up to a transformation of your planet, of your species, to bring you in line with that which are civilizations beyond this, that you may, if you like, join with a grand federation of your brothers and sisters to come into a whole new way of being.

All right, so let us come back to how it is that you do create the reality. There is much hocus-pocus given forth and much of it is likened unto a fairy story for those who have not been practicing this way of being. Even those of you who have been practicing creating your desired reality find that you come to a place where you say, "Well, I know the theory but I am still re-creating and re- creating the same old story in my life," or "Many things have changed, however, there is still this aspect or that aspect which I do not seem to be able to grasp, to get a handle on, to create the changes that I desire."

So, let us say to you now that this way that you create your reality is not some fairy story. We are speaking physics here, simple physics. You, the nature of your beingness, is that you are comprised of electromagnetic energy. You are comprised of this electromagnetic energy in more than one way, so to speak, although it is all the same and there is no divisional separation.

That which is your physical embodiment, that is your physical molecular structure, each particle, or if you like, sub-atomic particle -- the smallest that you can imagine, and certainly smaller than what your scientists have yet discovered except in theory -- is simply a frequency. Your physical body is made up of these whirling, twirling atoms and molecules all vibrating at a certain frequency.

That frequency itself is a harmonic and likened unto a magnet. You are really a grand magnet, a grand attractor. That which is your emotional body, that is the power seat of your emotions, is likened unto exactly the same but of great power. That is, if you like, your power sourceness, that which is that force called emotion - E- motion, energy in motion.

Then there is that which is simply your intellect. It is a grand and wondrous thing to behold, your intellect. Your ideas and beliefs are likened unto electro-magnetic waves and those waves are attached by the emotion. So your ideas and your beliefs attached by the emotion bring forth your every day-by-day reality.

Consciousness is not separate. That which is the consciousness of each of you is linked. You may say in a way that consciousness forms itself in a nesting arrangement that your physicists would call morphogenetic resonance.

You say that you indeed have created yourself to be birthed in this lifetime. Of course there are lifetimes in what you term to be your past -- hundreds of lifetimes in what you would term to be your past AND what you would term your future -- all occurring simultaneously because time is a concept which is limited to this dimension of reality. So you have created yourselves here in this life. You have chosen your parents and siblings. You have chosen your gender, your race, your heritage, your genetic structure and your socio-economic situation. All of this, all of this, you have chosen as a broad- spectrum game plan before you have actually birthed yourself in your physicality.

This gives you some idea how powerful and how multi-dimensional you really are. As you birth yourself, you birth yourself into a gender - male/female. And as you birth, you automatically tap into that which is the collective consciousness of every man, every woman, that has been birthed ever upon your plane. You also birth yourself into a resonance called family, called your school, called your religion, called your race, etc., etc. And you may say that all of these aspects of consciousness nest one on top of the other until you have a collective consciousness of your species, the collective consciousness called 'human'. And that consciousness called human is linked to other like species.

Upon your plane you linked, of course, to everything that exists upon the plane -- every plant, every tree, every creature, you are linked to. You are linked inextricably. You cannot separate that which is the consciousness called human and the consciousness called your earth, your planet, that grand and powerful Goddess Earth. All of this is part of the consciousness that you resonate to. You have a very grand soul connection to that which is cetacean, that which be whale and dolphin. It is the same soul energy come forth. As you are star-seeded, so also are cetacean star-seeded to this planet.

Now you are asking yourself where does spoken word come into this? All right. Really 'spoken word' is about that which is called the day-by-day creation of your reality. So we are giving you a little background for those of you who maybe are not so familiar with these concepts. It is likened unto a crash course.

Consciousness. Energy is consciousness. Every cell in your body has its own consciousness. Every consciousness is linked. You are separate from nobody and no thing. That which is termed the concept of telepathy, we would say rather 'telempathy' - empathetic telepathic communication -- ALL of you have this ability. All of you do indeed operate at this telempathic level. When you meet somebody and the first instant you say, "I really like this person", or "I really feel that I have known this person for all of my life" or, "I really do not like this person", and you say that is what is termed to be a chemical reaction -- it is a telempathic communication. And where it is one of dislike, it is simply that that which is the consciousness of that other person is bringing forth a reaction of fear to you. It is striking an old chord.

So that which you are is likened unto a grand tuning fork. You exist in a realm of the most amazing diversity of consciousness, of energy. You spend most of your time in reaction to what is occurring outside of you, in your perception exterior to you, to your physicality.

Now, as you go about your day-to-days, it is most fulfilling to you when you may spend your day-to-days in what is termed to be creative affirmative action, rather than a reaction to an emotional state that is triggered outside of you. As we said, most of you spend your time, when you look at your life, in reaction to the same old/same old. The patterns go on and on and on.

And it is not only that which is great emotional activity. Rather, look at it with 'poverty consciousness'. How many of you in your day- to-days have been saying for most of your life, "There is not enough money," or "I would like more money"? For many of you this a very grand issue, as is love, of course. Either you are wanting a different relationship, a new relationship, any relationship, or certainly one better than the one you have.

So it is that when you look at your repetitive patternings that you would like to be able to say, "All right, now I am about to change it all," and that is called 'creative action'. But you see, before you can change it, it is necessary to know how you create it all in the first place.

What does it mean, this 'negative reaction'? What does it mean 'positive, creative affirmative action'? What does it all mean? All the words are very fine but unless they can assist you to change your day-to-day life, what is the point?

How you create it all to begin with, positive or negative, there is no difference. It is simply energy. It is simply 'like drawing like'. What you believe, what you love, what you fear, is what creates the reality, simple as that. Those thoughts, those electromagnetic waveforms called 'thought' attached by emotion, is what creates it. Whether that emotion is what you label a good feeling or a bad feeling does not make any difference. We are speaking physics here. It is simply energy.

So when you are in a place of joy, when you are in a place of laughter, when you are a place of focusing without any negative judgment on what you are doing in your day to days, life flows. There is an ease. You find that when you are 'on a roll' -- you know this expression, 'on a roll', where everything is simply flowing? It's what you call in your new age vocabulary 'going with the flow of it'.

So let us look at how it is that you do indeed create that which you do not desire in repetitive patterning. First we say to you that those ideas and thoughts and beliefs you have about reality, more particularly that you have about who you are in relation to that reality, occur from in utero to six years of age, maybe nine. Usually by six years you have cast yourself in stone. You have formed those beliefs and ideas about the universe and about who you are and for the rest of your life you are simply in reaction to those beliefs and ideas and fears.

Now when you look at this in a negative fashion, what you believe about yourself is that you are not enough, not worthy of love or loving, not worthy of all of the wondrousness of your world, not worthy of outrageous joy and good fortune. That you are simply not enough and that you simply do not live in a safe universe. And because you are so powerful, as you go about your day to days, because of these ideas, beliefs and negative judgments you have about yourself and the universe, the universe will bring forth that which will reinforce, reinforce, reinforce those ideas and beliefs.

You create it all absolutely.

Part of this belief structure, you speak every day. We say it would behoove you well to be aware of your verbiage, of what you say that trips off your tongue without even the slightest thought that reinforces these negative ideas and beliefs.

"How are you today?" "Not bad." "You are a pain in the neck or a pain in the butt." Look at the words that you say each day and how, when you are speaking to each other, the things that you say about money. How you reinforce the idea that there is not enough, that it is never there when you want it, etc., etc. And then look at how, when you create good fortune, you simply pass it off - "It was only luck".

Those of you who have been involved with this new age business for some time are all very willing to shoulder the responsibility of whatever you created in a negative fashion. You find it very difficult to embrace the idea that you create all of the wondrousness as well. And you actually will state it. "It had nothing to do with me, it was good luck" or "it was such and such and such". Anything - but not you. If somebody says to you, "How beautiful you look today," you say, "Oh but I'm not such and such." "What a beautiful gown you have." - "Oh, this old rag". "I love this wonderful car you have" - "Oh this old car, you know it keeps breaking down," etc.

You see how you do it? You do not take responsibility for the wondrousness. You do not allow for the fact that you are gods and goddesses playing a game called 'human life now'. And every time you speak the words out loud, whatever you are speaking, the universe listens to you. The universe listens to you. When you speak about your body, "I am too fat", "I am too thin", "I am too old", "I am ill", "I do not feel well", your body listens to you. As you speak it, that is the truth! Pay attention to what you say. The power of your words is awesome. The power of your words creates the reality. When you say, "I want to have such and such and such", you are coming from a place of want, of lack. "I need." You are coming from a place of lack. You see?

Now let us look at it the other way. Many of you will say, "Well, I do not understand how I am not creating what I desire because each day I give forth my affirmations." Well, your affirmations are about what you want in your future, not about what is. We say to you, again for those of you have heard it many times before, the place of transformation is now. The place of change is now. For as long as you are 'wanting' or 'needing', whatever that is that you desire, you have put into your future and that is where it is going to stay.

You only have now. You do not, in truth, even have a past, and your futures are created out of what you think and believe now. Does that make sense to you? You only have now. If you are desiring wealth, look at how you keep wealth away from you every day with your verbiage, with your thoughts, with your beliefs, with your attitude, with your actions, because you are totally focused on lack.

If you would every day sing a song of praise and thanks to the god/goddess of your own beingness, to the universe: "Thank you for the grand and wondrous abundance that I am. Thank you for the river of money which flows through me. Thank you for the abundance and richness I see reflected all about me which shows me how abundant and how rich I am. (Softly) Thank you, thank you."

The power of now, being in the Isness, in the energy, of that which is your wealth. The power of that word going forth. "Thank you for what is now". Does that sound powerful to you? "Thank you for the love in my life. Thank you for the love which surround me." You see? "Thank you for my perfect body. Thank you for my health and vitality. Thank you for the miracle of life that I am. Thank you for the gift of life that I am and the miracle and gift of life that I see reflected all about me. Thank you, thank you." (Speaks softly) See how powerful it is? Because it is.

So, my beloved ones, much to reflect on, hmm? We love you grandly and issue forth to each and every one of you,


We, too, love you grandly.

Mickey Light Source P'taah
