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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light

Through Jim Langman

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the many heavenly orders as to what role we can play in your on going transformations. We now inform you that our Divine Creator has commanded that we are to now interact more directly with the people of your world.

The time has now arrived where any further attempts by your governments as well as the ones that have been given the powers to create any further delays will no longer be tolerated by us or by our Divine Creator. Any attempt to do so will be swiftly dealt with.

Firstly we will speak on the subject of your Mother Earths own transformations and discuss events that have taken place and will continue to take place.

Your world needs to quickly transform herself . You have witnessed recent events that your world is changing and the evidence of her changes are now very clear to you. Her physical changes will continue and there are events that we can only say at this time are close to happening. At all times she is conscious of the fact that there will be some loss of life and wishes that this is to be minimized as much as possible, this is where our many teams are constantly watching around your world to see what adjustments can be made to minimize any great loss of life and elevate any possible great catastrophe.

The earth quakes that have happened in recent times are simply warnings of what is to come. We do not give you this message to create fear, but simply bring it to your attention so that you are more aware and to be better prepared when future major events take place. This is also one of the main reasons why more of a direct action is needed on our part to prevent any catastrophe and any loss of life on any grand scale.

We have over the last few months alone stepped up our attempts to bring the knowledge of our existence to the people of your world, so that they can become more prepared when we formally arrive upon your world.

Another reason why we need to step up our procedures is the fact that you're last remaining super powers have stepped up their own plans to totally dominate your world. They do not care who they destroy to reach their goals. The thought of what they have planed for your world is quite abhorrent to us. We cannot and will not permit them to succeed with their agenda. We promise you, we have the technologies and the capabilities to stop them in their tracks very quickly.

There are plans already in place that will soon remove these most despicable ones from power. These ones we speak of are in great turmoil even as we speak, which makes them even more dangerous because now they are desperate to succeed. We assure you that we will see to it that they will fail. Your world has a grand destiny and we have all the legions of light behind us to bring your desired new reality as soon as possible.

There has been much debate over the last few years about prosperity programs and the funds eventually being released to various ones upon your world that will see that these funds are dispersed into the correct areas. We will now state very strongly to you that the disbursement of these prosperity funds will take place and take place very soon.

Your year of 2005 is a very special year, one that you all will remember for generations to come. Many glorious events are destined to manifest themselves and you will bear witness to this fact before your year is over.

Returning to an earlier statement we made in this message and wish to state again and make it very clear, we will not tolerate any further delays by your governments and we have made this very clear to our ground forces to take what ever action that is needed. They now understand that we will not delay our plans to intervene and arrive upon your world even if they do not complete their plans on time.

There is a divine time table in place and this will no longer be interfered with. Your world is changing and changing quickly. Mother Earth needs our direct assistance on a grander scale, this we shall do. She can no longer be abused in the ways she been and which still continues. Her oceans are being poisoned and land masses being made uninhabitable. This can no longer be tolerated. We do not apologies for our frankness in this communication, but you must now understand the severity of how things are. We as always ask for you to stay stead fast and to continue to help us using your amazing abilities God has given to you.

We now take our leave. We give you our love and we grant you peace.

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