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Emissaries Of The Light, August 1, 2003

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The energies that you are experiencing can be rather overwhelming . You will be experiencing tremendous amounts of mixed emotions. You will at times find yourself crying, seemingly for no reason at all.

What is taking place dear ones, is the releasing of deep blocked emotions that you have carried for a long time and have not even been aware they were within you. It will be the same with bouts of anger, anger that you do not even know where it comes from. You will also be experiencing at this time, fluctuations within the energies. Many of you have the capabilities of detecting these fluctuations of energies, and you will sense their shifts. When you are aware of these energies, you will be filled with overwhelming joy. Joy from deep within. Your heart will feel the energies and express them throughout your entire being.

We understand that sometimes you need assistance when experiencing these energy shifts. We are always at your side ready to assist you whenever you request our help. Mother Earth is no different to you, she is going through the same energy shifts that all of you are experiencing.

In past messages, we stated that there would be an increase in volcanic eruptions. If you were to do your own investigations, you would discover that they are greatly on the increase. In your coming months, there will be much change within the weather patterns of your world. No country around your globe will be spared, some will be spared only in the intensity of these storms. You already have witnessed the erratic changes within your weather patterns. The weather is about to go to the next level. You will experience dramatic changes within the velocity of the storms that will eventually hit different parts of your world.

The cyclones that you have experienced in the past will seem mild compared to what is to come. Do not look upon these changes taking place in a negative way, or feel that your world is taking a turn for the worse rather than for the better. For this is not so dear ones, this is so far from the truth. Instead, your world is preparing herself for the birthing of a new entity. A fully conscious being.

Yes, your world will be changing from a planet and becoming a star. Just as you, dear ones, you are destined for greatness. A greatness that will be honoured throughout the entire universe and the rest of Creation. You are the ones who will lead the way for all those that dwell within the Creator's realm. Your world will be the centre of all the universe. A place for all beings thoughout Creation, to visit and to be in awe of your planet's beauty. Once all of you have returned to full consciousness, you will be inundated by visitors from all over your universe and beyond.

Be not concerned beloveds, about what is presently taking place around your world. Distance yourself to a position where you are simply on the outside witnessing events playing themselves out on the inside. For this is exactly what is happening. Certain events must play themselves out to their fullest. Simply be aware that this will not continue for much longer. In fact you will see many great and wonderful changes within the next few months of your existing Earth year. Be in joy dear ones. We leave you now with our blessings and we grant you peace.
