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History Is Upon You

Theologian Channeling- 10-06-02

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October 6th 2002

Greetings Dear Ones, We the Theologians stand before the honored Ones and are very privileged this day that we can sit before you and share our love and communication with those who are creating the second source, with those on the path that are doing the things that have never been done before, to create a new reality where God can stand before himself and where God can see himself for all his glory.

We are here to discuss several things with you today that we have not discussed before and will be new to some of you and we once again remind you of how much of an honor it is to be here with you and share this information, for in these times of rapid change and growth on your planet you have escalated in so many ways that you cannot imagine. You have changed potentials and have grown beyond that which any of us on this side had imagined you would go and for this you are deeply honored.

Allow yourself to feel our love, our honor and our respect for you. Give yourself a moment to deeply appreciate that which you have accomplished for we know that you do not give yourself that opportunity. Allow yourself to feel the love that you have for yourself. Give yourself credit and acceptance and, Dear One, allow yourself to feel how special you are. Give yourself the recommendations, the honoring that we on our side of the veil give you for in our communication today, with what we will be talking about, honor yourself for if you do not the tasks that we will ask you will be that much harder but they are tasks that are necessary in your development for you to continue. If you do not, you will come to an impasse until the time you are ready. There is no judgment in this. You may walk through this opportunity that we present today at any time however, without walking through this door you will find very shortly, the path that you wish to travel to close off to you. For we will be talking today of honesty, for it is upon you.

Allow us at this time to set the energies in this space for you to better assimilate and balance yourself for this message. Allow yourself to flow with the changes and to come to a balance within yourself.

As the energies in this room are being set, and as the energies are being set within your own living rooms, and your own houses where you are reading this information as well as the room where you the listener are present, feel the acceptance of yourself for acceptance is a form of honestly. To accept things as they are you have to stand within a space where integrity and honesty and honor are the three pillars upon which you stand. To truly accept things you have to be honest.

Feel the energy within your heart as it is growing. It is full of transmutational energy at this time which gives a window so to speak for you to transmute things that have been coming up in your life that no longer serves your highest good. At this moment take a look within the corridors of your being and if there are things that no longer serve your highest good, cast them in and they will be transmuted. And from the ashes will come the truth and the honestly, the wisdom, the peace, the compassion, that lie within all creations and is present within you at all times.

As the energies in this room build we will now start to discuss the topic of this communication with you which is upon you and you alone to undertake, for it will be the new order of your world and your reality, for this to become second nature in you. You have for much time been wishing and hoping to expose truth within your world. You talk in your circles of this or that organization, or this or that person hiding the truth, but Dear One, look within yourself. For you will see that you are not always honest with others either, you are not always honest with yourself, and it is this energy within you that allows this to continue in your outer world. As we have said, you operate on a collective Will already and collectively you choose to hide much of your truth, and it is this hiding of truth that allows these individuals in power to hide the truth from the world.

Every personal truth that is hidden gives permission for greater truths that affect the multitudes to be hidden. It allows the deceit and beshadowing of information; the closed doors that are in your governments that your public does not go; the stories to be skewed and twisted and be manipulated so that you allow your governments to control you. All of this stuff comes from your human deep seated fears of revealing truth in any form, no matter how small. And it is time for you in your evolutionary path as a race for you to change this fact.

At this time take a deep look within. Do you speak your truth, do you express how you truly feel about things that are happening in your world? Do you talk about your emotions? Do you talk about what it is you wish to create, truly and deeply on a very honest level to those around you? Do you share your spirituality with others or do you hide behind the doors in the closet and say "I'm not going to talk about this. Others may judge me for it. I will just stay safe in my world and life will continue and I will feel safe."

But Dear Ones, has this gotten you anywhere? Have you grown as a person from this? Have other people benefited from your knowledge? Have your relationships with other people deepened and become more meaningful as a result of this sequestering of your truth that has gone on? Indeed not for it has left a chasm so to speak. And it is a space of energy that can be easily filled. It takes of a leap of faith.

In your fears you say that those around you would judge you if you revealed your truth no matter how small. Your fear of judgment often prevents you from saying the very thing that would be your salvation as you would see it. By not speaking your truth the people around you continue to do the very things you wish they would not, and your fear to tell them this and the reaction you would get causes them to continue in the ways they are in because they did not have knowledge. There is many a person who in your quest with your spirituality could benefit from your knowledge, be they the person who you are buying your groceries from, your bank teller or the casual acquaintance that you know.

Were you to reveal your spirituality to them without fear of their judgment, you may just give them the insights they need for their own experience so they too can reach your level of understanding. By hiding you delay the process that you wish to fulfill in this world, and that is a world of understanding and peace and spirituality. In your hiding of your truth to your partners, your family and your friends you say on a small personal level that "To hide the truth is Okay," and this translates on the consciousness of your mass world that to hide the truth is Okay and yet you curse your governments and organizations for this when it is built upon the individual and, individually everybody, without exception is hiding their truth. These organizations are built on numbers of individuals who have come together, so therefore if they are hiding on an individual level why would they change that aspect when creating a group consciousness, especially one that has the temptations of greed and power. And in their deceit through not showing their truth they gain more. To expose the miss truths in your outer world, you first need to start with your inner world, with the people around you and most importantly, with yourself.

Look within yourself, look closely and see what truly is your "honest" truth. Look truly and honestly at who you are. At your beliefs, at your judgments. Look at what it is that you hide. Look at what it is that you refuse to feel or refuse to accept that goes on around you and how you feel about it. Look at all your hidden truths that you wish you did not have. Your flaws in your character that you try to cover up saying "No that can't possibly be me. I'm better than that!" Look at them honestly for what they are. You can never change them until you accept that they are there and be honest and truthful about their presence.

Look even into the areas of the unspeakable topics that are in your society. Where you truly feel in your sexuality, not where you think you should be. Look at what you truly feel about your loved ones, your family. Look at truly how you feel in your physiology, in your physical sexuality even. A topic that very ever truly address. Look deep down at those hidden fears you have of expressing certain ways of being and why you have those fears. Find the truth that is in them. Do you fear it because you know it is true within you and you fear the judgment of others, or do you fear it because you fear judgment when you do not have something? Either way, the fear of judgment causes you to hide in this area from yourself, and if you cannot be honest with yourself how can you be honest with others?

In this communication today we are asking you, and it is imperative that you listen, that you must have honestly and speak your truth to others. As other beings have said and we will say ourselves "To hear your words spoken from your heart allows your brain to accept them as truth." They must be verbalized out loud and, to another individual. So that therefore that individual knows and you can no longer hide the truth. You must look within you and accept everything as it is. Those fears, those little resentments, desires that you feel are immoral. You must accept them and be honest about their presence before you can rectify them or change them to a more desirable one.

Until you accept who you are you can never change.

You can learn information that will allow you to change. You can learn better ways of being but until you can accept yourself as you always have been and as you currently are, the good and the bad, those aspects of yourself you see as evil. Until you see those aspects and accept them and be honest, you can never truly remove them or change them.

Your world is an ever-growing place of change, growth and development and will require the assistance of each and every one of you, through your interactions with yourself, your family, your friends and your communities in order for the greatest enlightenment to come forward. Of course each and every person chooses which way they wish to go but in the end it is the sum total that will swing the way things go and as it is, throwing the pebble into the water creates waves of change of one touch to another. So as you can see, the things that you do within yourself as you change and grow affects so many different people. The things that you change, the growth that occurs within you, the changes with your interactions with those around you affects many many people and as they say One light worker, the energy of that One, is equivalent to many many more.

Allow this energy to sink within you, allow the switch to be switched so to speak so that an activation opportunity occurs. At this time there is an opportunity for each and every one of you to start moving forward with a different type of energy inside you which will allow for an ease of transmutation of these aspects which will help facilitate your growth and your expression of who you are and becoming your truth, and discovering your honor.

Just perceive this for a moment. Think on what the world would be like if everything was shared openly. If there was nothing said behind closed doors. How much of the deceit that is within your world could not exist in that environment. You who have read information that says that in a future time you will have a telepathic communication that will allow no dishonesty. Well Dear Ones, it is time to start building it. You have to start on the level you are on now before you can ever reach that. You who have always assumed deep down in your heart that "Oh yeah it will be nice when it happens, but I don't have to do any work to do it." Well Dear One, you have to start being honest with yourself and know that even These Ones; the ones who bring forward this message, who we are speaking through; are petrified of the words we are saying for they too have things hidden they wish not to speak and we are not excluding them from this. The ones you hold in high esteem, the "channels" of spiritual entities are never excluded from the information that we on our side of the veil present. In fact we often expect more of them as an example. They are not on a pedestal, they are just like you. It is just that we have a contract with them for them to help you and themselves.

You will be given opportunities for sharing of your experiences over the next while. We encourage you to share this message, share your discoveries and to allow yourself to expand out your social circles so to speak, so that you may experience more and interconnect with more people, for this is where power lies. True change can occur when you touch many people, and the sharing of your experiences, and the sharing of information and the assisting of others to start their transformational process is very powerful. This is a time in your evolution where this is imperative and we ask that you go outside of your comfort zone and allow others to be touched by what you know. Do not be in fear, for this is appropriate and is it not time for others to be a little more honest with each other?

Just think Dear Ones, if your governments were honest with each other would this war be happening now? If your governments said "We want your resources. Can you give it to us?" Do you think that there would be war that they are fighting for these resources? If you felt honesty for each other do you think that the religions would have such anger towards each other? Would your Muslim and Christian faiths be having this holy war at this time? And yes Dear Ones, that is all it is... another excuse for a holy war.

The old energy dies hard and the holy war is also being fought in a war of economics and money. Too long ago your religions moved away from the spirituality and moved into the realms of commerce. This is not exceptional to any belief. All belief systems have been raised in the world of commerce and so therefore operate on profit margins as the big name companies that you do not like. Yes, they have spiritual truth. All Do. Yes they have Spirit within their walls, for Spirit does not turn their backs on those that are seeking his help. But know that, deep within yourself and within your religions even, is more operated on gaining numbers so that they can stay in power than it is on truly helping the ones that are within their faith. That is the truth of your religions. They operate on the greed of power. That they have more than their opponents. So that therefore their truth is greater. That is where their information lies. That is why the holy wars have happened. Because one says that "I have more power than you so therefore my God must be stronger."

In your modern world, Power is equal to the power of the dollar and how much you can put to your own cause. This war on terrorism was initiated by the Muslims towards Christian infidels. It was a retaliation on the Christians part, although it was hidden as a retaliation against terrorism although the information and the way they did this was exactly the same. Too long you have been hiding in the dark of your miss truths, and your unwillingness to accept the truth that lies within you and, this may sound like you are being attacked but know that Truth is Power and know that without truth, and without you living your truth, you can never truly gain the peace, or the love, or the compassion that you wish to have in your life. You cannot have the love and the compassionate connections with others if they do not know what it is you need. And how can they know what it is you need if you yourself will not admit it to yourself let alone them. And so the resentments and the angers and the bitterness build. Truth is the reason, because it is not given. And that is where all of your problems lie.

We the Theologians challenge you at this time to accept within yourself the fact that you are able to change, able to grow, beyond the boundaries of what you have previously set for yourself. You have within you an energy, an inner strong desire to grow to the point where all is out in the open and true honest communication can occur, with yourself and all others. This is a process of great courage. It is not without challenge. It is one of the largest topics you will ever face so to speak for from this springs everything. From this, sincere heartfelt union and joining can occur. From this, deep understandings occur. From this, everything grows.

And do not think Spirit does not understand your plight. Do not think that we are insensitive or unable to feel how difficult it is within you. We are not saying this is easy. But then again you are here to work, you know that. The reason you are here is to facilitate lesson and Dear One, this is the biggest one of them all. To speak your truth, about Everything that is within you. That is the whole reason you are on this path. So that you can speak your truth and then go about changing that bit you do not wish to continue. Is it not within your organizations that the first step to healing is admitting you have a problem? Is that not an understanding you already have within you. That truth is the first step to change. Why is it so that many people seek their councilors about information they wish to share with people that is their truth but they are scared of the judgments of others.

So the next part of our conversation is accepting others and showing them they will not judge them, so they will be more willing to accept you, but you will not hurt them when they share their truth. And, if you grow in your acceptance of others, you will see that those around you grow in their acceptance of you, and they will be more willing to listen to your truths without judgment, and therefore the Fears can be disabled, which is what you want is it not?

You at this time have the greatest opportunity with which to help each other grow through this process and through the acceptance and understandings of where other people are coming from within themselves. The unconditional acceptance of other peoples truths and of where they come from in life has often been difficult to maintain, for in the interactions between you there has been great discord. How can you embrace each other as a species when such misunderstandings occur, when such judgments occur and lack of community occurs at this time? Hurt feelings, misconceptions happen and these block the way to deeper understanding and deeper connection. Therefore one must begin, first by knowing their own truths and when going out and speaking to others, respecting each others truths. They do not necessarily need to be the same but everyone comes from their own perspective and the way they see the world and that has been shaped by their experiences up to the present point in time where they are interacting with you. Your choices around how you wish to proceed in the communications with them will greatly affect how the interconnection goes and how you choose to react to what is being said. Do you have issues around how your buttons are pushed, how your thoughts react, how your stomach churns in response to what is being said to you?

If you have those issues. That you wish them not to press your buttons. That is another truth that you must speak when you are telling them the first. Tell them, truthfully, that you fear their reaction. Tell them that you are so scared of telling them this information about yourself because you do not wish to loose their respect, which is what it is all about in the first place. You hide because you wish others to respect and love you. So therefore, when you tell them your truths, be honest and tell them that you fear their reaction and you fear loosing their love and respect. That one truth alone, if you can say that you fear loosing another's love for fear of telling them the truth; if you can say that to someone you are well on your way to a world of truth and understanding and acceptance which creates the peace you desire to be present.

It is a very heavy topic we have discussed this day, and no one who is hearing this communication, whether present live or reading it in your room, in the privacy of your own time and dwelling has not been touched by this and hit to the core, for it is a truth you know within. That you need to speak your truth for, should you not, it eats you inside and you know this. It leaves a coldness and an emptiness within you. A hunger, that you cannot satisfy because until you tell the truth you cannot do anything about it because you are hiding it.

We the Theologians empathize with your pain and issues which are being created by being challenged in this way. We have such love and compassion for you and we truly wish you did not have to go through this, but when you signed up for the Earth Experiment, you also signed up for the day when you would have to bring everything out in the open. You have known this day was coming. Deep within you, you have known it, and have always known that eventually this day would come when you would have to tell everything in the open.

We truly honestly feel saddened by how difficult this is for you, and know that we are here to support you and if you are having trouble with this at any point, call on us. Call on the Angels, or your spiritual masters. Call on those whom you call Ascended, and have them assist you. We are there waiting, but we cannot do anything unless we are given permission, unless you ask. Our hearts are always opened to you, so that you are never alone. Because you are the Ones who walk the difficult lessons, you are the Ones that walk the planet of Lesson, the planet of Earth. And why do you think we have reverence and honor for you? Why do you think it is that we ask you to remove your shoes, so that we can kiss your feat? Because you are the Ones that are doing the hard work, not us. You are the Ones that are walking the difficult lesson. We are there to support you. Our job is easier. That is why we feel the way we do. Because you are the Ones doing the hard labor as you would call it, to pave the way for that which the Universe needs to experience.

You will find over the next while that as you move through this lesson and start working with your honesty and truth, that you will find changes occurring. Not just with yourself, but with those around you and, as they are changing, others will as well. You will observe the dominos effect starting to occur with those around you in your social circle. Your supporting of each other is so important in this matter.

Know also that when you start revealing your truth as a race, there will be much, much, much, change and restructuring. There will be an agitated period whence things must be changed for when truth is revealed things must change to accommodate for it, whether it is denial or not. And know to that as a race, should you do this on a more global level, your organizations and governments will be forced to change and be honest because the people will not allow them to keep it in the dark. They will bring it out themselves. The leaders of the organizations, were they honest within themselves and within their own social circles, would reveal the information that their entire organization has hidden if they were the One that was honest. And know that there would be a restructuring of your entire society because, a society that is built on Truth must be different to the one that has been built on Deceit, on the backs of lies, on the backs of miss truths or covered up information. A world that is in the open rather than one that is hiding in the dark. That is the difference between the Light and the Dark, for the Dark always hides, the Light does not. Why is it that we call you the Light Workers if that is not the case?

It is work. It is work in coming out of hiding and into the Light.

Let others see truly who you are. For as you do, they will find the courage and the strength to seek within and find out who they truly are. And as they do, they will go out and touch others and much change can occur. Feel the energies shifting even as we speak of this. Feel the balance and the acceptance and the peace around this.

We have given you much this day, and much of this will be talked about and expanded upon in the coming days; in the coming weeks and months of your lives. To start with, we know that you will want to hide and deny this and you are in anger about it. But as you come to accept that truth is the way you must go, you will start noticing the changes occurring in your life.

At this time, We the Theologians are here for you, and we are always here for you. You just have to call out, even when you are not in front of these ones. We are with you always. We stand by your side as part of the entourage of support around you. We stand side by side with the Angels waiting for you to ask us for help, for that is our job. We are here to assist. And at this time, in this space we just wish you to know that We love you, and are here for you.

And So it IS.

