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The Council Twelve 'WE KNOW'

Channeled By C.N. Rodgers

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r many of you.

Know that all is unfolding as is best and it will come to a joyous end result no matter how the appearance may be at this moment in your time frame and reference.

Know that the purpose for these challenges is to get your attention and to move you to make changes in your thinking. To move you to reach out to higher understanding and purpose.

Each of you is important; each of you is encouraged to raise your consciousness to higher vibrations to reach out to the Masters of the Ascension. We are waiting to give you ever more help and LIGHT.

Know that although you may feel discouraged, it is only your interpretation, and you can choose to interpret your experiences as a process. A process that is teaching you and those around you to stay the PATH.

Lightworkers have been geared to maintain the course. We know that fatigue has settled into many of you and we understand why and how this is.

Know that this is the time to focus, to step back from the challenges, take a breath, and surrender to the highest level of your awareness. You have been prepared for this. Yes you are ready and so, act ready.

We send you any additional encouragement you may need. Think within, and you know we are speaking to you and that we are correct in our understanding.

This is to those that have labored for a time on your planet of residence, and to the channel, we call 12of12. We know that some of you have hit a wall, so to say, however, interpret as ‘A PROCESS’. The end is important, but the ‘process’ can be enjoyed and relished.

We leave you with our love and Blessings to everyone that is receiving our words and energy.

A note from the channel. I sense I cannot copyright these messages. The words and energy are of the LIGHT and therefore

I ask that as you pass along any of this information, please include the complete and total message with a link to

We Know

Attention: Lightworkers

The Council Twelve

Channeled by


We know first hand, through the channel, of all the process that your planet of residence is going through at this very important time in your evolution.

We send you courage and strength to stay on your path of LIGHT. The strength and blessings that we send will be and are needed for many of you.

Know that all is unfolding as is best and it will come to a joyous end result no matter how the appearance may be at this moment in your time frame and reference.

Know that the purpose for these challenges is to get your attention and to move you to make changes in your thinking. To move you to reach out to higher understanding and purpose.

Each of you is important; each of you is encouraged to raise your consciousness to higher vibrations to reach out to the Masters of the Ascension. We are waiting to give you ever more help and LIGHT.

Know that although you may feel discouraged, it is only your interpretation, and you can choose to interpret your experiences as a process. A process that is teaching you and those around you to stay the PATH.

Lightworkers have been geared to maintain the course. We know that fatigue has settled into many of you and we understand why and how this is.

Know that this is the time to focus, to step back from the challenges, take a breath, and surrender to the highest level of your awareness. You have been prepared for this. Yes you are ready and so, act ready.

We send you any additional encouragement you may need. Think within, and you know we are speaking to you and that we are correct in our understanding.

This is to those that have labored for a time on your planet of residence, and to the channel, we call 12of12. We know that some of you have hit a wall, so to say, however, interpret as ‘A PROCESS’. The end is important, but the ‘process’ can be enjoyed and relished.

We leave you with our love and Blessings to everyone that is receiving our words and energy.

A note from the channel. I sense I cannot copyright these messages. The words and energy are of the LIGHT and therefore

I ask that as you pass along any of this information, please include the complete and total message with a link to
