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The Verdants - Through Michael

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explore space and meet your galactic family.

It is important for the next stage of your growth and evolution that you are willing to give up the ability to threaten others with weapons on a mass scale. The ability to make threats and demands based upon fear will not be tolerated in space, and will be detrimental to your growth as a unified consciousness in the near future. It is necessary for you give up nuclear weapons so that you may join with the Galactic Community in Peace.

We understand the belief held by many that possessing nuclear weapons protects you from others, or gives you credibility within the community of those nations that possess them. If you could see clearly the way in which the fear you create with these weapons distracts your civilization from solving more important challenges, you would give them up in an instant.

We are offering to disarm all nuclear weapons for you globally, if you agree to this. We understand that it is difficult in an environment of fear for you to trust each other to do this as one. That is why we offer this agreement. You do not have to take this step alone, and we will not proceed until you are ready. As more of you choose this reality, the potential of achieving a global stand down of all nuclear weapons will become more present within the awareness of humanity, and thus within the minds of those who possess and guard these weapons.

You must trust that those who possess nuclear weapons are part of the legacy of peace. These individuals are here to play these roles, so that such an agreement could take place in this part of your history. There are many within your militaries and governments who know already that we have the ability to disarm your nuclear weapons. This potential has been demonstrated, and there is now a public record of this.

We have monitored all nuclear activity on your world since its beginning. We are aware of every nuclear weapon that exists here. Such technology cannot be hidden from us by any government or terrorist organization. In addition to offering to disarm all nuclear weapons simultaneously, we may act as nuclear guardians, alerting you to any human nuclear activity that threatens peace. You do not need to invade countries out of fear concerning secret weapons. You do not need to bomb each other to destroy nuclear facilities. You do not need to build space-based weapons or a missile defense shield against nuclear weapons. We can and will disarm any nuclear weapon launched.

We are here to monitor your transition into a new age of peace. We wish to work with you to create networks through which information can be disseminated to the general population to support the process of developing your relationship to the Peace Agreement. The Agreement of Galactic Peace is not only an agreement between worlds. It is a personal agreement between all the individuals in the community. It is an agreement in consciousness. This is the way of an honest civilization. Through this way there can be trust. This is part of the potential that we are here to demonstrate to you.

You do not need to fear military activity from other worlds. You do not need to fear military invasion from other worlds. Such activity is not tolerated in the Galactic Community. Every civilization in the Galactic Community agrees not to take weapons into space. Your space-based weapons were build by those who fear something that does not exist. Greed is their main purpose. The reason for their existence has been manufactured, as have many other things, to control the economy.

You will find that after all nuclear weapons are disarmed, your civilization will move rapidly towards a more peaceful existence. The environment of fear created by the presence of the nuclear threat supports fear-based patterns of behavior that creates much of the violence in your world. Without the threat of global violence, violence at an individual level will begin to noticeably diminish. The potential to heal the global community is alive and active, and without the threat of global violence, this potential will become amplified and more available than ever before.

Many gifts and surprises await you on the other side of this evolutionary step. We are waiting to assist you to acclimate to the presence of the many civilizations that wish to meet you. You will know the presence of those who are here to guide and protect your unique potential through our love. We are here to demonstrate love as a universal energy. Our consciousness is based in love. We are willing and able to assist every individual here with this shift into awareness of the Galactic Presence.

We are all part of one galactic spectrum of consciousness. Love is the source of all our light. As you open to a greater awareness of the universe in which you live, you will find that the galaxy itself is alive, and you are part of a vast community of souls, exploring life in a multitude of different forms. We are waiting to meet you, and welcome you into the family of which you have always been a part. We are all one Galactic Family.


This is the message of the Verdants. Because humanity is beginning to cross the threshold into awareness of the Galactic Presence, I expect that as this message spreads, and as more people cross the threshold, similar telepathic transmissions will be received throughout the world. It would not surprise me if 1000s of people have already received this same transmission telepathically and are working on getting this message out in their own way. Some of us have seen this potential for some time and are pleased that we have reached a moment in history when this potential can actually manifest.

The majority of people in the world want to achieve a global nuclear stand-down, though the question is how to do it. That is precisely where our Galactic friends can offer their assistance. It would be a cocreation, and the effect would be immeasurably positive. In the vision I could feel how greatly fear would diminish in the world after we take this step. Though we do not need approval from political leaders to take this step, it is certainly good to start introducing these kinds of ideas, so feel free to fax this letter to your representatives in congress.

Negotiating this agreement with humanity will become a new focus in this project, and the Angels of Peace are assisting with this. Let’s make this happen!

My sincere thanks and gratitude to all of you,

May Peace Be With You,


PS: I have been exploring how to manifest the equipment I need for this project and found an opportunity that some of you may be interested in. If you live in the U.S. and would like to know about an opportunity for getting a free Mac Book Pro or Ipod, you can read about it in my blog at