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Ag-Agria 06.02.05.

Through Mike Quinsey

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gher dimension. The difference is that they have been fully aware of the pending changes for a long period of time. They have already prepared themselves for the event and it will be a smooth transition that takes place without outside help.

The difference on Earth is quite clear. Until recent times there was little awareness at all that you were approaching such a period of change. The Hierarchy that oversee the Universe, have been monitoring this situation ever since you took those first steps towards Ascension. You created that opportunity through a sudden increase in your consciousness. You sent out a signal that showed you were ready for advancement into the higher realms. This can occur at any time, and is a natural progression of the soul. However, at the end-time of a 26,000 year cycle there is a greater opportunity because there is the Ascension of the solar system which holds your Earth. If you are prepared you can go with the Ascension process, but also move out of it if you are not ready.

There is so much that is a natural progression experienced by all beings regardless of where they are in the Universe. Different forms, yet the same inner spark that like yours has come from the Godhead. You are old souls just like all of those experiencing outside of the Godhead. In your situation having agreed to undertake your experiences veiled from that truth, you are simply unaware of your origins. You may see us as more advanced, and that is true on a certain level as you have found out. We have traveled along a different path and have simply gone ahead of you. It could just as easily have been you, but you chose your present path and took on the challenge of experiencing duality. Each and every one of you came down through the dimensions to take your place in the lower vibrations. Your object in going through duality was to experience all facets of life, and work with different energies for the satisfaction of bringing those experiences to others

At present you face the challenges of those beings that play a role for the dark, and have subdued their Light by their actions. They have become so single minded that they forget their Light source and totally believe in themselves as they are now. As odd as it may seem, in their own way they believe their actions are right and that the means justify the end. They cannot yet see that they have to answer to Universal Laws the same as everyone else, and as their Light returns they will become aware of how they have transgressed those Laws. No one escapes their responsibility in this respect, and somewhere in the future they will atone for their actions.

You all come from the same source, and you will all return to the same source, therefore we are all the One. It matters not where you have traveled, and what you have chosen to experience, you are still all One. It is therefore important that you look at your fellow man and not see some one different to yourself. The outer presentation may be different but certainly not the inner self. There will come a time that rapidly approaches when you will see certain leaders fully shown for what they have been in their life time. There will be very many shocked by the way they have been fooled and the devious ways of those concerned. They will be vilified for what they have done, and many would have them locked away and left to rot.

I remind you that it is not your place to make judgement, although most of Humanity still believes in their Laws. There are greater ones that can operate in total truth, and decide the measures that are needed to put a soul back on the path to the Light. I emphasize, that there is no punishment as such; it is a matter of deciding how future experiences can be used to teach the lessons that are necessary. It may be hard and challenging, but every soul will eventually be successful in bringing the Light back. The same principle is used at any level, except that those who have had the power to grant life or death have a greater responsibility for their deeds that is answerable to the great Tribunals of Heaven.

On Earth you have to protect yourselves from harm and put violent people in places that are secure. However, we would say that no one really learns from imprisonment alone, it is re-education provided with loving intent that can enable someone to take up their responsibility again as a worthy citizen. It is love that can dissolve the hardest heart, and it is only love that is going to change the path of your wayward leaders. When people learn of their deeds against humanity the horror will reverberate around the world, and great anger will surface. This is an understandable response, but it would help if the voices of compassion were also heard, as in the ultimate I remind you again that you are All One. Those who clamber for revenge will be venting their feelings which need to come out. However, you must not become that which you despise and you will all be the greater for taking a loving compassionate view of what has taken place.

Each and everyone of you are answerable for every action, and indeed every thought you have had, but you are not punished. In duality it is obvious that you will err, and that was the challenge you accepted when you agreed to experience it. It is a matter of continual learning until you become once more that which you were. That you can control your thoughts and actions without harm to anyone else, and that you can recognize the divinity within yourself, and also in others.

Dear Ones, I come not to admonish you, but remind you that you are all made in the image of God. You all have the potential to express your Godself now, and as you prepare for Ascension it is important that you live up to your highest ideals. Already the Light upon Earth is bringing miraculous changes into being, and you are the force behind those changes. Never has their been a time when you have had so much power, and you can literally achieve whatever you desire. Remember that energy follows thought, and see the new vision in the Now until it becomes your reality. You are great Beings but have yet to believe in yourselves.

I am Ag-Agria and both a Guide to Michael and representative of the Galactic Federation. I wish you all well until we can openly approach you in the very near future. It is an occasion that will surely pass as has been decreed, and it is just a matter of time. Our Love for you goes before us, and we shall have a wonderful celebration with you before long.

Thank you Ag-agria

Mike Quinsey

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