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A Message From Mira, From the Pleiadian High Council A Message From Mira, From the Pleiadian High Council

Through Valerie Donner

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the most experienced within our realms to assure that all is going well.

You might wonder how we could consider things going well when it appears on the surface that you are bathed in darkness. Let me remind you that what you see on the surface is not what is truth. It is simply a part of the illusion of the third dimension in which you find yourselves caught up. If you focus on the fear and drama you will be distracted from the Light, your true pathway. If you know that these scenes are created like a bad movie you will change the channel. Why would you want to continue to imprint upon your mind the negativity of how things seem to be falling apart when in fact they are beginning to come together? It is all a matter of focus.

What is good or bad is simply a matter of focus. How could something that seems so dark and bad in the earthly scheme of things be serving? Well it is serving because it is drawing you together. We see humans banning together in global ways that we have never seen before. Your global communications are serving this well. You are sorting through the lies and deceit. You are awakening faster than could ever have been imagined. You are expanding at frightening speeds for your darker forces. They are shrinking in the Light and you are expanding.

Even as the dark ones are continuing to conspire to maintain their stronghold they are losing territory. They are losing it within their own ranks. They may think that having massive amounts of money will protect them but they are wrong. Their old tricks are no longer working. They are actually trying to pull all the stops but they are running out of choices. Their desires to penetrate the planet with fear to maintain the seeming stronghold are becoming futile. Why is this-because the forces of Light are a battalion beyond words. The forces of Light of which you are a part are the foundation for the planet's ascension. The Lightworkers are regaining their sense of who they are. They are reclaiming their masterful gifts and are using them. They are taking their power back and it is true power.

Mastery is meaning and meaning is mastery. This is what you are coming into, beloveds, you are coming into your mastery and you are meeting us along the way. When you are in your mastery fear slips away and you have faith and trust in your ability to do whatever is necessary to stay on your path. Yours is a pathway of Light. We intermingle our Light with yours and we have power. This is what you are doing. Nothing can interfere with this once it has set its course. This is the course on which you now find yourselves. We are not doing this alone, of course. We are doing this in the full cooperation with other planetary systems, the Light Realms, and the Creator. You have endured long enough now, beloveds, and you and your Earth are freeing yourselves for your way home.

We await you and participate in the divine intervention in which you now find yourselves. This is a time of reconciliation and joyful announcement.

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