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Creator Source: Weekly Message, July, 10, 2003

Through Nancy Tate

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ar, and announced that there was to be no dictatorial overthrow of the governmental body that was in rule at the time.

Well, this angered the inner country, and all hell broke loose. There was a terrible overthrow, and the outer country blessed the inner country for its alliance to the devil and all that it stood for. This angered the inner country even more, for that to them seemed as blasphemy to the energy of the divine that they worshiped. They gave themselves over to the Creator who they knew had brought them forth, and this was the last straw for the outer country. They decided to go underground and come at them from the bottom and the shadows.

When this had gone on for some time, there was a great devastation that came over the land. This devastation was one in which no one won, for there was only one outcome, and that was the destruction of all of the land that the outer and the inner countries lived on. There was devastation so great that all the souls who lifted themselves out of the devastation brought with them the memories of the destruction, pain and death of the bodies they had occupied.

One day, the souls went to a council, and they gathered round the table and declared themselves ready for the next phase of the revelation. They declared that they knew the course that they were to take and that they would come to the glory of the plan with wings outstretched and banners flying. This was to be the grandest part of the plan of all. This was to be the spectacle that would surpass even the one that had come before.

So they took their places in the heavens, and they sang their song of new beginnings. They played with the ones who took pride in the appearance of the elders. They wrote the script for their new lives in the aftermath of the great devastation. Then they came to earth and they ran the show with authority. They came with the name of God and they came bearing gifts of life to the ones who remained on the earth to pick up the sepulcher and run with the giants.

This was the beginning of the promise that was handed down in written verse. This was the story of the new beginning and the planting of the seeds of the play that was to be the finest performance of them all. When the curtain came down on this new act, there was to be an applause that would ring throughout the whole of existence.

Then something happened. Then the promise was forgotten. Then in came another new country within another country. This was the pattern that had been established. This was the picture that was repeated throughout history. This was the promise that was to bring a new beginning within an old one.

How was this turned around? How was the rabbit brought before the wolf and survived? When will the story end and the result be a new one? Are you ready? Have you taken your seats and swallowed your gum? IT IS NOW! Yes, you are living it. This is the final curtain, and the pleasure is all mine. I AM the grand audience of the masters and I AM the bearer of the gift that you give to ME. I AM the wonder of the wonders. And I AM the one who Created you. You are MY children, and I AM the one who loves you. You are seeing MYSELF in you, and it is beautiful this is a grand assemblage that comes before me, and I love the whole of it.

Thank you MY ones and I give praise for your experience. I love your ministration, for you grow in MY expression, and you give ME new experience.

I bless you all, and praise you in the Highest.

I humbly thank you Creator Source,

Nancy Tate

(This channeler's note: I was as surprised as you probably are. I feel humbly blessed. We are all Gods, and we are given the opportunity to express that at any moment; in fact that is what we continually do, in every moment.) From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom.
