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Inner/Outer Earth Connections Maril & Hoetoefil

Channeled by Hannah Beaconsfield

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es-sentient culture. That means that we are intuitively aware of each member of our inner world and operate as a consciousness unit. Therefore, we do not need elected leaders. We, Maril and Hoetoefil, stand in for our unified civilization in situations of interactions with others.

Our inner world is aware of and effected by the surface life culture. However, we are not truly synchronous with your time/space continuum. We are shifted to a parallel living line that is a few density degrees lighter than you. We have awareness and some interactions with you, but we will not be sharing the exact future path that has the highest probable energy for you. However, we are sharing the same mother-world so we regard you as kin.

We are shorter than your race in our physical appearance. Men are about the height of your women and women are, in appearance, like your pubescent girls. There is a lightness about our physical appearance that has caused those among you who can jump dimensional walls in consciousness, to mistake us for various fairy folk. Our eyes are shades of fair eyes. Our hair coloring is a dozen shades of neutral.

Our interest in expanding our contact with surface Terrans is to be of assistance in opening your interactions with extraterrestrials. We are in contact with many ET cultures, both in technological communications and telepathy. In addition, we have ongoing face to face contacts with those who have bases beneath the Earth. These bases are also in the sea and beneath the sea floor. The ETs present on these bases have the capacity to shift dimensional levels, as well as hold more than one level at a time. Therefore, they can interact with you and with us and sometimes with both of us at once.

Since we are "less alien" to you in our vibratory identity patterns, we are in a good position to act as liaisons and assist in the contact drama. The reason why we are coming on stage, at this point, is because of the ETs exploration of the idea of several simultaneous "opening contact" events. Many of the sites that are being considered are also places which are large, energy packed centers in our dimensional reality of Earth.

Though we are shifted slightly "off" alignment with your world, we can still provide grounding energy for the ET's and a comfortable environment for your welcoming parties, at the sites aligned with power centers in our world.

Our species is a derivative of the surface Earth humans. We are one of the successful hybrid combinations that have been engineered, from time out of time, between Earth and Zeta genetics. When you interact with us, those who are familiar with the Essassini culture, will feel that our energy is very similar. We are a manifestation of the hybrid project in a parallel reality. The Essassini are a "future" manifestation. They are a full density step "higher" than you. We are about one half step in tonal/vibrational progression from you.

Our hybrid project included keeping us within the Earth energy matrix with the hope that this "mother" support would enhance our chances for surviving and enduring. This has proven to be valuable and successful in the creation of our genetic species.

Like the Essassini, we are bound in a cultural unit by telepathy and species awareness. However, we retain the use of speech and written language. We are closer in many characteristics to you. Many of you feel the Zeta/Earth hybrid project was entirely for the benefit of the poor "cloned-out" Zetas. This feeds the resentment of many who remember participating in the hybrid projects and feel terrorized and violated. The procedures "translate" this way in your present perceptions and the "project directors" understand this to one degree or another.

Imagine yourself as a medieval farmer whose only experience with the pattern of illness/healing, is with herbal remedies passed down through family tradition. View how such a person would react to a day of tests in one of your ordinary hospitals. Needles stuck in him, blood taken, being pushed and probed by examining doctors, and exposure to huge machines that do "God knows what." Many of the participants in the hybrid projects have been exposed to similar situations. Their terrors are understandable, but by gaining a broader view, the participants can help themselves to release their victim identification.

Another helpful view of the project is to understand that the Zetas are not the only ones benefiting. There are balancing aspects that benefit the Terran contributors to the project. Many of the most painful aspects of Earth life have to do with the exploration of separation. Terrans are as extreme in their individual isolation as Zetas are in their cookie cutter sameness. You are isolated one from another, individual from community, community from national groups, nationalities from world consciousness, and so forth expanding to the God Source. This is not something you are acutely aware of in your daily conscious life, but every aspect of your human culture is encapsulated and prevented from viewing the true relatedness all.

The isolation from the God Source is the most cruel because it means being cut off from home. Earth beings not only lose contact with their true home, but their limit of five senses isolates them from each other. The addition of Zeta genetics to Terran genetics has produced humanoid groups with very close emotional and psychic ties to one another and a unified sense of community. As a result the Earth/Zeta hybrids are basically very happy, harmonious people. This is no small gift to the Terran aspect of the project. Part of the energy drive for the Terran civilization has been a "built in" discontent that forces beings to keep going, keep producing, keep consuming, and experience very little contentment and happiness.

The families of hybrids which have evolved from the blending of Earth and Zeta genetics are very successful civilizations. The Zeta genetic line has gained diversity from Earth elements and the Earth line of development has gained cohesiveness and unity from the Zetas. All are dimensionally progressed from the present 3-D Earth.

There is a sensing among those of you who can intuit expanded realities, that the "terrorizing abduction" have been suspended or "called off." This is only one probable line and not the line from which we dictate this material. On our line of reality the projects continue. Those to whom we address this, have shifted to a new probable line of progress. On this probable line, there is an understanding in the deep psyche of the creativity and intrinsic benevolence of the project. When you shift, all your perceptions shift. Much of the terror has been lifted and it has been replaced by an inner knowing of the benign nature of the plan.

We feel you have been expanding with great speed in the levels of reality you are able to accommodate. Because of this, we are going to push your perceptions a little further. Our Inner Earth species is not the only one. However, the other species are occupying different alternate reality bands. We feel as though our civilization is the only Inner Earth one, just as you perceive yourselves to be the human Earth species. However, we both have many parallel versions of ourselves. We have more facility in accessing these alternate selves than you do, at the present time. We also have much greater facility in awareness and ability to contact you, than you have to contact us. By interacting with you, we hope to communicate that there is a rich world of multi-dimensional realities surrounding you. As we open contact with more and more of you, the sense of isolation you carry, like a "given," whose pain is not even recognized, will begin to recede. This emptiness will fill with an awarenes.

Our intention in presenting these thoughts and information about our/your Earth is to help you to open to extraterrestrials who are moving to open contact between our and their worlds. We are Terrans, too. We are your cousins. The intergalactic travelers are also cousins. You come from a BIG family!

**Hannah is the author of WELCOME TO PLANET EARTH, available from Light Technology, 1-800-450-0985 and RIDING THE PHOENIX: Surviving the Global Resurrection, from Xlibris, 1-888-795-4274. Both can be ordered from WELCOME TO PLANET EARTH A Guide for Walk- ins, Starseeds, and Lightworkers e-mail: Hannah Beaconsfield has been channeling for many years, beginning with automatic writing, which she still uses most of the time. In 1989 she began voice channeling with the help of Lyssa Royal and her channeling course. Hannah is a metaphysician, Choreographer, and Artist.
